April 8th Eclipse: Updates & Remedies
There's a lot in here for you so don't wait until Monday to open this!
Added intel and practical remedies you can use to navigate these times is the purpose of this post. For those who did not see my earlier post on using Traditional Astrology and Astronomy to clarify the fear mongering around this event, please see below:
Alright let’s get into it.
First, I’ll get into the updated intel. Second, I have included a meditation, mantras, and a link where you can sign up for a free Kundalini Yoga webcast the day of the eclipse.
If you can’t attend live, the replay will be emailed to you. This is my strongest suggestion to anyone right now, so I’ll just link it here at the top in case you don’t have the attention span to read to the bottom.
Disclaimer for those new to this publication: Any time you hear me mention a zodiac sign / constellation, I am using Sidereal Astrology (meaning what is actually in the sky). To understand why tropical astrology is mathematically inaccurate, you can look up at the sky for yourself at night and find out, or see the above post where I explain the math part.
Okay, have your coffee, take a deep breath, and know there are lots of remedies and solutions in the second half of this post! We can’t control everything, but we CAN control our energy, and that does affect everything.
Never underestimate your power.
The Basics
Before we get started, and hopefully you’ve read the first post, there are some basics around any eclipse:
An eclipse is not just an event the day of the eclipse. The effects are felt (and we have already seen these things happen) at least a month prior to the event itself, and as far as the after effects? When dealing with a total solar eclipse, these elements can play out over the course of years. Because this eclipse will be in totality for 4 minutes and 30-ish seconds, and each minute corresponds to a year of effect, this eclipse will have influence for the next 4.5 years, according to ancient texts (see Mathesis, translated by Julius Firmicus Maternus, a compilation of ancient Egyptian and Babylonian astrology).
Added note - the last total solar eclipse was in 2017. The totality of the eclipse (meaning the time when the sun was completely covered) was 3 minutes and some odd seconds. What happened 3 years later? Hint: it was 2020. So.. what lies at the end of this eclipse’s lengthened influence? We’ll be approaching the year 2030, two months shy of it. Let it be known we are not helpless in this — understand that what we do during this point is going to influence outcome, we are not passive watchers but rather co-creators, so don’t be a backseat driver to life.
For thousands of years it has been known and recommended to spend these times (especially during an eclipse) in meditation. Those who practice yoga, you already know. If you don’t, just take it as a day of reverence, don’t do crazy shit, try to be calm and in a state of prayerfulness.
Eclipses have effects on the world stage, and depending on your natal and primary directions (progressed) chart, it may have a significant impact in your life. Many of us will experience the macro and the micro effects, and already have been. Others may be bystanders to the show.
Whatever you are speaking, praying, thinking, doing, emitting, it is magnified 1000x during the day of an eclipse. Be mindful of your thoughts, words and actions. They will echo for a long time.
(Image by Jeanna Donovan)
The Added Elements
Mars and Saturn will conjunct in the sign of Aquarius — their exact conjunction date is April 10th but that is irrelevant, they are already close enough to be in a technical conjunction right now (only one degree apart as I type this). The last time Mars and Saturn were conjunct, the Nato-Russia proxy war in Ukraine began. The time before that, the tyrannical lockdowns of 2020 began. So, you get the idea. Any indicator of disaster around this is likely to happen on the world stage, although you may notice challenging aspects or power struggles in some area of your own life. Ancient texts: “Anarchy of the Army” or “Cruelty of the Army” — an army may turn against its governing body, chain of command may be disrupted, possible indicator of AI weaponry going way fucking worse. (Automated Weapons Systems and the like, which is already at play, see Greg Reese’s post about the AI program Lavender being used by the Israeli government in Gaza)
Added note: Mars is related to cryptocurrency and Saturn relates to any kind of institutions (banking), not sure if this will have an effect. This is NOT financial advice, but keeping an eye on the market does not hurt. Saturn can represent fairness, but also restriction, Saturn/Shani is known in mythology to be the giver of wealth and success, but also the one that will snatch it away from you in an instant — whether it’s simply due to the passing of time, or if he perceives a person to have arrogance within them. Saturn/Shani said in his story, “those without arrogance have nothing to fear from me.” This story can be read in English in The Greatness of Saturn, by Robert Svoboda.
