On The Outside Looking In
Understanding propaganda from a different angle, and staying on track to sovereignty:
Before I get started — I’ll share this, as it has some sentimental feels for me. Nothing wrong with a little levity before we get into a few things here.
Some housekeeping before we get to this predicament of “on the outside looking in” and the complexities of propaganda that many of us find ourselves:
To the new subscribers here, welcome, it’s an honor to have you.
To those of you who came over from the podcast episode I did with Greg on The Sunday Afternoon Podcast with Greg Reese: Through The Inner Tyrant with Tesstamona - WELCOME ❤️
To those of you who have helped get the pro-humanity, “divide and conquer agenda exposing” song Algorithm Ghetto through the machine, THANK YOU.
The official music video for Algorithm Ghetto is being released Friday 11/15. However, I will leak a small part of it for Substack only before it goes live.
It took a lot of work to find the subversive yet real world B roll footage we used to visually story tell what I’m saying in my lyrics.
This is not the typical music video, and it if gets censored, i’ll just host it here.
Fingers crossed that it WILL be blessed to freely reach the eyes of those it would help through YouTube, as that is where the majority of people find the videos they watch.
The goal is to break the SPELL of division.
Each and every one of us has this power by the way, please never forget that.
You are all here for a reason - nothing exists in this world by accident.
If you’d like to subscribe to my YouTube so you can catch the video and catch up on other videos, podcasts and livestreams, you can do so here: Tesstamona on YouTube.
Now, let us begin.
On The Outside Looking In
Everyone knows there is a shithouse afoot.
People on the left are losing their minds and saying really dark sociopathic things. Wishing death on their PERCEIVED opposition (yet again).
People on the right, many are acting like assholes and gloating in the suffering of their PERCEIVED opposition - also not helpful in any way, shape or form.
There is a stark lack of understanding between a divided (and very reactive) population that I do NOT want to see escalate further.
I began writing this the other night. I am providing insight into what I am seeing now, and what it was like when once upon a time, I too was HEAVILY under the same spell.
We are all influenced by propaganda. But this extreme reaction we’re seeing from a certain camp right now, yes it is insane to watch, but 8 years ago, I actually was one of those people.
I’ll share some of what that was like to provide insight, as well as a few other things - like resources on community building, exiting the media matrix, spirituality, tactical training, etc. in support for those of us who WANT to stay on the track to sovereignty — because it’s hard to stay focused with all this chaos. I’m struggling with it myself!
House Of Mirrors
“You’re living in a house of mirrors, thinking you’re looking out a window.”
This is essentially the effects of what we are seeing. This is what is at play more often than not in all human relations, and more importantly, PERCEPTION.
We get ourselves in a lot of trouble when we confuse perception with understanding. We may understand our perception, but our perception is not necessarily reality.
Let’s back up a bit here:
I live in Florida now. Before here, I lived in Tennessee. Before that, California. Before that, the state I was born and raised in— Oregon.
Once upon a time, it was 2005.
I was… 15? My boyfriend introduced me to Alex Jones. Enough said.
2008 was the first time I was legally allowed to vote. Ron Paul had run in that race, although he wasn’t on the ballot.
So, for my first time voting, I did a write-in. Ron Paul.
I did not vote again for a very, very long time. I didn’t believe in any politicians or the validity of elections, certainly not at the federal level.
I am not eager to vote or engage in elections for a “ruler” for the simple fact that I do not lend my consent to being RULED over.
Sometimes, things get complicated
It was 2016. I have no idea what the hell was going on in my life or how I wound up there.
Before TDS or “Trump Derangement Syndrome” was a term, I surely had it in spades.
I HATED Trump. I had been a registered independent because I never liked the two party system, but I registered as a Democrat so I could vote for Hillary — not because I liked her, but because I was terrified of Trump.
I was under the influence of all of it. People don’t realize how insanely curated and vicious every aspect of media propaganda is in certain areas of the country.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like either of those politicians (or any politician) - but my reactions to him were, in hindsight, extremely bizarre.
Everything the media was saying, everything people were saying, everything I came across in interviews, social media, articles, etc…. all painted a picture of an unhinged dictator who hated you, everyone you knew, and would unleash hell on earth if given any power.
