I recently had someone look at me like I was crazy. He knew I was into preparedness, meaning I like to equip myself adequately for the things I am aware of as probable or highly possible. Often, people call it being a “prepper”, but this is very misunderstood.
His confusion did not come from my efforts and participation in preparedness communities. His confusion came from this:
“How does prepping and guns and ammo mix with doing things like yoga?!”
(I had also told him I was an avid Kundalini yoga practitioner.)
My response?
“They go together 100%. It’s the same thing.”
You can have all the stored food, water, medical, self-sustaining energy/regenerative farming, defense, offense, etc., but without a solid mindset and a connection with our Spirit, it means nothing.
When shit hits the fan, and you don’t have your mind or your spirit in a reliable condition, good luck with trying to accomplish much else.
Other things? Yes, these things are essential, if you’ve lived through any form of disaster or SHTF scenario, you may have learned the hard way what it’s like to not have any resilience built up.
I am going to share with you a vlog I made when I had my first weekend of training at Tactical Response for their fighting pistol course.
This was a huge part of preparedness that I truly can’t tell you how much helped me, in the same sacredness the kundalini yoga does.
I don’t know your story, dear friend. Or maybe I do.
What I can tell you is that when I bought my first gun, with money I had made from selling a commissioned jingle to a homesteading / permaculture channel on YouTube, (blessings Perma Pastures Farm) I literally cried.
I cried because the first thought in my head was, “I don’t ever have to get raped again.”
That might seem dark to some of you, but this was a beautiful thing for me.
We cannot deny the darkness in this world, nor should we deny the light. They are both here. Kundalini helps you with both. Tactical training, that mostly helps with darkness should it kick in your door, or ambush while you’re sleeping, walking or doing anything in life.
Having a gun (or several) is cool, but if you don’t know how to use it efficiently, it means nothing.
So, I began my training at Tactical Response.
Round one was a few days out in the country, 1000 brass case rounds later, and holy shit was that unlike anything I’d experienced. Nothing you’d ever be allowed to do at a range I can tell you that. It was actual applied trarining to what it is really like to be in a gun fight, not just shooting at an inanimate target that doesn’t shoot back.
I vlogged some of it back then, this was September 2022. Then me and my friend Jay did a podcast recap a month or two later.
I will sharer them both here. Not sure why, I just felt called to for some reason.
This stuff isn’t about hurting other people. It’s about knowing you can protect yourself in a world that, if you’ve experienced any of what I have, will take your life at the slightest opportunity, for the most seemingly insignificant reasons. It brings great empowerment to know how to defend our lives.
Does anyone else think it’s insane that we allow a “government” to tell us whether or not, and if so, HOW, we shall be allowed to defend our life force? Our beating hearts? Our existence? Because if that is the case, who really owns our lives?
Certainly not us.
Kundalini yoga, I never film that. That just feels weird to bring a camera into that space. But if you know me and want to join me, you likely know where to find me.
These are still up on YouTube, most of my shit got censored/removed for “community guidelines violations”, those censored podcast episodes will be uploaded here soon. In the mean time, I hope you enjoy… and I hope anyone who may be on the fence about either of these areas, anyone who might feel like they don’t have the right to defend their own lives, or anyone who thinks spirituality versus preparedness are two different things… maybe you may see something different here.
I can tell you that as someone who has experienced a lot of violence and fucked up shit, knowing that you can protect your life helps you stop living in a disassociated manner.
You can return home to your body and live in a more powerful presence, right here, in this moment. Martial arts is great for this too. Surprisingly, it makes your temperament much more calm (in my experience).
From September of 2022 in Camden, TN at Tactical Response:
(I went into this with almost no experience btw)
Mine and Jay’s livestream on the recap, global agendas, and preparedness:
(also from 2022)
Want more content like this? I’m starting to wake up from a spell I had myself under (it’s called self-sabotage) and remembering beautiful things that I had forgotten. If you’d like to hear and see more that I’ve kept in shadows, let me know, and if it helps you, I will share.
P.S. These things, putting ourselves out into the world, even if we go alone, they bring so much richness to life. Jay and his beautiful family are a group of people I have so much love for. Him and his wife are people I respect and care about very much, and we have remained friends ever since. So many friendships and unbelievable experiences come from stepping into the unknown, especially when you step alone.
Thank you to Bob Lester, the man I still have not met, but who sponsored me in taking the Tactical Response course, as I did not have the money at that time in life to afford that training. He heard me telling my story on a livestream with Nicole Sauce and John Willis and made the offer in the chat. He actually did it, and he never met me. People have hearts of gold.
Don’t forget, so do you.
“ It’s a beautiful thing to be capable of destruction but still choose Love. And a beautiful thing to know how to defend ourselves if those scenarios arise.”
Must say, I can't stop laughing after reading your text. In the simplest terms: you are my tactical soul sister. Across the Atlantic sea. Same things, like I read about myself. I salute you from Croatia. Be strong as you are, and stand still. God bless you, and your readers, too. Bye