Algorithm Ghetto is just amazing. We did a documentary on the Severed Conscience that arises from the algorithm, you expressed it far better than we did.

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“He says if you want to stop the subversion, stop allowing access to the subversive influences. He says you cannot subvert a target that is unreceptive— in other words, the target has to ALLOW it.”

And so many do—allow it. I’ve been going through this exact drama on a very local basis lately, where a recently fired (for much cause) employee is attempting to blow up a successful non-profit that they swear they love. My colleagues are aghast and can’t look away. 🫣

I’ve blocked and moved on and am quite serene. You can’t touch me 😎

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"Until we can unplug from the machine, let us use their same tactics. Instead of the onslaught of insanity, let us unleash an onslaught of love, truth, wisdom."

Right on dude. I saw it in my feed, made it notify me and was like I bet she's nervous about promoting it and more people need to know dude. Love you. I'm going to try to do the yoga. I end up praying through meditation and stuff like that and such so I was thinking about starting that as a way to connect to being more present in my day and stuff and that was a great reminder. ❤️🙏

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I will definitely spread Your Word‼️


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Algorithm Ghetto is incredible, the message within the song is strong and easily interpreted, we will help it along and continue spreading the message.

Great work again Tesstamona.

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I will definitely spread the word

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