When They Tell You To Hate Your Neighbor, They're Asking You For Your Slave Labor
A Spoken Word Poetry Piece - and a dire message for the times. We are NOT one another's enemy - that's why so much effort goes into dividing Us.
I felt the need to share this audio clip of a spoken word piece I wrote and performed for the Outro on my unreleased song, Algorithm Ghetto. The song will be released October 4th, 2024.
However, the time is now for the spoken word piece.
You are the first to hear it. Scroll to the bottom of this post to listen.
The need became apparent when I observed the collective reaction to some political theatre this week. Really, this is always going on, but I observed a dramatic escalation, and the one thing we MUST avoid as a people, is war with one another.
My concern is not with idiot politicians, mere puppets and magicians for banking cartels and other powers-that-shouldn’t-be. They are the curtain for the creatures behind the curtain.
Fuck them all. We have the power, that is why we are under the amnesia spell. They know this. We have forgotten.
We have to wake up now.
What we do, or do NOT do, right at this moment, will determine whether or not our children have a future. This is bigger than us, so if you have your head in the sand, for the love of God, get it out.
You’re still on this planet, your work is not done. You are a living legacy in process - act accordingly. The choice is yours, and yours alone.
Everyone is subjected to constant propaganda and advanced forms of mind control that have been perfected not just for centuries, but millennia. It is time to understand this.
If someone acts wild, they are under a spell that is conjuring up every emotion and trauma response in them. They do not know what they do. All of us have been guilty of this. We must come to our senses now.
I do not want to see a civil war. I do not want to see violence in this country. We are already suffering. Look at all the suicides, overdoses, homicides, broken homes, broken families, broken relationships, broken people.
The time of self-abandonment is over. The relationship we have with ourselves mirrors and projects onto the relationships we have with everything and everyone in our lives, whether we want it to or not.
We alone can fix this, no one else. No one is coming to save us, EXCEPT US.
Algorithm Ghetto: Spoken Word Edition
I’m only sharing the spoken word piece, I’m not including the music…although you can hear it ever so faintly in the background ;-)
Please share this if you find value in it.
Algorithm Ghetto - Spoken Word Poetry Edition - by Tesstamona:
Poetry transcript: Have you noticed the net around us? The Algorithm Ghetto? Don't know where to start its got us entagled in both, micro and macro, but listen, your thoughts are not always your own in this system, There's a war for the human spirit, they use interference, draining our humanity, and we allow it, every time we trade molecules for pixels, and convenience for surveillance.. nobody these days maintains honest relations, why? terrified of our source of life, we run from LOVE trauma based mind control, in every analog and digital, algorithms are not just external, this is also our mental Recognize Stockholm Syndrome When they ask you to hate your neighbor, they're asking you for your slave labor, Do Not Comply When divided, we are blinded by the real threat, all that we have is each other, don't forget, friend.. -Tesstamona
They inject venom to get you angry and to subvert humanity by way of demoralization.
They do this in every form of content you and your children consume.
Use the same weapon, but in reverse.
Inject love. Inject hope. Inject compassion. Inject connection. Inject beauty. Inject harmony. Inject your art, poetry, music, words— your Heart.
This is the only way to fight back, it starts and ends with the Spirit in and around us all.
To make a one time donation to support this publication, you can “buy me a coffee” at this link: https://ko-fi.com/tesstamona ❤️
YESHUA , constantly said,
" Fear Not"
"Love one another"
All three are choices.
You are listening.
GOD bless you.
Tess, you will appreciate that I physically had shivers listening.