Mars is also related to energy in general… honestly that’s why I thought of CERN when I saw Mars/Saturn in Aquarius but we’ll see.
Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Aries on April 20th — All I’m going to say is, look no further than the earthquakes that have already been happening. Can be beneficial to those with ascendants (rising signs) ruled by Jupiter or Uranus in SIDEREAL signs. However, it can be a danger of accidents/violence as well (globally, not just for people with those rising signs). Possible accidents by plane during this time. Uranus wants to bring freedom and Jupiter wants to bring blessings but they are doing this through Aries, so the means this happens in may be through violence or “challenging means”.
The “Devil” Comet - that’s not the actual name of the comet, but somehow it has garnered that name. This comet most recently appeared right before the Israel / Gaza war/genocide began. All that violence, it was predicted by Trifon Nikolov a month in advance, and a huge indicator was that comet. Now, it is back during the eclipse. I do not know how this will play out so I am not going to make predictions, but be aware of this, so we can learn moving forward.
CERN - it has been disclosed to the public (that should be a red flag to everyone and I’ll explain why in a minute) that CERN plans on shooting multiple rockets at the eclipsed sun in order to “re-create the conditions after the big bang”. What the fuck. A statement was also released saying Physicists at CERN “captured” a 4D Ghost in the particle collider.
Invisible Planets - Mercury and Venus are in a period of invisibility, meaning their orbits are in such close proximity to the sun that they cannot be seen from earth with the naked eye. This is said to weaken their energy / represent negative and hidden forces. They both became “invisible” at the start of the astrological new year so this is a warning for the whole year ahead. Venus invisible can pose risks to those related to venus (young women, people involved in the arts, beauty, etc.) and Mercury invisible, could speak to the market, intellectuals, trade, or according to the ancient texts, “grief to the army”. On top of that, Mercury is also retrograde during this invisibility. This is more significant this year than others, as Mercury is the Lord of the year, being the first planet to rise at the equinox, marking the start of the astrological new year.
Gandanta Point - Mercury, including all the eclipse action, are happening at the very end of Sidereal pisces (final degrees). Mercury is the closest / directly on said Gandanta Point, which is a reference to the transition area between constellations. These are known as “karmic knots” and can be tough for the planet on the Gandanta point, even more so when the element it moves from is water to fire. That’s what is happening here, transitioning from water (Pisces) to fire (Aries). In short, it adds to the nature of transformation. The reason why people don’t like this is because for anything to transform, well… a fluffy way to say would be “growing pains” but also destruction. However — if you are aware of this and accept it as a brief period of transformation, it doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Let go or get dragged is a good mantra for the times.
Added note: due to the rising of Mercury in the sign of Pisces at the astrological new year, and this eclipse event also occurring in the constellation of pisces, it was already predicted two months ago by Trifon Nikolov that issues pertaining to trade via ocean (trade and commerce is mercury, ocean is pisces) was likely for the year. Given the eclipse, added dangers by water are indicated. What just happened? Ship mysteriously crashes into Baltimore bridge. What else? Escalated violence in the gulf of Aden and surrounding areas, Black Sea, etc. — Military matters and disruptions in trade are indicated and have already happened, may be greater intensifications of conflict there, or any areas surrounded by ocean involved in trade which is…. a lot of the planet.
Note again that these indicators, since they are all occurring so close to the beginning of the astrological new year (within the first 30 days), according to ancient texts, whatever happens at the beginning of astrological year is said to be an indicator for the next year. Some of these things we’ve already seen. Some we may see soon. Some could be in the coming 11 months, since we’re almost one full month in. The start of the astrological new year was March 10th 2024.
Why you should still NOT freak out:
The worst thing you can possibly do is become a generator of fear and negativity. You’re ringing the dinner bell for forces that prey upon fear. Do not become a human gas station for dark forces.
Whether you believe these things or not, the people in power do. That’s why they’ve disclosed what they’re doing with CERN and that’s why they’re generating all this bullshit with telling everyone to stock up and prepare for food and fuel shortages.
