“Human beings are dwellers in two worlds. Our uniqueness amongst the creatures of the earth lies in this role that we have as half beast and half angel. A dynamic tension exists because of the contrary demands which living in each of these realms places on us. We experience this on a daily basis, an internal tug-of-war, pulling first in one direction, then to the opposite pole. Whenever we are called upon to make a choice, a decision, the earthly and the heavenly draw us one way or the other and often both at once!”
-The Influence of Lucifer and Ahirman
What I have read in this 20 minute recording is only the introduction of Rudolf Steiner’s book, which is written by Thomas Poplawski. There’s a lot to unpack, but also just enough for right now.
Most can see what is being said.
I decided to share it in audio form because I do not have the time to type all that out including my own comments, of which I share very few.
I felt called to read just this part, so I listened to that nudge. It may strike a chord in some of you or in many of you. That is all I have for now.
I’m gonna get back to my evening. I love you and I hope you are all having a wonderful night!! XO
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