Here grows my psyche
Engraved with Memento Mori
The ones I’ve love most turned to ghosts, exterminated by the cult of silence and the anti-human agenda —
Is anyone else seeing this?
One person every five minutes.
An abyss within the abyss I have navigated long,
to retrieve my own soul,
and attempt to resurrect the
swept under the rug
stolen ones.
Suicide. Murder. Overdose. The trinity of coal mine canaries, lost in the machines undertow.
We were the children who begged to be numb because we felt everything.
We were the children who begged to be loved because we didn’t feel anything.
The first lesson from The Reaper came when my best friend was found dead, leaving a cascade of questions and one suspect, I fell apart after the shock but then I felt something different -
It was her, her spirit stayed with me for 10 days, and this is when I learned:
This life is just a hallway
Between the door of the womb and the door of death,
Life is the hallway we call the hero’s journey
What lies beyond the door of death I don’t know, only because I don’t remember,
something tells me we’ve all done this before..
While I stand in this hallway and you on the other side, between the door of death and the door of the womb,
I can still sometimes hear you,
just in the other room.
The second lesson came when he who was my fiancé was found the same way — after the shock, on my knees, I opened the floodgates and said,
whatever grief comes my way, I will feel it all and suppress nothing —
The next three months, my mind left the physical plane
Suspended in the void I wracked my brain
On how to bring you back, trade my own life to go back in time and warn our sixteen year old selves before we sealed fate,
to never touch that powder, get out of that town,
or the fools gold you chase,
will take
the only thing
that matters in life..
This was the Reapers second teaching:
The only thing that matters in life is love
Everything else is noise
and how silent all things we concern ourselves with become,
the static dies and we are left with signal —
We are all living legacies in progress until that moment,
so act and choose wisely.
All that matters is love and how you made people feel,
that’s what they remember.
Not what you looked like, not what you drove, not what you did, not your worldly achievements — it’s how you made them feel, how your heart spoke to theirs.
This matters more than we think, because when we leave our bodies,
it is this same line of communication between the eye of your heart and the eye of mine,
that remains intact.
That is how you communicate across hallways once all appears to be said and done.
This is why I say the only thing that matters is love,
and this is why death has taught me more about a life well lived,
than anything else.
Nothing is more important than the moments you can’t get back.
Put down the phone and look into their eyes.
Everything around you in the false reality is designed
to pull you away from the only thing that matters,
because without it you are never fully alive..
and if you are never fully alive,
you will never fully realize
the game that is being run.
So stop and let yourself connect
Whether stranger or the one that you love
Without that there is no freedom
Without that there is no human
But WITH that, we have EVERYTHING.
And in our fight for the salvation of humanity,
Our greatest weapon.
This is how you communicate across hallways when all is said and done. ❤️ How did we make them feel? Truth! Thank you so much for writing this. I know you had to go to a deep place for our benefit. Taking in the moments with loved ones but also bringing light to a stranger, these actions are a record put into our shared reality; what a gift to create in 3D! Choose wisely as long as you have that gift. The gift of life!
Love Never Dies 💙🙏💫