Let Us Reason + Sovereign Soul Roll Call:
Stoic meditations, thoughts, and an important announcement
Let us begin with some meditations:
Concentrate on what you have to do. Fix your eyes on it. Remind yourself that your task is to be a good human being; remind yourself what nature demands of people. Then do it, without hesitation, and speak the truth as you see it. But with kindness. With humility. Without hypocrisy.
Whatever anyone does or says, for my part I’m bound to the good…In the same way an emerald or gold or purple might always proclaim: ‘whatever anyone does or says, I must be what I am and show my true colors.’
Marcus Aurelius
In times of accelerated spin, I am reminded of the warnings to keep one’s caliber up — spiritual, physical, mental, emotional. Many prophesied about the times we live in. I remember two things that Remington Donovan shared with a group of us:
“There will be three types of people: Crazy people, dead people, and angelic people” and “The unfit shall be thrown into the discard.”
I find the ominous warnings of old to be additional reason to adhere to the advice of the Stoics.
Be truthful, be integral; a person whose words match their actions, and go forth with purpose.
Reclaim and maintain the most prized possession: Our attention, focus, Life Force.
How easy it can be to catch glimpse of our Great Work, our Purpose, and wonder why we haven’t reached it, feeling as though we are constantly bogged down by the chaos of the world?
At some point, the buck has to stop. The buck can only stop with me, and for your life, it can only stop with you. From there, all things can begin anew.
A Brief Yet Pertinent Request, and Fellow Sovereign Soul Roll Call:
Friends, I’ll level with you - it is hard for me to ask for help. I also get strangely uncomfortable when it comes time to share the things that were created - but, I need your help! I am only one person in an ocean of knife-fight noise.
The official music video for Algorithm Ghetto comes out this Friday 11/15 at 12 PM EST. If you value the message in the song, anti-propaganda and pro-remembering of our humanity and unity, I will need your help in spreading this around - grassroots style.
This song isn’t about me, it isn’t about any one person, it’s about us.
The purpose of this video is to interrupt the noise and de-escalate our situation - especially the one here in the states, but if you live anywhere where people are ready to kill each other, this will apply.
Any place where subversion has descended to the “crisis” stage, this will apply.
The video and song are released to shine light on the divide and conquer tactics that resemble nothing short of possession at the moment, and to provide a solution.
That is why we hustled so hard to get this song and video out. I wasn’t planning on releasing it until 2025. It is literally for this - although I didn’t imagine it would be as bad as it already is.
This is my best effort at throwing an aka-seltzer tab into the collective consciousness as an ANTI-civil war elixer. If you feel called in your spirit to do so, I ask for your assistance in sharing it.
If you click on that video and click “Notify Me”, YouTube will send you an email when the video premiers on Friday. God willing, it will fly free, and not be censored for any bullshit reasons.
Not only will you get to see it, but it tells the algorithm “hey, don’t mess with this video please?” (meaning don’t remove it - I did call out the WEF with their own footage haha)
It’s also how we “vote” for what we want on the platform. We do this every time we engage with anything (whether we “like” said thing or not).
Sharing is everything. You don’t have to have a giant following. Any little ripple helps, if even ONE person is helped, that is a win.
Thank you
for texting me today to tell me to put out a post and actually tell people that the music video is coming out in less than three days.Believe it or not, you can get a weird internal paralysis when it comes time to put something out there that you worked on for a VERY long time and care a lot about.
Every self-limiting belief you have will be amplified 1000x - it is our job in those situations to walk forward regardless — and if we’re lucky enough to have a friend to remind us to stay on our shit, we are blessed.
Okay, let us finish the post with a few more resources and thoughts:
Where are we now?
The onslaught of propaganda has brought us to the third stage in the subversion process - Crisis.
This is where a “violent transition of power” is said to take place. We have already been through the first two stages, destabilization and demoralization.
Please see the lecture Yuri Bezmenov gave on how to subvert a nation on YouTube, it is only an hour long lecture and WELL worth your time.
Four stages of subversion:
Normalization (until the cycle repeats again)
There is also a solution Yuri himself gave.
He says if you want to stop the subversion, stop allowing access to the subversive influences. He says you cannot subvert a target that is unreceptive— in other words, the target has to ALLOW it.
Until we can unplug from the machine, let us use their same tactics. Instead of the onslaught of insanity, let us unleash an onslaught of love, truth, wisdom.
We all still have choice. We are not helpless, we are not hopeless. We get to decide how we navigate.
Prayers, Spiritual Formulas, and Esoteric Texts:
These prayers and spiritual formulas were compiled by the Master Beinsa Douno, Bulgarian Christian Mystic and great Teacher. I have included some of them in this post:
For those who want to go further down the rabbit hole, see the transcription of Beinsa’s teaching on The Kindred Soul, taken from a larger set of texts, known as Harmonizing of the Human Soul:
Kundalini Yoga Meditation for the Full Moon:
For those of you interested in Kundalini Yoga and its tremendous effects in balancing the nervous system and clearing the mind from interference, there is a FREE Kundalini Yoga webcast (meaning you can do the yogic meditation from your home) this week.
Technically for those in the Northern Hemisphere the Full Moon is Friday, but this webcast is Thursday night, 11/14. You can sign up to do it for free here.
If you can’t do it live, they’ll send you the replay and you can do it on your own time.
It’s going to be an intense one, see
for the intel report.The test is on us now. All eyes on HUMANITY. Fuck the politicians. The test is on the population.
We are in the middle of an experiment. Not just by the globalists, but by the Universe itself - how will we CHOOSE to act?
The choice is always yours.
Love you all.
Algorithm Ghetto is just amazing. We did a documentary on the Severed Conscience that arises from the algorithm, you expressed it far better than we did.
“He says if you want to stop the subversion, stop allowing access to the subversive influences. He says you cannot subvert a target that is unreceptive— in other words, the target has to ALLOW it.”
And so many do—allow it. I’ve been going through this exact drama on a very local basis lately, where a recently fired (for much cause) employee is attempting to blow up a successful non-profit that they swear they love. My colleagues are aghast and can’t look away. 🫣
I’ve blocked and moved on and am quite serene. You can’t touch me 😎