A few common sense bullet points to get things moving today:
No one is coming to save us, EXCEPT US.
No one has the power to destroy us, EXCEPT US.
The difference lies in the degree of our awareness: The ability to see things as they truly are, not as what we are told or conditioned to believe.
Already, too much chaos. does anything mean anything anymore?
it makes no sense. and yet, the things— they are changing so fast.
We can understand it’s a show and continue the “exit and build” momentum, but for those of us who live in population dense areas, which is the majority of the planet, it is stupid and fatal to not acknowledge how quickly things can go from theatrics to violence.
I’m not pontificating with that statement - this is what I have seen, and more than once. Shit cracks off and by the time the sun rises again you are no longer living in the same world and the old world never comes back.
Such is life, but it’s ideal to not have it be a violent shit show whose ultimate purpose is the ushering in of accelerated dystopia.
I get into quite a bit in this post, the ultimate conclusion (so far) being: We should probably do more than just “ignore the circus” because it’s not gonna be restricted to the internet much longer - i.e. be prepared for escalations, even if it’s the last thing any of us want.
Examples of how, why, and actual things we can do re: solutions are included.
here’s a Brian Viveros image to lighten the mood:
two months ago I recorded algorithm ghetto and made the choice to turn the spoken word piece into its own video for the sole purpose of noticing a SPIKE in the division of the gen pop (general population)…
I don’t know what the hell happened:
It was early June, trump did something, people freaked out, i started seeing calls for civil war and a lot of people fighting on the internet.
People shrug that shit off because they think it stops there, but it does not. it’s also the upcoming “(S)election” in November which at this point I’ll be surprised if that isn’t the end of everything, but thats beside the point.
I knew that was not a positive sign and people would need a message (hence the one in algorithm ghetto) to not HATE THEIR NEIGHBOR.
As many of “us” as there are who don’t fall for that shit, we are not the majority, and it only takes a small percentage of the population to turn this into a full-tilt shit house.
Well, my tiny little contribution (meaning the video) is still not done, waiting on the video editor, and honestly who knows if it’ll do fuckshit at this point.
So yes, I am concerned about people turning this into violence in the streets again, and if you have actually experienced what that is like, you understand.
If you do not, well, you’ll likely find out.
Things escalated again
after whatever the fuck happened at that trump rally. I do not believe any official “version” of the story, none of it makes sense, looks like some WWE shit, but not even that matters.
What matters is how it is spun and served to the consumers, i mean, the general public.
I went to church the next day and then went to the gun range, yeah, how american. I knew people were gonna likely panic-buy ammo after that, and I was low at the time anyway, so I wanted to get ahead of “the return of empty shelves”.
I do not give a rats ass about any politician (actor) or any political party (illusion), I’m pro-human spirit and anti-machine, end of story, but I’m also someone who understands how people behave when they are afraid.
I went into the range, and I have NEVER seen it that packed. Ever. There was a long line out the door to where you go into the actual shooting range of the building, and there are a LOT of lanes sooo… how the hell were they that busy?
I also noticed another thing.
These were people that looked like they’d never been to a shooting range in their life. They all looked uncomfortable, confused, awkward, you could just tell they felt nervous and out of place, which is normal if you’ve never shot a firearm, but how were this many of them there?
I asked the guy I was getting ammo from, “are you guys having some sort of class or something?” It looked like a “how to use a gun 101” tour bus had just dropped everyone off.
He smirked at me and said, “Nope! Just real busy today!”
Alright, message received, although it’s not something I’d smile about.
What concerned me was a bunch of people who looked like they’ve never been around a firearm had a reaction and acted upon it. When you’re afraid, that’s typically not the best time to run to a gun range to figure out how to use one. And they looked genuinely afraid.
So why am I saying this?
It’s not like they had someone in there who knew a thing or to to show them anything, they were just going in there looking lost and jumpy asf. That is not a positive sign.
