YESHUA , constantly said,

" Fear Not"

"Love one another"


All three are choices.

You are listening.

GOD bless you.

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Yes. They absolutely are choices. Thank you again for your work and your suggestion and how much that has helped me just in the last week alone. I went from dealing with panic attacks to suddenly feeling peace and feeling a power holding me up that I did not recognize as my own. Thank you.

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Mo Anam cara-my Soul friend

Mo Anam Croi- soul of my heart.

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what language is that?

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Gaelic, Irish.

Sorry having phone issues.

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All good - I accidentally restacked Demi’s post like 30 times bc the button froze and I tapped it a bunch - apparently it didn’t freeze on substacks end 🤣😭 but back to what you said, thank u. I’ve got Irish heritage, I’m gonna look up how that’s pronounced so I can hear and speak it. 🙏

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Auto correct sux lol, it is Gaelic

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Garlic, Irish.

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Jun 2Liked by Tesstamona

We the people hold the power and they divide to weaken our power. Block the agendas and force the shadows back to where they belong.

Unity is key !

Love this post and Expressive Art !

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Thank you so much friend. I appreciate tf outta that 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Tess, you will appreciate that I physically had shivers listening.

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1000% YES 🙏 🙏

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Jun 2Liked by Tesstamona

Your words are stronger than their efforts to corrupt us mentally. Thanks.

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😭 I’m going to write your quote here down somewhere I can see it every day so I don’t give up or get sideways. Thank you so much 🤯❤️😭

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Jun 2Liked by Tesstamona

Thank you. I retreated into my dark place this week. Ruminated with that other voice that is not my own. I shunned human contact. Wrong. I should have sought out my friends, chased that dark voice with the light of Love, Love with a capital L. The Love that not only forgives, but heals. I needed the reminder you just provided. Thank you.

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I am grateful to you for reading and for sharing this experience. So many of us are fighting the isolation and the dark place and that dark voice that is not our own right now. It's honestly mind blowing the degree I'm seeing it happen all at once, and I've been battling it too. Much love to you friend. I am extremely relieved that you sound like you are coming out of that. We need people rn, including you. 🙏

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Jun 2Liked by Tesstamona

Beautiful and much needed message 🙏💙💫

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Thank you Joyce 🙏

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Jun 6Liked by Tesstamona

Thank you so much for sharing your brilliance with us. When I read it, amongst other thoughts, I had visions of the Wall-E world trying to arise 😬

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omg. i know ive seen that movie but i cant remember it. looks like i will have to revisit it. thank you for your kindness, and thank you for reading. 🙏 ❤️

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Yesterday, I reflected on how people in modern cities are encouraged to live far away from our families, and how it then becomes difficult to spend time with the people we care about because we spend most of our time at work. When listening to this, I was reminded of the sadness of this realization.

What a moving, deeply important, and absolutely spot-on piece.

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Thank you so much, and yes, I agree. It’s such a massive thing to tackle because it is literally everywhere. We have become entrenched in a separated, synthetic, almost virtual reality at this point, so it gives me great Hope to know that so many others are just as aware of it, because when we are aware of it, we can actually do something about it. Thank you for your words and thank you so much for sharing this.

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“We have become entrenched in a separated, synthetic, almost virtual reality.”

Well said.

Thank you for writing this!!

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You are so welcome, thank you for reading and for the work you do 🙏❤️🙏

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Thanks Tessta…good stuff…I remember as a kid when we would move to a new neighborhood…the neighbors would stop by usually with food and introduce themselves and welcome us to the neighborhood…I’ve noticed no one does that anymore…which is sad…so I started taking my new neighbors a goodie bag of homemade treats and introducing Myself to them as their new neighbor…when I move to a new place…it’s amazing to see the looks on their faces and how all the walls come down instantly…and we have made some awesome friends over the years…America, we need to get back to helping our neighbors and checking on them as if they were family…because we all are!!!

Keep up the good work lady…it’s inspiring!!

God bless

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"They" have bitten the dust. Good riddance as you can never live your life following the advice of "they".

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"They" are still alive and well. They aren't going anywhere until we as a people rise. Common tactic of warfare, appear weak when you are strong. None of these theatrics have anything to do with anything - other than watching people call for war in this country. That's why that spoken word piece I recorded was released, not what I wrote in the actual post.

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HOWLS to you sister 🔥❤️‍🔥🔥 !! Thank you. 🙏🏼🕊️🌿

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