Upcoming Event: Kundalini Yoga Summer Immersion (Yes, you can attend from anywhere)
Awakening Shakti within
When I first really got going on Substack, it was around the Kundalini Yoga Immersion in October 2023. I was forever changed after that experience, and another one is coming up June 8th. It will be five days, from June 8th to June 12th, and you do not have to be in the mountains of Northern California (where the in-person retreat is held) to participate.
I’m in Florida 🐊 and I’ll be doing it remotely. This whole thing, from sound production to video to everything, is designed for practitioners who are doing this remotely, as there are people who attend from all over the world.
For anyone who would truly like to do this (and will do it), if you do not have the money to cover it at this current time, I will pay for your immersion cost so you can participate in this 5 day event. You will also forever have these immersion courses (a total of 8 of them) on demand, and can re-visit them at any time.
No questions asked at all, I know what it’s like to not be able to pay for much of anything, and I also know what it’s like to have that ability. Because I have that ability today, I want to pass it on, because I’ve had someone do that for me before.
This is what we are supposed to do, look after one another and support each other. So please do not feel weird about asking if you have genuine interest but currently funds are tight. I get it!
For those who do have the financial means to cover it, and yes the Life Force Academy does offer a payment plan as well, here’s the info and place to get the ticket.
If you cannot afford a ticket, you can privately DM me or comment, whatever is most comfortable. First come first serve. But I’d suggest checking this out either way so you know what you’re getting into.
This immersion is focused on Shakti, the inherent and original Force of Creation in this Universe, and within us. How to Choose Joy, REGARDLESS of outside circumstances.
Shakti is power.
It is a great energy that dwells within each of us, yet it is not forceful or aggressive.
It can’t be awakened or coerced by clever tricks or games of the ego.
Shakti is the intelligence of life, the supreme creativity.
-Jai Dev Singh
I believe the title of the immersion is Kundalini Shakti: The Return to Joy.
These immersions are incredibly deep dives, so if you have never done Kundalini Yoga before, and are someone who has experienced a lot of trauma and hasn’t done any work around said trauma, just know that whatever is in your psyche will get stirred up with this practice.
This is to free you from it, but if you do not feel ready to potentially have that experience, please use your own intuition regarding whether this is right for you.
🌟 You can explore the immersion and register for it HERE. 🌟
For those of you who were not subscribed to my ‘Stack during the last immersion, I did write about some of the experiences. Last immersion was focused on the eclipse, so a lot of the practices (well all of them) werre centered around a specific planetary energy and its inherent teachings. I did my best to transmit as much as I could. You can check those out for yourself below.
Much love yo.
Posts from the last immersion:
There was one final session. The Sun Session. By that point… honestly I still don’t have words for the experience. So I could not write anything about it. Some things are only watered down and done a disservice when put into words. So, I’ll keep it in my heart. If you choose to have this experience, you will be the keeper of what to do with yours. Love you.
I would Very much love to be apart of this. I would have messaged you but I am honestly not sure how to even do that 😹 it was magical how your post even got to me so this feels super amazing!