This was the first time this thought has genuinely crossed my mind, because I’m all for people being prepared and knowing how to defend themselves, especially women!
But never has this thought crossed my mind at a range:
“who are they preparing to shoot at? Are they gonna be the ones who shoot at me?”
Meaning, I have no idea what made them go to a range if they typically aren’t range-goers. Obviously it was spawned by the trump rally “assassination attempt”, but why though? I was there because I anticipated people panicking, so I got the ammo I needed should they run out. But why them?
I already have some training on how to fight like that, but they were just now going to LEARN. Why?
I do not know their motivations.
I can certainly make assumptions though.
We all judge one another based on absolute bullshit.
I despise identity politics for literally every reason there is to despise it, but if you know me, you know I’m not a threat to anybody UNLESS you try to take my life or the life of an innocent person or loved one.
I have NO desire to hurt someone, I literally got on my knees and prayed for forgiveness last night because I had to capture a gecko that got into my apartment, i put it in a box and took it outside, but the poor thing got so scared in the box, that when I opened it, the gecko ran out FULL SPEED and ran off the ledge of the stairs and flew straight down to the staircase below, which was a 10 ft drop.
(Disclaimer- the lizard is fine!)
I am not telling you this to say “oh wow, im such a good person i pray for lizards” No:
I’m telling you this because if I become that emotionally involved in the welfare of a lizard, then how do you think I feel about another one of actual ME getting harmed, meaning another human? Because we ARE one another - we’re literally the same creature!
Then there’s the other piece : I DON’T CARE ABOUT POLITICS! I don’t give a fuck about any of it! I’m not on either side! they’re both insane! the government hates you all equally!
But can you tell that about me based on how I look?
Fuck no you can’t. You can’t tell shit. That’s a problem, because how do people determine their “enemy”? They’re gonna do it based on the way you look, and what that equation maths out to in their computer (mind).
I’m about to give you a real world & real time example of how hard it is to do anything about it once that snowball starts snowballing.
The breakdown:
In some areas of the country, if we have some “right vs left” war, people will automatically assume i’m “on the right” for the simple fact that i am “white” - even though white is not a race and neither is “black”, those are colors, but whatever. Because I’m of European heritage, some will think i’m on “that team” and may be willing to pull the trigger on that fact alone.
Then put me in another area of the country. For the simple fact that i am white, young, and a female, people will have the opposite assumption, and may pull the trigger. They may assume I’m on “that team”, you know, the liberals, and then, boom.
Some people think all white females are liberals, some people think all white people in general are on the right or conservative whatever it is, do you see the picture here?
It applies to everyone:
You could have ANY of the shades of skin and someone is going to make an assumption based on that.
How the fuck does anyone know what we think based on that? They don’t. And yet, this is what people have killed one another over for a very long time.
The escalation and real time example of how difficult this is:
I noticed something today.
I noticed, amid all the fucking static, one of my friends posted something that said “long live Sonya Massey”. he didn’t say exactly what happened but I could tell what it was based on what he said.
I assumed it was one of his friends, i was like shit. someone got killed.
But then I saw the name again. I thought… what is this?
So I looked it up.
Long story short - a Woman was murdered in her home by police. NO I did not watch the video, I’ve seen people get their heads blown off before, i have ZERO desire to put more of that shit in my brain.
I thought, “wow I’m surprised this isn’t more out in the open? I guess it’s being drowned out by all the political—- oh wait what the fuck!?” After the first few videos, I soon discovered the murder of this woman was being used as a call to get people to rally for kamala harris.
Yeah. that is some fucking dirtbag evil shit.
I saw videos whose thumbnail would be all about Sonya, and then in the corner go off about kamala harris, why she’d win, why white women specifically were being called to rally “for harris, and for sonya” as if they were the same person? The fuck?