Want to know what telling everyone before an eclipse to stock up does? Create fuel and food shortages.
I’m not saying there won’t be, there will be if people panic-buy, this is why people should adopt a preparedness lifestyle so they don’t need to run to wal mart and fill three shopping carts when daddy gov rings the bell. But that is neither here nor there at this point.
I’d only be slightly concerned about that if you live on the path of totality where you expect an influx of eclipse tourists to show up in your town.
Also, it is recommended to NOT be outside during an eclipse, and especially to not watch it. Let the tourists spaz out if you live in the path of totality.
I realize things are intense. I am not saying shit isn’t gonna get wild. What I am saying is freaking out and generating hysteria and chaos is the worst thing any of us can do. The only thing we can do is to ground ourselves, CONNECT with each other because community is immunity, be authentic, stop being a self-serving POS if you are, stop lying if you are, be honest, reconcile your bullshit with others, and stay grounded as fuck in you spiritual life and practices.
That is our power — unity and our SPIRIT. Do not underestimate this. Demoralization is a tactic of the enemy for the purpose of subversion and defeat. Do NOT feed into it. I know it’s in everyones head to varying degrees, so we have to get that shit out.
Feed what you want to grow. Rip out what you don’t want to become reality. If you want to change your reality, start watering other things. Break your algorithm, plant new thoughts and habits. Learn to pivot, be quick on your feet. Do not listen to nay-sayers, especially the one in your own head.
Ignorance is not bliss, it is chaos:
Our collective lack of knowledge around astronomical and astrological interpretations of these events makes us unbelievably easy to manipulate.
Yes, very volatile things are at play in the sky as I type this, as I said it isn’t specific to this one day. That doesn’t mean the world is ending — however one must be aware that since the big “they” know what’s going on celestially and know how to leverage these energies to further the destruction of humanity. Don’t let yourself be the fuel of their engine by giving them fear and anger.
They STLL need one of two things from you to keep their theatre going:
Your participation (freaking out)
Your lack of resistance (consent)
These are potent times and the slightest bit of emotion or action, negative or positive, will have massive effects.
This is also where eclipses can be used for incredible transformation.
The reason people have feared eclipses for thousands of years is because they often bring crises and destabilization. That’s the whole point.
Their benefits may seem like more of a “long game” because of this, but in order for life to continue to evolve, grow and expand, it must destabilize. Things must transform (or be destroyed) that have run their course, or need to be course corrected.
Of course, things can also be drastically improved, when it comes to your personal life it depends on how you’ve been living. These are karmic times that bring fated events, which essentially is the result of the actions that you identify as being the “doer” of.
Notice how I said identify as being the doer of said actions. This is how “empaths” wind up being karmic shields for people, or we feel like we take on other peoples karma - don’t identify with or take shit on that isn’t yours.
Also, don’t think that if you decide to “not identify” with things you’ve done that you won’t have consequences, just keep your karma as YOUR karma. Also, karma is not just a negative thing! REMIND YOURSELF OF HOW FAR YOU HAVE COME and how much you have done to the good. Remind yourself that you were the doer of those actions too. It is so easy to forget.
I can tell you a list of crazy shit that has happened during an eclipse and I can also give you a list of incredible blessings that have come around eclipses. Understanding your own astrology will help you navigate personally, including selecting proper remedies, but I’ll share some general ones in this article that anyone can do, regardless of your horoscope.
Meditations and Mantras
First, you can do this meditation and you can play this mantra while you do it. You can play the mantra whenever you feel fear — it is a mantra with a few uses, but one of them is to remove the fear of death.
The meditation is known as the “10 stroke breath to experience the world beyond” and here is a description of how to do this:
Maha Mrityunjay Mantra
You can play this out loud during the meditation, you can play it out loud whenever, and if you want to chant along with it, typically the repetition suggestion is 108. When chanting a mantra, traditionally it is suggested to be showered/bathed before. Playing it though is fine if you aren’t, this is very subtle, we’re not talking about invoking the legion of doom here.
