Today I decided:
Unless one brings it to my door, I will not show agitators, stalkers, or the like - any concern.
Today I decided:
It doesn’t need to be “safe” to come out. It doesn’t need to be “safe” to be seen - it doesn’t need to be “safe” to SPEAK. The irony of being a writer yet allowing the machine and its embodiments to write my narrative for me.
It doesn’t need to be “safe” - safety is an illusion, a dream sold to us by the greatest pimp of our time - a wolf ticket, nothing more.
Does the Tiger or the Lion get thrown off course because it might not be appreciated in its most authentic form?
No- it has shit to do, and it doesn’t lose sight of that. Its life depends on it.
It is no different for us.
The refuge we seek is within ourselves. The Well within is the anchor to The All - God - Love - you know what I mean, use whatever vibration makes your hair stand on end - that’s how you know you’re connected with what you need to be.
Today I decided:
It’s time.
Barriers are down. If one wants to fuck around they can certainly find out. Perhaps FAFO should be added to the list of Natural Laws; or perhaps that is already a given under the Law of Cause and Effect.
AUTHORITY - Root Word Author:
Latin roots of Author
Auctor - Creator or Originator
Augere - To increase, to grow (musician frens, augmented chords anyone?)
Everyone is an artist, I do not care what the programming of the mind says. We are programmed to think mechanically to be good little conveyor belt tax slaves, addicted to appeasing societal pressures in a synthetic world which stomps the soul out of people.
This is why I love the ones who step on the stage, trembling, terrified, hoping the fear itself causes a heart attack and they wind up in the hospital so they have an excuse to not perform (personal confession there).
Every time I see this, I tell them, “It doesn’t even matter. You’ve already won.”
Whatever happens next, you’ll learn.
I took a break from publishing anything this last month and focused on family, business, music and the album, along with other things that don’t require public disclosure. If you are on my email list, you know - but I’ve gotten things sorted to where I will no longer allow that to prevent me from publishing.
I have found a few things I’ll share with you, in hopes it can be of use to you, or at least brighten your day:
When you find yourself in a situation that tests you to your core, and you cannot fathom any alternative action other than one resulting in endgame scenarios… PHONE A FRIEND! In my case I am blessed to have both friends and family to phone. They told me… go into your studio session and channel that shit.
We all have spiritual and practical measures of protection. Identify and use them!
Identify your bright spots in life until all is illuminated. For me, that is God, Music, and Family. When I turn my attention toward that, no matter what is going on... things sort themselves out. Even the most seemingly impossible situations.
PAUSE. Slow it down. If you’re stubborn as hell and afraid of vulnerability, we must remind ourselves we have to actually reach out and ask for help when we need it - people cannot read our minds. Help is here - we just gotta ask for it. No one does this deal alone.
The principles of Saturn / Shani never fail. Patience. Discipline. Mind your responsibilities, your health, your foundation of life. Temperance. When something falls apart, when you are shown a bitter truth, that bitterness is still medicine - ever taken bitters and soda water with an upset stomach? Not everything here to help is gonna be sweet. Sometimes the best things in life come at the price of a VERY bitter truth/disclosure.
Apocalypse means Revelation. Likely because it often feels like one. These are the ones that have the greatest capacity to set us free.
Do what you can. There’s always something. Get your foundation in order, the rest sorts itself out. It’s often more simple than we think. We are NEVER without solutions, ever.
Know your limits - we are not machines. Our bodies, minds and spirits do need nourishment, rest and balance. Without our health, we have nothing. If we say yes to everything and burn out, we’ll then be forced to say no to everything until we can regain our strength. Marathon long game > death race.
Try writing a brief “data log” each day - the on-goings of the day, how you responded, how you felt, anything out of the ordinary, etc - they say you can’t improve something you don’t track, and I’ve found this to be really effective. It doesn’t need to be a play by play, you can bullet point it. I’ve found it to increase awareness and give my mind that extra few seconds it needs so we can go from reacting to responding. Hence: “The definition of learning is: same stimulus, different response.” It also helps you break out of unconscious vices/bad habits.

We are not helpless on a script someone else wrote. At any time we can pick up the pen and write something else. People often get discouraged if they do not see immediate results, but none of us got to wherever we are overnight. And we don’t always need to know the end result - sometimes we just need to focus on the next move.
Maybe for you, that is calling someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. Maybe it’s asking for help. Maybe it’s going to bed earlier. Maybe it’s eating that pizza and remembering to stay hydrated.
I remember years ago, talking to somewhat of a spiritual advisor at the time… I said to him, “Well, it’s not like it’s as easy as snapping my F***ing fingers and not feeling like this anymore!”
He paused for half a second and said, “Actually, it’s exactly that easy.”
It would take me years before I understood what he meant. He wasn’t wrong. I was just really addicted to my narrative. I chose the chaos and pain it caused for the simple fact that it was familiar - nothing more.
May we be more medicinal than venomous. We are capable of both. And there are legitimate cases where one must be venomous…so I guess what I should say is, may we have the discernment to know when to attack, and when to release.
I look forward to hearing what you all have been up to on Substack land.
I love every fucking thing about this.
Thank you.
It is that easy. I love that! Thank you 🙏