At this point I noticed this story was FLOODING from everywhere, everything in the feed from seemingly endless sources was suddenly showing me all these videos (several with political call to actions, meaning to rally for kamala harris because of it) all published within the last 9 hours. I then thought…
Wait. When was she killed?
Incase you hadn’t figured it out yet, every headline reads “black woman shot by police” - it feels disrespectful as shit to shrink someone down to the term of “black woman” but that’s what grabs peoples attention and emotions, and thats exactly why it is done.
The story is everywhere now, and people are beginning to react, and they suddenly have the solution for us! (vote for and rally for kamala harris, because she’s a woman, and she looks like she’s black) …
I looked up when Sonya was murdered.
It happened on July 6th.
Aaaand we’re just now hearing about it, EN MASSE? It’s July 23rd…
When was the story - including the body cam footage of her actual murder, released?
July 22nd. Yesterday.
When was Kamala Harris “endorsed” for presidency from “joe biden”?
Two days ago. July 21st.
Fucking wow.
I’ve seen this before. Both “sides” are doing it, here’s how:
In order to have the ingredients for total chaos and therefore divide and conquer rule, you must have everyone go insane. What must be done to make it so?
It’s all tapping into peoples instinct for religion, although if motherfuckers paid any attention they’d have remembered to not worship IDOLS and politics wouldn’t even be a thing, but anyway:
For the trump people:
The situation at the rally which makes zero fucking sense to me, but the official story is that it was an assassination attempt.
what does this do?
it riles up “his side” - people start to become convinced that “the system” fears him (they don’t) so they believe he’s the answer. Or they become convinced that he is somehow “ordained by God” because “god made the bullet miss” which …. wow.
You know how many people are shot at and don’t get hit? I personally know SEVERAL. Are they all ORDAINED BY GOD to save us? No they fucking aren’t. Not a single one of them.
Sometimes people miss.
This then becomes some religious thing, people think he is the savior, they become attached, they become IDENTIFIED — this becomes a life or death battle for those individuals, because they have now identified their future, safety and their attachment to the illusion of security and what life should look like —- to ONE MAN.
Does anyone understand the danger in that?
So, that’s what you need to create civil war, you need a battle of perceived messiahs.
here’s how they’re doing it on the other side:
no one gives a fuck about kamala harris, not even the liberals, they just probably don’t mind her and might feel somehow “empowered” that a woman and a “black” woman might be the first US president, so for that reason alone (never mind that as a prosecutor her record for false convictions - meaning sending men to prison who were innocent - is incredibly high) they will support her, but certainly not with the same fervor as the other camp.
Well… i think at least one or two of the actual puppet masters knows how to fix that.
And they did.
They publish the murder of an innocent woman, Sonya, like its fkng murder p0rn all over the internet. Does anyone else not find it disturbing that the actual footage OF HER MURDER is literally everywhere? You can literally watch this woman die. That is fucking insane.
Is it not enough to say she was murdered by the police and there was zero justification for them to EVER view her as a threat, let alone draw a weapon, let alone pull a trigger? Nah, you gotta watch it happen over and over and over and over, so it fucks you up.
One of seemingly infinite arms of trauma based mind control.
That’s why this is such a hard thing to intercept. Because that is a legitimately horrific thing. Once people start seeing it, and have it simultaneously served up with a call to action to “rally for harris, rally for sonya” then immediately, that other camp, knows exactly what to do about how bad that fucked them up to see that video — literally whatever the screen tells them to do next, because when you witness shit like that, you want to do something about it, and if there isn’t anything you can do, you naturally feel powerless.
Perhaps it reminds you of the people you’ve lost to violence, and that energy has to go somewhere.
Well, they’ve provided somewhere for it to go. why do you think it was en masse published like that the day after harris was allegedly “nominated”?
they made her (harris) a messiah. they used an innocent womans murder to do it, which is sickening.
here’s the logic:
in a “camp” primarily organized around an obsession and dogmatic allegiance to identity politics, what do you need to do to mobilize those people to a degree where they are capable of violence?