Here are two versions of the same mantra, for the sake of melodic variation and your personal taste haha. Also, the second video has english lyrics for the pronunciation if you want to chant the mantra outside of the meditation / learn it:
Kundalini Yoga Webcast:
This is happening Monday at 1:30 PM EST / 10:30 AM PST. This is a free Kundalini Yoga webcast for the community - free webcasts are done at a very fundamental level, you’re not going to be doing anything difficult, as they are aware there are people coming to these who have never done Kundalini Yoga before.
So, don’t worry! Come and do the practice, and if you can’t make it live, sign up with your email anyway, they’ll email you the replay and you can get to it when you have time.
Either way, I strongly suggest doing this the day of the eclipse.
Again, it is free of charge, put on by Jai Dev Singh and the Life Force Academy. This is for the community to help everyone ground themselves and experience the OTHER side of these events… which is a profound transformation, or at very least, a great lessening of turbulent energy.
Simple do’s and don’ts
Spend time in total silence. Be quiet. LISTEN.
Sunia/Shunia meditations/practices
Have reverence
Have patience
Let the dust settle, let things clear up
Have a silent mind and a steady hand
try your absolute hardest NOT to get into fights with people!!!
If you get a feeling that you should check on someone, DO IT. If you get the feeling that you’re suddenly exhausted or overwhelmed, step back and take care of yourself. Listen to your inner voice.
Read the book “The Greatness of Saturn” by Robert Svoboda. This is no regular book. This has a profound effect to anyone who reads this tremendous living story. It has helped me a great deal.
Go outside to stare directly at a solar eclipse
Freak out
Doom scroll
Participate in or engage in fear mongering
don’t be surprised if your dreams are haywire right now, it’s normal
don’t be surprised if you have a lot of fear and unprocessed trauma coming up, that is normal for these times, allow it to move through you — you CAN transform it if you allow it to move through you.
don’t think you are ever alone in what you are feeling, especially around anxiety, anger and unprocessed emotions
make large purchases or take big risks
try to avoid traveling
dont do unnecessary shit around this time
At the end of the day, let your inner voice be your guide, obviously — but yeah I think I’ve given you a decent amount of information here.
If you want more information, Trifon Nikolov broke down a lot of the elements for this time in this video:
Trifon Nikolov is a master astrologer from Bulgaria. He now lives in Florida. I highly recommend him for personal readings / consultations, especially if you are new to astrology. He has helped me immensely. He’s not just a great astrologer, he’s a great person, and he’s no bullshit. Tells it straight. I appreciate it. Hopefully you will too!
Alright, if I’ve left something out that you feel people should know, please drop your “celestial suplex and possible SHTF scenario survival kit tips” in the comments!!
I haven't been much into astrology not because I don't think it's true but because it's so darn complicated and at the beginning it all sounds like gibberish when I read or hear about it. But I was traveling on the day of the lunar eclipse and crazy sh*t happened: I got an eye infection, they didn't let me on the plane, I was stuck at my layover in Kuala Lumpur and most of all all of a sudden I felt so unstable - like yelling and screaming unstable which hasn't happened for me in a loooong time. And although the last week following the lunar eclipse was difficult it also brought beautiful changes and I was able to see a very different and exciting version of myself. So I will definitely sit tight and not do to much today after that lesson I had but I am also really excited about what will show up for me and for us as a whole :) ---- I think being able to pivot smoothly and not being too attached to things is key here, me personally I am actively preparing for change and will embrace it. All the best to you Tessa, you sound good!!
“ cryptocurrency and Saturn relates to any kind of institutions (banking), not sure if this will have an effect. This is NOT financial advice, but keeping an eye on the market does not hurt. Saturn can represent fairness, but also restriction, Saturn/Shani is known in mythology to be the giver of wealth and success, but also the one that will snatch it away from you in an instant — whether it’s simply due to the passing of time, or if he perceives a person to have arrogance within them. Saturn/Shani said in his story, “those without arrogance have nothing to fear from me.” This story can be read in English in The Greatness of Saturn, by Robert Svoboda”
Black swan events are related to the banking industry. One credible theory is the banking industry benefits greatly from the bridge collapse.