Believe it or not, that shit can actually sink in and become your reality, especially when there is ZERO oppositional or contrary information around.
I made myself insane.
When he won in 2016, I worked myself into a complete panic to where I was non-functional the next day. I wrecked my mental health and ended a lot of friendships for literally no reason.
Sound familiar?
What we’re seeing right now is a lot more intense, but still, I had a bad reaction and freaked out. No, I did NOT go scream on TikTok about it, but you get what I’m saying.
What happened?
Nobody died because he was the president. Nobody spontaneously combusted. Honestly, nothing horrible happened for the SOLE reason that he was the president.
The worst things that happened?
2020 came around.
I was in Los Angeles making music and attending the Musicians Institute. Then the COVID pLandemic hit.
I knew the talking heads were lying. I knew shit was gonna hit the fan. I knew I needed a gun, the list went on until..
Until the mostly peaceful protests riots and looting became a daily thing, as did the sound of flash bangs and gunshots, buildings on fire and suddenly you couldn’t leave your tiny matchbox (living space) because either a mob might jump you for no reason, or there was a 6 pm curfew and you’d get zip tied and thrown into a van.
Gotta love blue states.
For some who may be confused, policies like widespread lockdowns and letting violent criminals out of prison en masse and legalizing widespread theft - those were done at the local level, not federal.
California and Oregon were nightmares. Tennessee and Florida didn’t experience anything like that. Night and day, depending on where you lived.
Let’s talk about the jab...
Trump signed off on operation warp speed. I am under no illusions that he’s a good guy.
I DECLINED this experimental jab and was not allowed inside public buildings, not allowed to work for the majority of companies, and had my entire community wishing death on me.
I watched people I’d known my whole life turn on me overnight because of FEAR.
Fear is the most dangerous thing for a human being. That and apathy, indifference — dehumanization.
That is how genocide takes place - you must have two ingredients: Fear, and Disgust.
You don’t need HATE. That is retarded. You need total indifference; to view the other as subhuman.
I watched my so-called friends and some family turn on me and view me in such a manner because of media propaganda that are now PROVEN lies.
What’s wild is they are proven lies, but they still believe them. That’s how you know it really, REALLY worked. Wow. Self-perpetuating propaganda, kinda like that self-replicating mRNA. The gift that keeps on giving (and no one asked for) but I digress.
That’s how strong propaganda is, and yes, it is on both sides. We wouldn’t have “sides” without it.
I was under the influence of it as well, back in 2016.
I’m not sure what snapped me into it, or out of it, other than noticing that I had wrecked my mental health and had to disconnect from the news/media for my own sanity.
That’s the answer, actually. When I completely disconnected from the news/media I had been habitually consuming, and remained disconnected from it, the spell wore off.
For clarity on propaganda, subversion, and how to immunize yourself from it, take it straight from Yuri Bezmenov’s lecture.
We are all under various spells. Fear itself it a spell, regardless of what you’re afraid of. Anger is a spell. Hysteria is a spell. Money is a spell. The list goes on.
I’m not saying I’m not under any nefarious influences — I’m just saying I’m not drinking any cult’s kool-aid. Not on the right, not on the left.
As for the people, there are good people here and there shouldn’t be sides.
Why the fuck are we not all united for the fact that we are Americans? Why do we have people who are patriotic and then people who are self-hating and hate people who are patriotic?
Propagandaaaaaaa. Subversionnnnnnnn. You can HEAR all about it from Yuri Bezmenov himself - Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society.
Until we are, there will not be peace here.
If you have voices around you that tell you to hate your neighbor, or to hate your own country, stop listening.
That’s part of a pretty little process called subversion, do not be an agent of it.
FEAR destroyed the place I called home.
And if you yourself didn’t display ENOUGH fear, you were suspected as being THE ENEMY.
It was some real-deal Lord of the Flies shit.
Fast forward to the other night:
I caught myself “observing” a LOT of people who are very liberal colossally losing their shit.
Not the strangers on TikTok whose videos have gone viral, this was people I know from back home. Most were saying things that were extremely out of character and honestly, very dark.
I was in shock at some of it.
What the hell were they so afraid of? Why that insane of a reaction? How could they POSSIBLY think those things about “half of the country” - in their words?
