and every time i hear about another death,

every time,

the root cause, if it was suicide or overdose,

was loneliness.

is this the world all of you want to live in?

My heart breaks again and again. I never want to be numb but even that is more difficult with every obituary. Thank you for sharing but I will put my 💔 here and not on the post. Here's a hug for you my friend.

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Thank you for your words and for being helpful during that hurricane. I prepared for a grid down scenario but certainly not news like this. One can never be prepared for that I suppose. Much love to you and I’m glad I know you and I’m glad you are alive. It makes a big difference. 🙏

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Brilliant, loved this and thanks for sharing it raw.

Touched me.

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recorded my attempt at narrating.


I was compelled at 4:40am to record and upload my first attempt.

Words like these require utterance and I wanted to feel them on my tongue, through my throat.

Very rough... will practice. Be blessed!

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Narrating this here? Oh lord. I might be too raw emotionally to hear that now bc when spoken it is so much more alive. But thank you for doing that, because when I am a bit more stable, I will come back and listen to it.

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Sep 29Edited
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Maybe that’s why I’m so devastated and angry. It’s one thing to have lost nearly everyone I’ve been close to and loved in life- but another to watch the living not actually live but behave like sociopathic self serving machines. That is something I cannot reconcile so I live between two worlds at the moment. When I do get my strength back there’s gonna be fkn hell to pay

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Oct 1
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oh my lord. I almost want to un-paywall this post just so I can share this comment. This is the greatest thing, to not succumb to that numbness which rapidly leads to sociopathy and vampirism. set limits. improve boundaries. standards. be you and actively discover. THANK YOU because i really needed this today. I think I will remove the paywall just so I can share this comment with others.

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Thank you for doing so, absolutely love.

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