
I felt this so fuckin deeply!! I been silently screaming for years already- "GET YOUR FUCKIN NOSE OUTTA YOUR PHONE & LOOK AROUND AT WHAT'S GOING ON!!" & sad shit is even when people agree, they do it silently, Don't rock the boat, Maintain the Status quo, Dont piss off the powers that SHOULDN'T be, if U do they may just come for U & me!! But they already did & even worse they came for our kids!! Im so sick of the wilful ignorance, years ago people had ballz, they got up & weren't afraid to fight for whats right, "U want how much for a pound of sugar?? Fuck U keep your shit, I'll cook without it & it'll be so much better!!" Now we've all been emasculated (yes females too have lost the ability to reach their devine masculinity- outta balance & outta sync) while our children are desecrated, but we hand them up as sacrifice, so we can exist in this putrid pretend paradise💀💀

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this right here: "while our children are desecrated, but we hand them up as sacrifice, so we can exist in this putrid pretend paradise💀💀" exactly.

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Its just so damned obvious- I have serious difficulty wrappin my brain around the total blindness of the majority of our society- I've never been ok with playing victim & pretending they're not trying to victimize us all- I've never been ok with just turning the other cheek & handing over my rights, my dignity, my self respect for "convenience & comfort." I Always have & Always will do shit the hardest way possible if need be to maintain ME.

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Yup we’ve had to go to lengths most wouldn’t just to survive — training for what we’re up against now most likely. Def looking forward to when ur down here in FL, I’m gonna tap in with similar groups I was linked with in TN and see what’s happening.

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U Already Know Im There!! It's in my blood- Its my calling🥰🥰💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿🔥🔥

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I just can’t wrap my head around the blindness of society. Sometimes I really do want to scream at the top of my lungs “ wake up and get your head out of your phone people” but then I think it will probably be a waste of my time and energy and make me want to go back to being a control freak which I do not want to go back to that stage of being. So then I just focus on my goals of being independent while seeking out like minded individuals and progressing in that direction

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Yes— the seeking of like minds in real life is life changing. You will find a lot of that where you are going. If you’re ever in East TN lmk, I can link you w some ppl there too

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I love how you transmute rage. My heart feels your words. ❤️

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Thank you sister 🙏🙏 it seems poetry and art may be among the best weapons in these times ❤️

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It's so disgusting I quit looking at anything.

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I get that — but then where does that leave the future generations (and present ones)? The overload of chaos/bad news is part of the demoralization stage of subversion - it’s by design. There has to be a way to fight back and protect the integrity of human life without having it completely destroy us in the process - and there is, but those solutions have to be implemented in real life and probably discussed there too (meaning not on the internet)

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Of course it's by design… Soros and his communist community. That's why I refuse to entertain the thought.

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Yuri Bezmenov on subversion of western society before soros time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gnpCqsXE8g&t=301s

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As long as I refuse it a place in my belief then I prevent that from entering into a manifest reality. Soros is a treasonous virus, with both money and means to move political changed through his own mind virus. My intent is to destroy that thought.

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Programmed house-cattle. Exactly. https://wetikofreaks.substack.com/p/a-war-of-emotions Tesstamona has this. Listen to her, and look at your heart.

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