Sitemap - 2024 - Memento Mori Alchemy

Volatile, Heartwarming, Unhinged

What If I Told You...

I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold

Switch OFF: A Note by Mark Emery that Might Change Everything


Poets of Substack: Holiday Edition

The Connection Between Chronic Health Conditions and Artificial Lighting

Solve Et Coagula: Winter Solstice Podcast Part Two

Solve Et Coagula: Winter Solstice Podcast

A Quick Poll For You


The Fallen

The Problem with Modern Dating

On Harmonizing with Life

Grenades Without Pins

Innocence & The Diet of The Mind

The Fatal Flaw of "Autoimmune" Disease

Become Ungovernable

"MD Does Not Stand For Medical Deity" - Medicine As Industry, Murder, AI and a Closer Look:

Who Are You?

Supernatural Raquel: Florida Artist and Alchemist Releases Her Self Love Spoken Word Album

Have You Ever Wondered Why?

15 Years of Sobriety Today - And A Story I Haven't Told Yet:

A Sacred Reaping

Freedom: From Addiction to Recovery, From Indoctrination to Sovereignty - With Radha Geet

Algorithm Ghetto: Official Music Video is OUT NOW

Let Us Reason + Sovereign Soul Roll Call:

On The Outside Looking In

Through the Inner Tyrant with Tesstamona

The Departed

When God Kicks In The Door

"Stop Paying Taxes" - A Substack Exclusive Podcast Episode

Maintaining Community and Housing

Dazed and Dismayed

Pawnshops and Pay Phones

A Milestone Amidst The Storms 🌟

Stoic Advice and Musical Accompaniments


Rebel Rising: Music For The People

Where God, Bob Marley and Hurricanes Collide

Hurricane Milton incoming, severe tornado outbreaks on ground - info and resources:

Hurricane Milton - Resources for Evac and those who are staying put

Wormhole Apocalypse: Message In A Bottle

Please evacuate if you live in this area

The Liberating Destruction of Delusion

Algorithm Ghetto: The Song

UPDATE: Hurricane Recovery Resources and Intel

If I Screamed, I Would Split The Earth In Half

Hurricane Helene - Intel and Options

Joey Badalucco

Prayers & Spiritual Formulas for Our Times

The Dark Side of Storms & What They Teach Us

why are so many people dying

Algorithm Ghetto: Spoken Word Edition

Eclipse Yourself: Tools for Your Apocalypse

What Recovery Truly Means

Dystopian Memes, Sound Alchemy, Spoken Word Poetry (Part One)

Today is "National Suicide Awareness Day" - Let's have a solution-based & honest discussion...

The Upcoming Eclipses

Dead Canaries

Substack Roundup 💎

Exercising Your Right To BE

Bitters as Medicine, but How Much?

Robot Goblins and Sketchball Psyches

Valuable Intel, Discourse and Art from the Substack Community

The New MK Ultra

Don't Be Late To The Revolution

The Root Word in Authority: AUTHOR

I saw God in their eyes, and their mouths sang Revolution

The Child Appeared (Part Two)

The Child Appeared (Part One)

Wisdom Poetry: Sunia Stanzas by Guru Nanak

Love, Wisdom, Truth

if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out

a battle of perceived messiahs

Roundup Reprieve 💎 From False Reality

🌟 Spiritual Anarchist: POET

Untitled Poem (Knife Party Kaleidoscope?)

On Attachment and Programming: Anthony De Mello


Sylvia Plath, Spiritual Warfare, and the Divine Mission of the Poet:


Poetry is the Lifeblood of Revolution

The Rising of Venus

🎧 Algorithm Ghetto (Unreleased Song)

Esoteric Meditations on Love

A Soldiers Song

Splitting of Worlds - Caught on Film:

Influences of Lucifer and Ahriman: Rudolf Steiner


community event space needs your help

when a US Army PSYOP recruitment ad hits too close to home to be "coincidence"

death is the alienator

In Memory of Naomi

It Is No Wonder At All (audio version)

it is no wonder at all...

what you reject today, you may miss tomorrow

i saw something in the sky tonight

gems of madness and glory

bulletproof glass and no lobby

Grieve, My Love

As Summer Solstice Approaches, You May Want to Know This:

The Florida Flowers of Midnight


🎧 The Underworld Episode: Collective Dark Night of the Soul

To Know Death is to Truly Live

"Merge With The Northern Star"

Stop Hurting, Love You


When They Tell You To Hate Your Neighbor, They're Asking You For Your Slave Labor

Saying Yes to Life

Have You Ever Wished?

