“We are all under various spells. Fear itself it a spell, regardless of what you’re afraid of. Anger is a spell. Hysteria is a spell. Money is a spell. The list goes on.”

Don’t be spellbound. 🙏

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Outstanding! Government is immoral. I think that with the government or a “savior complex” that most people seem to have, it’s like grown Adults are actually still children when you think about it. Being ruled by someone they don’t know, then having to pick a new ruler every couple years; And regarding the recent election the onslaught of fear and isolation on both sides is mind blowing.

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YES, what you just touched on here, obviously is tragic, but that is something I’ve noticed for a while. Of course we are all susceptible to this and I display the same behaviors in my own life - you could chalk up anybody with a vice having that complex of wanting something outside to fix or save them, and I am surely guilty of that. But regarding the child-adults, yes, one of my friends said that people were “stuck in a state of perpetual adolescence” and that seems to hit it on the nose. Thank you for your comment my friend.

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I found you through the recent Greg Reese podcast.

This post (on the outside looking in) was outstanding. Well written and to the point.

You certainly are a very talented, intelligent, and caring person.

I look forward to reading your posts and seeing your music videos as a new subscriber.

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Yay!! Thank you so much for being here and saying something! And I greatly appreciate your kind words. It’s an honor to connect via Greg’s pod, I remember the days when it was so hard to find like minded people, grateful to make your (virtual) acquaintance 🙏❤️🙏

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Thank you so freaking much for sharing this!! Very insightful and beautiful!!! I am so glad to take this journey!! 🫰🏾✨️✨️✨️

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I'm so glad it was helpful to you and thank you for reading! An honor to know another on the journey! 🙏 💫

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As long as there are governments, we are all losers. Imagine living with no government yoke to control you. Thus, there are no sides to take, only agreements and transactions to make all leading to true freedom, choice and harmony with nature...the true Lord of all things.

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I agree whole-heartedly with you. I share the same sentiment within Natural Law where the very nature of government is immoral - but when humans consent to it, well, this creates quite the situation. I know we as a "collective" have a long way to go before we arrive at a place where we can all be self-governing / understand the difference between right and wrong etc, but I think we already have a lot of individuals and/or smaller communities who can and are doing that already, so, that is the path I will continue to walk. ❤️

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I have totally missed this comment thread up of course I apologize. My thought is that if only a small number of people are conscious, then NPCs are really a thing. People will say and believe whatever is correct to say and believe because the voices of the gods are not coming from our minds now, but from the Internet and the brain structure accepts this.

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lol its all good 😆 i responded to all 3 on the bottom one!

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I was trying to do voice to text while making crêpes. It didn’t work out so hot. The crêpes were good though.

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He arrived at this theory because he believed that schizophrenics and people with severed central brains, demonstrated that this was true. Modern psychologist and evolutionary biologist, believe he is incorrect. However, what if the Internet has flipped our switch, so that we no longer our conscious? What if we have lost consciousness?

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Julian Jaynes theorized that before 1100 BC human beings were not truly conscious. The voices of the gods were our misunderstanding of the voices that you hear in your head when you are thinking.

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I'm not sure who Julian Jaynes is so I'd have to look into it. I'm not sure about that.. the texts of Zoroastrianism were written before 1100 BC, and the Vedas were written before 1100 BC, so I do not think that humans weren't truly conscious - especially because the bulk of ancient wisdom we still hold dear today either come from the Vedas or come from Zoroastrianism (the root religion of the Abrahamic religions) - however you have mentioned other things here, regarding the schizophrenics.

I remember thinking about this recently. Was he the same guy who did the study on the ones in prison with "command voices"? I do believe that someone's consciousness can become fractured / fragmented to where they don't recognize certain elements of it, but when he studied those who heard voices in prison, across the board the wierdest shit was that they all heard the same things, and these people weren't connected.

So I'm not sure, to me that sounded like external interference, be it actual frequency weapons, possibly a parasitic/demonic entity, OR maybe the radiation inherent with living in this society messes people up and/or can implant certain thoughts (which the military does have a weapon for that) - but I realize im going down a rabbit hole so I'll slow down lol.

I think what you mention about the internet is... at least true for a LOT of people. What I've seen is the perpetual usage of it = people dumping their consciousness into it, walking away drained/empty, and now suddenly we have sentient AI from essentially the voluntary cyphoning from us. That's kinda my take on it thus far. And yes, the ability to implant or manipulate people in the manner you have stated, it is frightening and I think the extent to which we're influenced by things is likely still not known entirely, but what we do know, yeah, the internet / screens are not our friend. 🙏

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It’s been a while since I read his book, but I feel that something like the prison command voices was involved. I know there were people who had had serious brain surgery because of epileptic seizures. Some of them seem to regard the new voices from the isolated hemispheres they were hearing as external and not internal. I don’t imagine that his theory was exactly correct. However, there really does seem to be something going on with the Internet that is short-circuiting our ability to reason for ourselves, that is feeding a kind of crutch mind into our heads so that we don’t have to think. It isn’t doing us any favors I don’t think.

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