Hey everyone!
I wanted to touch base with you to get your opinion. If your answer is not in the poll, please leave it in the comments, or you can message me directly.
I’m going to be offering a lot more here on this Substack (this will be for patrons / paid subscribers only) and I wanted to get an idea of what you guys would like to see. Hence, the poll.
For reference, BTS means “behind-the-scenes” and “early access” means you get to hear everything way before it’s actually released. You can also hear things that aren’t "done” yet / in process.
It would only let me give five options. If you have another suggestion, want to answer “all of the above”, or want to select more than one option, please leave a comment and let me know!
Thank you!
New: Algorithm Ghetto Music Video by Tesstamona
Hey y’all. Thanks for reading.
Consider becoming a paid subscriber and:
Get exclusive access to all behind-the-scenes (BTS) related to music, the creation process, video shoots, photo shoots, and unreleased songs.
Get early access to all of the songs on my upcoming album, Ghost in the Machine.
Get discounts on all merchandise
Get access to Substack-exclusive poetry, podcasts, and posts (available to paid subscribers only).
You’re helping me work in service of humanity. The less time I have to spend at a soul-sucking job that as of now, the more time I can spend putting messages out there that all of us want to see more of, yet for some reason, in the artistic and musical spaces, hardly (if anyone) is doing.
I’m willing to do this Work until someone kills me for it, so let’s go. 🚀You give your vote and consent for humans to continue being writers, musicians, speakers and poets — as opposed to the alternative; having everything created from AI. The choice is yours. It always has been. ❤️
If you genuinely find these works beneficial to your mental health and wellbeing, but are not in a position to pay for a monthly or annual subscription to paywalled content, please email me - tesstamona AT gmail DOT com and ask for a comp. One will be given to you, no questions asked.
Any and all of you—bring it 💪🏻🙏