Cult of SilenceÂ
The messiah is a charlatan of many faces
Their true name?
The trinity is the narcissist, the psychopath and the borderlineÂ
The dogma lies in surrendering your mind-- first to the hive, then AI
The 10 commandments of the Cult of Silence:
1. Thou shalt people-please and prostitute your soul
2. Thou shalt lie, always
3. Thou shalt exploit others, always
4. Thou shalt not speak your mind
5. Thou shalt not show true emotion
6. Thou shalt not stand against the mob
7. Thou shalt not stand against the machine
8. Thou shalt not stand against the experts
9. Thou shalt defend with your own life the system, the authority, the artificial agenda— in all ways, even if you must sacrifice the lives of your children, parents, and neighbors
10. Thou shalt never allow love into any of your ways, or the ways of others
Their salvation is camouflage, social acceptance - or the illusion of it. No one is accepted among a population who has rejected themselves. The sacrificial lamb is the black sheep — the empath. The one who still feels. The one who sees. Everyone loves a seer Until you see them...
Their virtue is void of emotion Their vice is addiction There’s a price to pay when you relinquish your humanity They numb it relentlessly and demand you do the same Stay busy Feelings can’t hit a moving target Triangulate and destroy your loved ones so you have something to talk about Drive them insane so you can distract from the flames of your own dumpster fire Whisper behind their back and defame, Then pull them in and groom them for more so you don’t lose your camouflage. Know it’s wrong but don’t say a thing You wouldn’t want to upset them But your fine watching them die slow Then taking the reigns at their funeral So you can make sure in the end Lies were all she wrote Are you familiar with this cult or, are you one of the silent ones too?
We must always remain defiant against those who seek to destroy us.
we must send out through our Heart Portals so much Love and True Light that the Hearts and minds of the disconnected ones opens even a tiny bit ...its the true Spirit that will break the spell over this world and so many...then they ....the dark ones, will lose ,,,their net will fissure and fail ...we are on the brink ..Hold strong dear ones