yet another phone call i make to a next of kin
who screams to me
“i can't handle any more f***ing death”
i am silent to hold space but
join the club
there are no prizes.
she asked me why,
after telling me on a hurricane evening,
that one of my closest friends had committed suicide
why are they dead but i’m still alive?
the last time we talked
only two months ago
another one of our own had died.
they seem to all fall down like clockwork,
as if the reaper is trying to meet a
she asked me,
referring to her son and my
former fiance
who died three years ago
almost to the day,
“why did he have to die and you lived?”
as if the 30 seconds of wailing grief which immediately switched to
sheer rage,
the winds from hurricane helene did not shatter my windows
but i nearly smashed them all out with a lamp because
they are all dying --
as if that wasn't enough,
let's just remind you that
you are not supposed to be here either.
almost everyone from home is gone.
and the everything about the way we live
fails everyone all the time.
no one cares.
no one has the bandwidth to provide support to those who need it
because best case scenario
they’re fighting with everything they have
to pull themselves out of the mud,
and then you have the other sector of the population
who simply prefers bread and circuses
and does not care.
and i am tired
of not screaming about this
because none of this is normal.
she asked me,
after finding her body,
why did he have to die, but you lived?
as if i am guilty by existence.
whenever we talk about a new death, the old ones get brought up.
it seems like thats the only time we talk anymore.
Hi. I’m 35 years old. I’ve lost more loved ones to murder, suicide and drugs than years I’ve been on the earth. And it hasn’t slowed down, it’s sped up. Especially the suicides.
I told her I dont fucking know why I’m still alive and they aren’t, as if somehow its my fault and im some walking reminder of:
“everyone else is dead, so maybe me being dead would make things seem more, whats everyones favorite word lately, EQUITABLE?”
referring to
why did i get sober 15 years ago
and why didn't he,
and why did he die
and why didn't i
sorry that im still alive,
ive tried to adjust that fact several times myself,
i dont think she understood how much that stung
especially after yet another one,
yet another one,
yet another one,
is fucking gone
yet another phone call i make to a next of kin
who screams to me
“i cant handle any more fucking death”
i am silent to hold space but
join the club
there are no prizes
i told her,
“i have no idea why im still alive and mostly everyone i grew up with is fucking dead, i’d love to know myself, but i dont!”
i had to make calls to let others know,
one call,
two calls,
three calls,
all varying levels of
anguish and dissociation,
because all would ask,
why is this happening so much?
why is everyone dying?
what is happening to
its very hard to not disconnect entirely -
you’re never really connected in the first place when everything you’ve known is gone,
a level nobody understands except the few who have survived too,
but we all have our own ways of adapting,
and there’s really no functional way to adapt to that
knowing how cruel and careless people are, knowing how little people give a shit about one another,
a “fair weather” culture we’ve created at best —
its hard for me to believe that any of you are good anymore.
and that must make me wretched too
for i am still in human form, and,
i can’t carry everyone either.
i cant technically carry anybody.
i learned long ago not to reach out for help because it has the opposite effect,
people run the other way,
i learned to keep to myself and fight with everything i have to survive,
for what exactly sometimes i don’t know,
but this is why i say survival mode is contagious,
as are one sided relations,
if everyone is thrown into survival mode because
the last few years especially
nobody can be truly turned to for anything,
then all of your energy is used for your own survival and maintenance,
thus you have little to spare for others,
and so it goes.
and every time i hear about another death,
every time,
the root cause, if it was suicide or overdose,
was loneliness.
is this the world all of you want to live in?
the world where none of you give a fuck when a hurricane hits millions of people, but you're happy to point and laugh at death and suffering of the ones who weren't able to evacuate, or who don't vote like you?
the world where none of you give a fuck when people kill themselves, are murdered or go missing, overdose, but you're happy to publicly trash "those damn degenerates"?
the world where all of you seem to very much give a fuck when it comes to arguing over political ACTORS and rooting for your favorite fake gladiator team - with a special sociopathic twist, as a decent portion of you wish death on perceived opponents,
is this what makes sense to you?
is this what you’ll continue funding with your life force?
because anything you do not change, you choose.
likely no one will change anything in the realm of deciding to be a better human being from reading this; i’d imagine not.
but i for one am fucking tired of not screaming this - you’re lucky this is something you’re only reading on a screen.
funny how that shields you from reality - until it’s at your door.
flashing back to those words
why did you survive
as if i am somehow guilty
that others did not.
how dare you live.
what a familiar message.
there’s no telling how i’ll meet my end, perhaps it’ll be the same as them.
My story isn’t done yet.
Be careful what the fuck you pontificate and speculate on,
you just might get the resolve that answers that question.
now what to do. another person is dead and yet another storm has come through showing true colors of far too many,
combining the two has me nearly ejected from the web of life
this keeps happening
yet were all supposed to act like its normal
my entire community/place of upbringing is decimated
and im out here “starting my life over” in my mid thirties
wondering why my life doesn’t look like everyone elses —
how the fuck do you explain that everything you once knew is dead
when your hometown isn’t Fallujah?
people are emotionally retarded. i mean that in the literal sense. they are stunted. there’s something wrong with them, truly.
and ive about had it.