Do they realize how many people they are now declaring as, essentially, subhuman?
How could they do that? How can they think these things? How do they not get it?
The same hypnosis of terror I was once under, remember that time in 2016?
I remembered how crazed I was around that time.
I remembered what that felt like.
So, they were under the same rock. Under the same delusion. Not having ANY information of a bigger picture, in an echo chamber with a one-way signal, and wound so tight that the ability to reason or learn why things were happening the way they were are, in that moment at least, impossible.
I remembered what it was like to TRULY believe those things. To truly believe that everyone who didn’t vote the way you did was “bad” and “out to get you” and “racist” and all this shit.
It’s complete insanity.
Sometimes it’s hard to understand where people are coming from.
We likely do not live in the same echo-chamber as they do, meaning the propaganda they are receiving from all angles 24/7 is the opposite to what we are receiving.
And we are all receiving propaganda; no one is exempt from this.
You can take some of the best people in the world, and if you scare them enough, and ISOLATE THEM enough (none of this is possible without isolation) you can then SELL any solution to them.
If you can provide enough assurance, they’ll do anything to have your solution.
Let me use a still-frame from the upcoming Algorithm Ghetto music video to illustrate this, and yes, this is a real quote:

It’s very interesting when you observe the following:
I’ve read posts on social media where a person was airing their grievances around the political climate and the “other side” but did not mention their party affiliation - and I genuinely could NOT tell which “side” the person was on, because the expressed complaints and the expressed desires and hopes were THE EXACT SAME.
Let that sink in for a minute, as there’s more than one take-away.
Let’s touch base on the current situation real quick:
I see politicians as what they are, liars and actors.
What really can be frightening are the “pop up” people who suddenly have positions in their administrations after they are elected.
I am reminded yet again, it doesn’t matter who wins, because globalists and private interest groups steer every head of state the same direction.
What can we the people do, with such a divided populous and nefarious government?
Take responsibility for our own lives and build our way OUT of the machine.
Become more self sufficient.
Learn skills. Build community.
There is a solution
When I moved to Tennessee/Nashville in early 2022, I immediately was linked up with what you’d call a parallel society, with their own parallel economy.
I learned a lot from them.
I learned what it looked like to live free from the system.
I learned about permaculture, tactical training, homesteading, I learned what it looked like to “exit and build”.
I learned about applied agorism and got involved with people who were about solutions, not problems.
Now in Florida, I look forward to connecting with the same communities. If you are reading this and in Florida BTW, let me know. I’ve already met some of you IRL.
Okay, end of article. I’m going to include resources for people who want to live more sovereign lives now:
Whoa. apparently I recorded this in March of 2023, I forgot that substack synced with my rss feed. Here is a podcast episode I did called Preppers in the Solution, not sure what I said but there’s gotta be something there:
This was from the Self Reliance Festival (October 2022) in Tennessee, I think Mike Whistler had interviewed some of us, wow memory lane here.
This is a livestream I did with Porterhouse and Teal on preparedness, spirituality, community building and exiting the media matrix (he runs a great homesteading channel btw):
I’m sharing this for MORALE. This is a song I did for John Willis / Special Operations Equipment in Camden, Tennessee.
The SOE compound is where the Self Reliance Festival is held every year.
All those permaculture workshops and so much I learned about living independent from the system… it all went down here. It was an honor to do this song for them (they made the video too - its all them, only thing that’s me is music in the background).
Community building, survival, preparedness, it aint all some uphill hard battle. You can still be creative and have a shit ton of fun too.
Here’s an important podcast Greg Reese did with Mark Passio on Natural Law. This would be a “mindset” resource. I gotta leave you with this because I’m at my “post email length limit” - much love to you all.
“We are all under various spells. Fear itself it a spell, regardless of what you’re afraid of. Anger is a spell. Hysteria is a spell. Money is a spell. The list goes on.”
Don’t be spellbound. 🙏
Outstanding! Government is immoral. I think that with the government or a “savior complex” that most people seem to have, it’s like grown Adults are actually still children when you think about it. Being ruled by someone they don’t know, then having to pick a new ruler every couple years; And regarding the recent election the onslaught of fear and isolation on both sides is mind blowing.