I’m so glad you were inspired to read this. I’m a life long student of Rudolf Steiner and still learning and learning. Love Biensa Dino’s work as well.

We can indeed recognize in the characters of our day the personifications of evil portrayed in great literature and spiritual teachings. I gaffawed when you read- “the Faustian bargain’ It really sounded like Faucian!!! Unmistakable correlation!

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I’m so glad yo make your acquaintance here- I’m more familiar with Beinsas work at this point than Steiners but study both — thank you for your comment and for the connection!!!! 🙏🙏🙏 I’ll share more on this ❤️

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After a bit more thought more about the ‘Faustian Bargain’, which involved signing a contract with the devil in blood. The Faucian bargain was also a surrender of your autonomy and your blood.

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There are no accidents, they say.

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Yes! Great topic. The extremes are ever present and the middle path no one wants to walk because their side, their guy, their master, their guru knows the way...when you forget that teachers are guides who are supposed to bring you back to you, to your own inner knowing, then the game is already lost.....I've began to understand more and more what Steiner meant with each passing year since 2020, something clicked. I loved hearing this passage from the book, share more! :)It is strange on the statistics...I wonder if "Gates" is doing it on purpose to mimic this as part of the theatre or is it just synchronistic...we'll never know?

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YES ! that is exactly who I was referencing in the audio when I paused because as soon as I saw that line, that is what I thought of. I don’t know if these people are completely possessed or if they know what they are doing, but either way they are doing it all the same. it’s Wild.

And I completely agree with you, I see the same mania in the so-called spiritual community as well, where it’s honestly no different than the things people complain about with organized religion. I think one of humanity’s greatest handicaps as of now and historically has been depending on somebody else to do their thinking for them, but I feel that we are at a crossroads now where more people are seeking that whisper within. 🙏

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Thank you 🙏 for sharing this @Tesstamona — I am reading The Incarnation of Ahriman (7 lectures) — part of my current Steiner study program — his insights were so prescient of these times — many insights re staying focused and not distracted by the excesses of luciferic and ahrimanic influences l.

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I am so glad to hear that - it was somebody on Substack and I can’t remember who it was, (that would be hilarious if it was you, and if it was you, thank you,) but a few months ago somebody told me about him and then some people in the esoteric astrology community were presenting deep dives into his work - then I wound up ordering a bunch of his books and also discovered Beinsa Duono. I have the incarnationof Ahriman, that one is next up after I’m finished with the one I’m reading now. A lot of things that I had suspicions around are now given much more clearer context, and for that I am so grateful.

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I think we have chatted before about Steiner ☺️ …I’ve been studying Steiner consistently for 3 years, and prior to that I focused on Stoicism. I can see there’s a resonance between the main sources of contemplation that have been central to my practice for c. 25 years. However, I started this journey about 45 years ago with some Gestalt therapy … interesting that my take away from that first encounter was the importance of understanding the other to find balance. It took many years for this to become more grounded within me. When I think about it, to find balance absolutely requires a third point for grounding and steadiness - just two points leads to perpetual oscillation … and instability and vulnerability. There’s so much in this - hard to do it justice in just a few words.

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An inspiring conversation - thank you both ☺️ 🙏💕

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Consider the ether contains our sense. Sight is sometimes altered by GODS ethereal creation. Sophisticated god wannabes have nanotechnology technology to wirelessly connect with your brain 🧠 senses existing wirelessly outside your body but snuggling itself. Wanna has vaccines 💉 for injecting nanotechnology wireless 🛜 platforms and can send messages via phone laptop computer, to the victims. Ramifications in the wrong hands?

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I have been familiar w Steiner… I bring him up all the time. Thanks for posting this… not sure if this relates to the topic … but I’d like to see what interested people think of these videos that capture shape shifting… https://youtu.be/0p9upFyw8mQ?si=RRpKufs5SXqfz_YY

Just a video anomaly or real indication of the living dead?

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Omg thank you! This connected so many dots 🤯

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