No More of This.

Upcoming Event: Kundalini Yoga Summer Immersion (Yes, you can attend from anywhere)

Finding Joy When SHTF: Full Moon Meditation - Kundalini Yoga Practice

When he told me, "Were all just walking each other home"...

No More Holding Back

A Yogi's Case for Compassion

Full Circle

Lessons from The Reaper

Dr. Gabor Mate: How To Reset Your Body From Chronic Stress

Fierce Protector, Sacred Obligation

Rebel Scum

This is YOUR Art!

Grenades and Grace

Don't Look Away From Reality

What are the lies you repeat to yourself like Mantras?

Rage into the Insomnia

These Are The Promises

April 8th Eclipse: Updates & Remedies

Reason to Live: Transformation of a Junkie

Open Vault, No Gatekeepers, One Day Only: INDEPENDENT MUSIC FRIDAY

If you want to destroy something, bring it to its extreme:

Knock-Out Substack Reads 💎

Programmed House-Cattle

P. DIDDY: Jeffrey Epstein of the Rap Industry

Cigarettes and Mantras

Courage in the Face of Persecution

Using Astronomy to Clarify the April 8th Eclipse

She Remained Silent...

Cult of Silence

You may find these valuable 💎

D.H. Lawrence, Ripples and Flames

You Can Rise a Thousand Times Again

An Erased Civilization

Release and Listen

Taoism, death, and the selling-out of humanity

A Saturday in South Florida...

Venus Becomes Invisible

Ajai Alai: A Mantra and Ode to The Divine

What You're Writing: A Collection of Valuable Substack Articles

Political Conflict in the Age of Psychic Warfare

"Is Anyone Out There Alive?" - An Unreleased Podcast Episode

The Indescribables

Continued Legacy: Memorial Scholarship for Youth Development Programs

Memento Mori: The Legacy of Corey Meskil, Diamond in the Rough (Part One)

Investigation of the Yogi: Making Contact With The Part of You That Doesn't Die

My Almost-Fight in a Liquor Store for Not Wearing a Mask

"The Goal" - Beware the Snare of the Machine (Part Two)

"The Goal" - Beware the Snare of the Machine (Part One)


whatever this is, you title it 😎

Priority Intel: Substack Roundup

Magha Nakshatra: A Kundalini Yoga Practice for Fridays Full Moon

Mantra for Breakthroughs

an esoteric memo: once in a lifetime

Pharma Cartel Strongholds: A word from Jack Spirko, and a little from myself as well

a few thoughts on today...


What I'm Reading, Watching and Listening to...

LIVE this Saturday - A Cabaret of Creative Dissidents

🎧 A Candid Conversation on Freedom

Exiting the Media Matrix - LIVE tomorrow night with Porterhouse and Teal

Cultural Futurist Salon II - Cabaret of Secrets

Free Kundalini Yoga Webcast on the First Full Moon of the Year

💎 Substack Roundup 1.21.24 💎

Collective Energy Check: WTF is Going On Here?

Tattooed Souls and Esoteric Art - Part Two

Tattooed Souls and Esoteric Art

KINDRED SOULS - Beinsa Douno

Revolution without HEALING is a Recipe for Disaster

Substack gems and bonus resources 🌟

The Ones Who Found God in Hell

One person every five minutes: Fentanyl

Pirates of the Sacred Void

The Yoga of Detaching with Trust

Valuable reads & listens on Substack

Kundalini Yoga Practice for Renewal and Prosperity

the sacred power of your words

The Four Great Aims of Life: MOKSHA

Prayer for Truth and Creation

The Whale In Reverse