I love every fucking thing about this.

Thank you.

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Omg this made me smile huge. Thank you, I am grateful 🫡 🙏

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It is that easy. I love that! Thank you 🙏

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well done

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Thank you 🙏

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I totally resonate! Beautiful writing and welcome back. Venom and medicine. Blood and ink. 🙏❤️

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Oooo blood and ink I love that! And thank you thank you!!!! 🙏

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Beautifully written. Thank you❤️

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Thank you for taking the time to read it I appreciate you 🙏❤️🙏

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Hi beauty!! Oh I have missed your passionate voice. It's so good to read you here again....sending you mass love, sister. ❤️

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Missed you too beauty! Was thinking of you yesterday. Let’s catch up soon ❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you!

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Awesome writing and welcome back!

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thank you fren!!!!

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You are welcome

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Haven't seen you in awhile.

I love this.

What you say here.

"May we be more medicinal than venomous. We are capable of both. And there are legitimate cases where one must be venomous…so I guess what I should say is, may we have the discernment to know when to attack, and when to release"

The FAFO line was funny. On the civilized line I'd say there's always a level of well is this going to get me a glove slap and called out at dawn by the individual I directed it towards or am I going to deescalate rather than escalate. The various levels of disrespect will be answered. I like the way lil John said it ," don't start no shit there won't be no shit" maybe but if a bunch of bullies and bystanders start shit and it's gone on way too long then it's malice, done to do harm, done to cause crisis when it didn't need to exist. It's how slaves are brainwashed into submission.

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Agreed friend. There are many ways to navigate but I couldnt actually disclose what I was talking about cuz it’s the internet but you get it. And thank you - I took some time off due to an unhinged cyber stalker but idgaf anymore. Much love to you - BTW I’ll be in your neck of woods soon I’ll text you

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Ok. I get cyber stalked by people all the time. I love bumping into lurkers who try to bait you but whatever. My ex had my emails,passwords and stuff, my identity has been stolen. If it's someone I catch I just block em or tell them to leave me alone or stay away from where they congregate. I'm nobody so I can only imagine the people you deal with.

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this was a more intense situation than baiting otherwise i wouldn’t have let it phase me - but at this point i’ve adopted a new philosophy haha. and BTW you are NOT nobody. youre motherfuckin jessica with a story to tell. look forward to seeing you at an open mic one of these days when schedules align

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Oh, sorry to hear that. Look forward to seeing you too when I'm able to get out there.

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Aug 25
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thank you ❤️ and thank you for reaching out earlier 🙏

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