We are the ones building the digital gulags around us by our consenting engagement.
That is the only thing the machine operates on.
Imagine being so free that you choose bondage..
Build It And They Will Come
When it comes to our socially engineered environment, we are the ones to blame.
We walked into the structure and behaved SO predictably. Anyone with a basic understanding of, I don’t know, how to teach a child the ABC’s can engineer a society.
Understand human psychology. Not hard at all. People do shit that rewards them. People don’t like doing shit that delivers what they don’t want. People have certain hardwired needs, but these can be mitigated with synthetic replacements, so no real issues there for an engineer.
Swap purpose with constant entertainment, eradicate the aggression instinct with video games, sports, turn basic life skills like fishing and hunting into hobbies (that require you to have a license?), give them “careers” to pursue that promise status, praise, and other rewards.
Give them artificial light instead of sun. Give them treadmills instead of space to roam. Give them fake competitions instead of actually having to develop themselves through cultural rites and initiations.
Do you see where I’m going with this?
When it comes to connection, replace it with literally anything. Drugs/alcohol work the fastest to provide that illusion.
Social media is a slaughterhouse for the human psyche and literally rots your brain, but it gives the illusion of connection as well.
The desire to procreate?
Curb that shit and lower those birthrates - get the men addicted to porn.
Now they’re all lazy voyeurists who have no idea how to actualize anything within themselves.
The same can be said for women. The “influencer” trap and archetype is the modern day Whore of Babylon.
What happened to art? What happened to the soul? What happened to sacred chants, prayers, stories never written down out of reverence alone, and when someone knew, it was because they were intentionally told?
Before humanity collectively sold its soul for comfort, we had to prove ourselves and cultivate ourselves the REAL way. In the analog world. You can’t fake that.
As a result, we got REAL results.
You can lie on your social media platform(s) of choice, make 10 dating app profiles and automate a bunch of parallel false realities to run simultaneously where nothing happens except chaos and parasitic decay until you die.
At least you’ll be occupied.
Sucks to be you, the engineers of the structure do not care. You are expending all your energy, so at the end of the day, there’s none left to wonder why you don’t feel fulfilled. Well, you may wonder, but you won’t have energy to do anything about it.
The hamster still gets tired out on the wheel. No matter that he never goes anywhere.
However… the ongoings of said structure are entirely animated, fueled and automated by you. By me. By every single solitary individual who enters into the barren structure and says, ah, we know what to do here, and we start… acting out “life”?
And so it has been.
What happened to art? What happened to the soul? What happened to sacred chants, prayers, stories never written down out of reverence alone, and when someone knew, it was because they were intentionally told?
Agents and AI Reinforcement Learning:
I used the term agent in the title of this article because of the way the machines are referred to in AI reinforcement learning.
The robots are referred to as agents.
They enter into environments (populated by us, existing only because of our participation) and begin to, essentially, fuck around and find out.
Who teaches them?
We do.
We are the ones who provide the reinforcement, whether positive or negative, with our actions.
What do you engage with? Whether you like it or not doesn’t mean shit, what do you spend your time consuming? What do you focus on? What gets your attention?
What motivates you into action, which in modern day looks like getting into fights on the internet and allowing the machine to harvest your Life Force for hours on end?
Ding ding ding!!
You just provided a shit ton of reinforcement to learn from. Look at all that input data you provided with your predictable reactivity, powered by your Life Force. What a devastation to use it for such lowly purposes.
Sleeping Manchurian Candidates
We’ve already been studied and mapped out. From our behaviors, pathologies, ideologies, religions, cycles, our consented choice via what we spend the dollar on versus when we will not, what we value (shown in our actions) versus the often jarring disparity of what we say we value (words and lofty thinking).
It never really ends. It doesn’t matter though, we’re already “figured out” enough to completely subdue; so well that we don’t even think it true, and so well that if any one of us gets out of line, you can put money on it that another one of your comrades in the peasantry will get in your face to adjust you back onto the conveyor belt before any “authority” catches wind.
This is the archetype and phenomenon of the house slave, written about it earlier this year in my article Programmed House-Cattle.