Show them a video of a person who looks like the “presidential candidate” being murdered. Then tell them they NEED to rally for harris, the black woman who wants to be president, in honor of the black woman who was just murdered, because that will balance the scales, right?
this especially works with the white liberals, and they were specifically called to do this as well.
Example of actual title on one of the videos: “White women being called to rally for Harris, rally for Sonya”
So now, kamala harris isn’t just some basic background bitch, she’s now a representative and embodiment of the woman, sonya, who was slain in her home on July 6th.
No one cared to tell you about it though, until the day after a woman with a darker complexion replaced what was likely a body double (“joe biden”) in a “presidential campaign”. Suddenly, you aren’t just told about it, you have access to over 20 minutes of body cam footage where you can watch her die, over, and over and over. That is fucking insane.
on one hand, you have people’s wild misinterpretations of religion being the religious aspect, and on the other, you have identity politics and their ideologies, the lefts religion, being the driver (and also, their wild misinterpretations of literally everything, same as the other ‘side’)
really nobody knows shit, i mean if you don’t believe me fucking take five minutes to watch this video. or keep reading idfc.
either way, you have to have something that shakes people to their core and puts them in do or die mode to mobilize them to the degree they want us mobilized (and polarized).
You’ve gotta make it real fuckin personal, and how much more personal does it get than ones conception of God? Than ones idea of true meaning, something they are so attached to they’d die for it? Something theyre so afraid of losing they’d kill for it?
I can’t believe this is getting turned into some race shit again. So it brings me back to that question I had at the range a few weeks ago..
are they gonna be shooting at me, or with me, if SHTF?
because the only thing we should be resisting or fighting against is this absolute evil that seeks to divide the human race, point blank period.
How could you have allegiance toward a leader, let alone call someone a leader, whose entire existence depends upon division? That is not a leader. A leader does not divide a fucking nation. a leader doesn’t even divide a household. a leader especially does not divide themselves. Yet here we are, with military “skin face mask” technology and all other kinds of dystopian shit, so, fuck us all.
JUST KIDDING not leaving it like that, but… yeah. Umm..
I’ve been running from those damn jab mandates and the lord of the flies cult since 2020, ive moved across the fucking country, started a new life in multiple areas, even had my own SHTF scenario and had to flee a state where i was in a really abusive relationship and save my own fuckin life, now things are getting good (just like they were right before 2020 hit ironically) and i just wanna fucking read and share poetry and create and share music, and spread a message that unifies and heals and reminds people of how beautiful and important they are - and now this again?
this again.
do we gotta worry about those things coming back?
the all day, all night gunshots and flash bangs to where you stop hearing it, only to realize a few hours later that it never stopped, you just stopped noticing it, do we really gotta have the things come back where when one comes home to a pool of blood and a spatter trail, it doesn’t even elevate ones heart rate because it’s just a thing of, well shit, better stay quiet but also whose body is it? and where? do they need help?
and then you find them and we deal with it and then theres blood everywhere for fucking days but in the name of not spreading germs it never gets cleaned up so you just live in a crime scene with pints of blood everywhere and it’s NORMAL right?
just go outside and do your laundry but duck low because they’re still shooting around the corner and dont smoke cigs outside, smoke out the bathroom window, outside aint a place for people.
Oh and be careful if you need to drive anywhere cuz they just pulled someone out of their car with your complexion for no reason and beat them nearly to death in the street, and they also did the same shit to a lady in a wheelchair for no fucking reason other than that’s what happens when “lord of the flies” becomes us.
It doesn’t even matter. None of it fucking matters. No facts matter. It’s all the cult of feelings and little believies which are all engineered by evil fucks that you praise and are willing to kill and die for.
I’m not fucking doing that again.
I’ll try to release whatever I can if I think it’ll help others. I’ll try to keep making music and see if this album can get out before this fucking nightmare escalates any further but IDK how much time we have.