You want a pretty little bow on top of everything as a consumer, thats part of why we’re in this mess. fuck you.
fuck us all, apparently.
fuck me if i live and survive though insane shit because for some reason theres something in me that wont extinguish
even when i try to take myself out -
so far it has not worked.
and do not misunderstand this, i am NOT suicidal, but i certainly have been, for easily half the time i’ve been on this earth, maybe more. it comes and goes.
so i must be the asshole if i survive.
and yet if i succumb to it
im also the asshole.
how about fuck you entirely
because there is no pleasing literally any of you.
we have all failed each other.
survival mode is a contagion, as are trauma bonds, as is being a fucking parasite, but that’s reserved for special “cluster B” types that can all be put underground.
you cant lean on people when you need help.
most people will watch you burn because they’re too hypnotized or comatose to notice anything out of sorts,
or they flat out don’t care.
then there’s the other side of things, and i know im guilty of this fully.
people are so overloaded with everything that their capacity to be a support system for others is unbelievably debilitated - compared to what it was say, ten years ago.
or IDK, maybe just any time before 2020, because let’s be honest, everyone has been lobotomized since then by way of propaganda, EMF, and all sorts of other shit.
so now we all live on planet retard and a lot of people are committing suicide.
there are no adequate ways to help people who are severely fucked, and i’ve been one of those severely fucked people before.
i remember trying to reach out for help and people backing away because it was too much for them. so i learned not to reach out for help anymore.
somehow i survived, and fuck you, i will not apologize for that, but the fact that i felt guilty about my own ability to survive is sickening.
that is how WEIRD it is if you are from where im from,
in my peer group and still alive,
its almost as if you are cause for
some sort of
maybe you’re guilty of witchcraft
because every time you got close to death you chose otherwise
and you fought like fucking hell to get to where you needed to go,
even if that meant perpetual suffering, mostly in silence, for years on end.
yes, i am aware that most people who are REALLY down and out do NOT have that much will left in them to fight that hard, nor should they have to.
no one should.
but is life fair?
and there are a lot of us who have to do that and are still breathing,
and there are a lot of us who tried to do it and are not breathing.
i am not the arbiter of who lives and dies. i do not have the magical cure-all answer.
i still fight every day, thats why i dont have the capacity to carry the world on my fucking back, though i have tried countless times.
it takes everything to carry myself, and this is what we are all dealing with,
best case scenario.
no, it is not healthy. not at all.
somehow im still here. one day i wont be.
my friend was here recently.
six hours ago they found her lifeless body.
and so it goes.
its fucking horrible, really.
there are things we can do to assist the departed.
so that will be done.
the living are wretched
and i know i am wretched too
but i will no longer be silent about the godforsaken fucking warzone that everyone loves to sweep under the rug
i go through photos of “the good days”
you know, when people were alive,
to see massive community photos of 30 to 50 people and most of them gone,
they were only taken a handful of years ago.
what do you expect?
i am not like you. i will never make sense to you because you lack basic skills of empathy - throwing out your own garbage filter for two seconds to imagine someone elses shoes:
im pretty sure the whole “everyone and everything dies” phase of life is typically something that takes place when you’re old, not between the ages of 21 and 35, particularly between 25 and 35, and holy shit don’t get me started on the deaths in the last three years alone. i have lost count for JUST THE LAST THREE YEARS.
apparently the reaper has a quota.
people are so burnt out they cant support each other
they cant even process death
none of us can anymore
but at least theres some comfort when we can talk to one another
from 3000 miles away
because at least we know the truth
we’ve watched them all fall down
we know. but, there’s only so much we can say. at some point we just… almost seem like we ourselves have no reaction.
i’ll just say this before i die
let none of you try and take credit for being more than whatever you were when i was alive.
if you were a piece of shit who stood by and watched the fire burn and wore a mask of deception and indifference, sit the fuck down and shut up.
i hope to god my death comes naturally
and not concluded with a suicide note
i hope to god my death comes naturally
and not concluded by someone else’s will
i hope to god my death comes naturally
and not concluded by the screams of agony from
yet another
i hope to god that we never say
dying of the above mentioned
is now a death of
natural causes
due to the social agreements we’ve all
silently made
because im tired of playing this game
because no one sees us
because everyone keeps dying
do not tell me you understand
you don’t
unless you are my exact age and have lost an uncountable amount of people, your closest people, watched the rest of the world give NO fucks, and watched everything you knew turn to nothingness more than once, no, you know nothing.
nothing of this, at least.
if you did
i doubt you’d live how you do.
if you are one of those people
so hypnotized by
My heart breaks again and again. I never want to be numb but even that is more difficult with every obituary. Thank you for sharing but I will put my 💔 here and not on the post. Here's a hug for you my friend.
and every time i hear about another death,
every time,
the root cause, if it was suicide or overdose,
was loneliness.
is this the world all of you want to live in?
My heart breaks again and again. I never want to be numb but even that is more difficult with every obituary. Thank you for sharing but I will put my 💔 here and not on the post. Here's a hug for you my friend.
Brilliant, loved this and thanks for sharing it raw.
Touched me.