So, now that all the social engineering has been done upon us, meh, now the robots are next in line.
You could say that WE are the unwitting and unknowing social engineers for these things.
We are.
Except… they are owned.
At the end of the day, they are proprietary and owned by their developers - so they can be recalled at any moment or flipped for a certain motive at any moment — in essence, they are all sleeping Manchurian candidates.
And would you look at that! The robots don’t require an MK Ultra program + LSD + hookers. Cheers to innovation and cost-efficiency!
The Audacity We Have
The audacity we have, in blaming the big “THEY”. We are the big THEY.
Obviously there are certified enemies to humanity, but if we look at how we behave honestly, are we any better?
You could easily argue the case that no, we are not.
And I am guilty of blaming the big they as well. I literally just did it in my song Algorithm Ghetto.
However, I’m about to hit you with something a bit different.
Hopefully it’ll serve as some sort of landmine ignition into action, but honestly i don’t have any hopes for it, i just like the way the remix sounds. It encapsulates this picture on an ENERGETIC level.
This was purely created, no justification or explanation. You’ll hear it soon because it’s been done for like a month, and I’m going to release the remix before I release any more new songs from the album.
Okay, I’m getting off topic:
Course-correcting back into the solution at hand:
Hopefully this is helping to drive home that our participation on ANY app or website - including but in no way limited to:
your email
any search engine
facebook, instagram, tiktok, X, telegram, all social media
youtube, rumble, bitchute, odyssey
substack, reddit
anything you use an internet connection to do
the TV counts too!
Every time you participate in any way, you are teaching your future rulers how to rule you.
If you think you have a ruling class now, you’ll likely be begging for them in a few years.
Hey, novel idea, no more rulers!
We decide when we become self-governing. I’ll elaborate more on this, because with the incoming energy of the new year, it’s actually perfectly suited for us to take the next step.
This doesn’t mean isolationist, it means an empowered individual leads to a stronger collective, and we don’t require this crippling reliance upon an authority to author our reality for us.
We are perfectly capable of doing this ourselves, we’ve just got some fucking work to do. We are strong, but strength becomes oppression and self-sabotage when it lacks discipline and practical application.
Idleness is lethal, just sitting here talking about ideas is fucking stupid and also lethal, where is the execution? It happens in the analog world, so why do you think we’re all here?
Sure, we may have been ALLOWED to enter these digital gulags but we weren’t forced.
We’re here because we avoid taking responsibility in the analog world.
Quite expensive, isn’t it? What price would you put on your life, and everything you could possibly experience therein?
Think about ants.
You know how you have an ant problem, so you lay out ant traps with bait inside that poisons them?
They’re the ones who walk into the damn trap and take the bait and bring it back to the colony.
I have never once in my life handcuffed an ant and screamed at it to go into the trap and take the bait back to its colony.
I’ve never even spoken to one, actually.
I’ve never put my proverbial boot on an ants neck, yet I’ve killed so many of them when they cause an infestation.
I know that, given their automatic behavior, they’ll run into the trap, bring back the poison they think is food to their community, but it’s poison, and then they’ll all die.
When we are living on autopilot, we are no different than ants.
Even fish are smarter than that.
Go fly fishing (meaning do not use live or dead bait, you use a decoy essentially) and you have to imitate the behavior of the living food of whatever fish you are hunting for. It’s a lot harder.
You have to understand your target. You have to understand the behavior of the creatures in the sea, you have to be able to tell how they are affected, even currents, and adjust accordingly.
So if we’re somewhat conscious, I suppose we are like the fish.
Fish are not dumb. At least not the one I hooked a few days ago. It was so big that when it ran, the fishing line sliced my hand up from the weight and speed of this thing.
Absolutely glorious it was.
Anywho, that fish had a strategy and it worked.
It went way down into its hole, and simply did not move. What am I gonna do about it? The line was cut. The fish got away.
Now, that fish is likely smarter.
It didn’t grow to be nearly 3 feet by accident, and I don’t know how long fish grow for, but maybe it’ll get even bigger.
It might even change what it hunts for, or where, who knows.