I’ll try to do my part. At the end of the day, I may have skills in certain areas, sure, we all do, but ultimately I am a messenger, and my chosen medium is art. So I will continue to create until I run out of ammo. Or food. Or water.
Will I cause harm? Hell no. Will I start a problem with someone? Fuck no.
But is every single person who assumes, “just because they don’t start a problem, or if they just don’t hang out in “certain areas”, that they’ll be immune to the above-mentioned things” a complete idiot? YES.
You are naive. Agonizingly naive. And you are in for a really fucking rude awakening, and it might not be much of a human awakening if it results in you being disembodied, but that’s another story.
So this was a bit intense.
Double down on prayer and meditation, matter fact triple or quadruple down.
Take care of basics. Food, hydration, sleep, fresh air, exercise, health.
Do whatever it takes to keep a clear mind every single day, before you start your day.
Pray for guidance and to be guided by The Will of Love, or whatever wording works for you, just don’t be out here trying to play god with “righteous anger”.
Don’t get sucked into the drama but don’t be an idiot either, situational awareness.
Make a plan with those who live in your LOCALITY should shit go haywire. If you don’t have those people, start finding them, cuz you aint gonna fuckin find em here on substack or anywhere else on the internet, not when its true SHTF. the people in your DMs cant do fuckall for you, and you cant do fuckall for them.
Get right with whoever and whatever you need to get right with, but haven’t.
Do what you love, as much as possible, and share it with others. If you do speak into the algorithmic slew of the gen pop, inject a unifying message. Inject love. just anything to disrupt the shit house algorithm.
spend time with ppl IRL
less time on the damn phones and computers
whatever you pursue that you love in life, go way harder with it. you do not know how much longer you will be afforded that luxury.
look into preparedness if you haven’t. if you’re at peace with “come what may”, then all good - i just hope you are only responsible for yourself and living in an isolated cave if that’s the case, because you might not care about yourself, but other people are going to need help, and it is your responsibility to help them. It’s all of our responsibility to help one another.
No one is coming to save us, EXCEPT US.
No one has the power to destroy us, EXCEPT US.
The difference lies EXCLUSIVELY in…. the degree of our awareness. The ability to see things as they truly are, not as what you are told or conditioned to believe.
Open to your feedback, IDK if this is helpful or was just me sounding an alarm of hey, what the FUCK. We should probably do more than just “ignore the circus” because it’s not gonna be restricted to the internet much longer.
if you would like to support my work, as unhinged as this was, but cannot afford a subscription, you can make a one-time small donation or “buy me a coffee” at this button:
you can also peep some podcast episodes, listen to my music (what i have released so far) and connect with me on other platforms here:
Some of the most amplified christians think trump is the anti-christ, others the chosen one. extremists have always terrified me. I am glad to not be alone in my observations. people are being funneled into camps of belief. it is weaponized propaganda. can we not use out creator given discernment here?
Thank you. The emotion in your piece is palpable. To me it feels a bit like frustration, and that's how I have been feeling of late. So many ppl I know are pinning their hopes on someone or something else to save them and it actually scares me somewhat that there is little real understanding of the full range of the issues. You have articulated this in way that really communicates the futility of relying on specific aspects of the external world, with limited (often zero) awareness of the inner world.
I live in Australia and it is similar here, though given our very restrictive gun laws somewhat different. I noticed something yesterday that left me discombobulated - people are naively hopeful for change no matter what the evidence actually suggests. Example, harris is now saying things in a more coherent way (the power of the teleprompt???), so they believe she has changed. I asked: given her very poor performance as VP why would you think this is about to change should she win the (S)election (thanks for that subtlety)?? Then I thought, people want to be kind to others and give them the benefit of the doubt, but I really don't trust the political class ... so much one could say there. Anyway, thanks again for a raw and powerful piece.