I'm in. I love digital detox days!

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me too!! im ready to turn it into another 6 week spree tbh 😆

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“As a bruised apple attracts flies, human thoughtlessness draws algorithms.” — T. Snyder who writes and speaks (see the tube of youze) a lot about this neighborhood of ideas. Here’s some bytes.


On humanity, sexuality and digitality

Timothy Snyder

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Thank you!!! That’s a heavy hitting quote. I’m gonna check him out

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I’d be surprised if you regret looking into Snyder. Came across him by near pure accident when he was giving a talk in a building I was working out of at UMass Amherst soon after the first Trump inauguration. He was peddling his most recent book “On Tyranny” but also speaking about empire and the Holocaust in ways somewhat unfamiliar and intriguing. A few years later he came up in my You Tube feed with a class he was currently teaching about the history of what is now called Ukraine which I avoided (time commitment averse) until I didn’t and then I was hooked. I never bought or read any of his books until his most recent “On Freedom” which I mistreat in a recent post. That’s partly because he gives such good lectures and Qan’As with audiences (especially on Europe, European integration “after” empire, and the Holocaust) but even his appearances on podcasts (except MAYBE when he talks about Harry Potter) are worthwhile because he’s a good enough teacher who knows how to play with and develop a theme without ever coming across as canned or repetitive.

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Read The Holocaust Narrative by E. Michael Jones. And look at Holocaust Handbooks.

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Is Substack part of the Matrix?

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Yes, because it’s part of the machine and it’s not the real thing. It’s still a synthetic way to interface. The only time I see any from a tech, be is when that’s how we find out and organize ways to meet in real life. Ultimately we want to get people out of the machine otherwise it continues to atrophy our psyches

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“We have met the enemy and he is us”


Thank you for elucidating these troubles!

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thank you for taking the time out of your day to read & comment! 🙏

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I love the fact that you can both inspire and teach an old man that learned the way naturally (for the most part). I always appreciate the perspective, and even when you use sources you know. I'm delighted to know a kindred being. I also admit to being a 5. Thanks Tess!

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i have been saying for a while now that we are so far from humanity and have lost our collective soul by abusing our bodies and minds with junk food and junk entertainment.

i have never been able to just watch the tele. i always had to be doing something creative like making art or writing or even cooking.

i loathe social media and have none.

i don’t watch the tele.

i eat real food that i cooked and in some cases that i grew myself and spend my time tending to my gardens and making art and reading and talking (in person not via txt or social media or email).

it’s amazing what a different outlook you have on life when you shut out and avoid the constant bombardment of advertising and consumerism and connect with real people and do real things.

it’s amazing what you can achieve and the life you can live without having to advertise every single moment and aspect of your life in the hope of acceptance

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Mr A n d e r s o n

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Jews Are The Problem by Ayo Kimathi.

And read Exposing the Lies of History.

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Indeed, we are the co-creators of our world, reality/illusion, and the choices we make. This is to take personal responsibility for our own situation. Cleansing the heart of unnecessary junk gives us an opportunity to elevate our consciousness to an empowered life. 12th is a good start! 👍

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Quballah? Mystic or practical? I would assume the mystic because there are few wizards other than me running around. I have long been concerned about the error being made by the attempt to create AI. I don't believe it's right to create a conscious being to be a slave nor is it wise to invite a thinking being into the world that could well be soulless or become a spirit of antagonism against ourselves. Perhaps we invite an Adversary. Well. We must fight the battles placed before us. The next decades shall be interesting at the least. Don't worry or fear. Things will be as they should. It can be no other way.

I have always wanted to be around for the End of the World.

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I would listen. Everybody feels they must tell me everything. I am not the one to make confession to; although I never talk so maybe I'm wrong. Still, there are things I have been told that I wish had been kept secret.

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Yes, exactly.

We ourselves are the architects of evil.

GOD did not create death destruction and chaos.

GOD brings order light, life, into, out of the void of chaos.

Humans through our free will, make the choices.

The machines, at best, mimic human actions.

The a.i. agents mimic us. They copy us.

The psycho social programing network, works through Jungian Mechanics.

The manipulation of thought through symbols, words, stories.

There's an even older term for this,


The occult knowledge, the secret, hidden technology of group dynamics, psychology, symbols.

That is how power structures have ruled humans since we became human.

Nothing has actually changed other than the scale and speed.

Fear not.

You can only be entranced by willingly choosing to be hypnotized.

Hypnosis requires you to knowingly surrender your will.

That is the secret.

Your power to choose.

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I’m in! I’ll turn everything off on the 11th when I go to bed

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Dec 30
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Hooray!!! 🙌🙌

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Dec 30
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Hooray!! Yes sir, the 12th. Super grateful that Mark had the idea and huge salute to KDP and the collective consciousness for already setting that plan in motion. Aligned perfectly. I hope you and yours are well 🙏

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