The following is a reflection from a court testimony of a woman whose son was killed from state-sponsored bioengineering experiments. The video itself will be linked below. This was my immediate response when I heard her say, “Don’t look away from reality”.
Don’t look away from reality She begged the court room It’s amazing it even got that far Don’t look away from reality She begged who would listen As she recounted the body of her Son, Lifeless, boxed, aluminum, Denied dignity to be autopsied in any timely fashion As if they already knew.. Erased by the bioengineering experiments of world governments and pharmaceutical cartels
The cult of silence, so far, Has prevailed...
Don’t look away from reality
I felt myself start to shake
I know what it is to lose the one,
woven into the fabric of your soul
to a silent slaughter, extermination,
that no one gives a fuck about
They pass by in a transhumanist daze
25/8 interfaced
with nothingness
Babylonian rectangle of death,
doom scroll hypnosis
How many of us have already become automated, capitulated,
like this?
Why do the radiation towers still stand, why does tyranny persist?
They are killing you and your children
and you do nothing
They are killing you and your children
and we do nothing
why does tyranny persist?
because we do nothing.
we allow it.
Sometimes you must walk alone with The Reaper Bitter as his medicine may be, It is still something A signal to be led by in an ocean of noise containing nothing Don’t look away from reality I remembered how badly I wished I could say that And how it burns to have to say that My case never saw a court room Don’t look away from reality I knew that tone I knew those words Rage so great its hard to not take it out on fellow peasants turned bootlicker mockingbirds Many people will look away from reality, They’ve chosen the path of programmed-house cattle Hold tight to the ones who have not It is too late to reach the ones who still Have no idea They are At war But It is never too late To share your heart Initiating the call and response Of Revolution
Trust me, there are so much more of us out here than you’ve been led to think. Give it a try. See what happens.
Your entire life may change. And if it does…
Allow it.
This is the video I mentioned at the beginning of the article:
I felt this so fuckin deeply!! I been silently screaming for years already- "GET YOUR FUCKIN NOSE OUTTA YOUR PHONE & LOOK AROUND AT WHAT'S GOING ON!!" & sad shit is even when people agree, they do it silently, Don't rock the boat, Maintain the Status quo, Dont piss off the powers that SHOULDN'T be, if U do they may just come for U & me!! But they already did & even worse they came for our kids!! Im so sick of the wilful ignorance, years ago people had ballz, they got up & weren't afraid to fight for whats right, "U want how much for a pound of sugar?? Fuck U keep your shit, I'll cook without it & it'll be so much better!!" Now we've all been emasculated (yes females too have lost the ability to reach their devine masculinity- outta balance & outta sync) while our children are desecrated, but we hand them up as sacrifice, so we can exist in this putrid pretend paradise💀💀
I just can’t wrap my head around the blindness of society. Sometimes I really do want to scream at the top of my lungs “ wake up and get your head out of your phone people” but then I think it will probably be a waste of my time and energy and make me want to go back to being a control freak which I do not want to go back to that stage of being. So then I just focus on my goals of being independent while seeking out like minded individuals and progressing in that direction