Later that night when I went out to fish again with my Uncle, i did notice that the exact same fish we were hunting for were not going after the fly we were using, even though it looked identical to the fish it was eating only the night before.
Instead, the only fish I saw the ones I was hunting for go after, were about 10x the size of the fly we were using.
They changed their behavior. They wised up. Didn’t get a single bite that night!
They saw the damn fly too, they were not impressed. They knew it was bullshit!
The jig was up, for that particular fishing hole and group of fish, at least.
So, be like the Snook fish.
No one’s asking you to get out of the water or not be a fish.
Just stop taking the same bait. It’s gonna get you killed.
The day is January 12th, 2025 that the coordinated “going offline” event is happening. I’ve spoken to people from all over the world who are saying they are going to do this for 24 hours.
If it is a coordinated effort, let us truly see the power we have - by taking it away.
This is multi-fold.
When it comes to “THEM” -
you’re massively fucking their pockets, they’re losing ad revenue if the USERS on their platform aren’t there. They’re spending money to fish in an empty pond, you see? They’ll be pissed for sure. That’s a lot of money they normally get that now, is wasted.
Then, there’s the machines.
What the fuck are they gonna learn from if there’s a massive GLITCH in the literal Matrix by a bunch of people who are normally online, suddenly at the same time, are not?
That fucks up the algorithms. These things run on algorithms, they are not limited to social media. They are used in finance, war, policy, business, any kind of decision making.
When it comes to “US” -
Pay attention.
Pay attention to what your life is like with NO internet, this also means NO NEWS!!!! No fucking news or TV if you’re still oldschool and have a TV. That’s the same shit!!
No news! No internet. No INPUT from the yada-yada machine, because it’s not truly a one way thing. You staying on the same channel sends the answer of “I like this”. You changing the channel sends the reinforcement of “I don’t like this”.
That is all data.
You think you’re only consuming but you actually are providing information, even if you think you’re doing nothing.
Okay. So hopefully this all makes sense yeah?
24 hours isn’t shit. I could go a lot longer honestly but since we’re coordinating with a lot of people I guess we can see how it goes?
See how your mental health is. See how your physical health is.
If you really wanna get wild, don’t expose yourself to screens, don’t have WiFi turned on, don’t keep electronics around you, see how much better you feel.
See how many things you NOTICE about LIFE that were literally always in front of your face that you never noticed until you unplugged.
A lot of those “things” you notice are gonna be the people you say you love, btw.
See how your conversations are. See how your mood is. Notice.
I’ll tell you this much:
I did a social media detox about two years ago.
I was just gonna do it for a week, but I wound up going 6 weeks because I loved it so much. I only got back on because I had a song I had to release and the release “timeframe” was then.
But guess what?
Ever since that detox…
I’ve had even more of an aversion to social media. It almost feels like an allergic reaction. I have to FORCE myself to use it and it’s a miserable experience, in all honesty.
Also, Gluten:
When I did BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu), a bunch of us did certain food cleanses. I did one for 30 days and it involved eliminating known toxins from the diet, one of those things was gluten.
I never had an issue with gluten before I eliminated it.
What happened when the 30 day cleanse was over and I ate gluten again?
Well, I’m now allergic to gluten and can’t eat it. I get a severe reaction, hives on the skin, swelling of the throat, actual allergic reaction.
Is that a bad thing? Hell no dude, my body doesn’t like it, it’s a known allergen anyway. I do just fine not eating gluten and I’m healthier for it.
That showed me that just because I was so used to something that I didn’t notice wasn’t good for me, didn’t make it any less poisonous; it just made me more toxic, so my normalcy bias adjusted accordingly.
With all this, it’s kinda like that.
Same same, but different, as they say in Cambodia.
Alright, I’m out.
Hey y’all. Thanks for reading.
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the last podcast episode of 2024 is public and out now:
I'm in. I love digital detox days!
“As a bruised apple attracts flies, human thoughtlessness draws algorithms.” — T. Snyder who writes and speaks (see the tube of youze) a lot about this neighborhood of ideas. Here’s some bytes.
On humanity, sexuality and digitality
Timothy Snyder