I haven't been much into astrology not because I don't think it's true but because it's so darn complicated and at the beginning it all sounds like gibberish when I read or hear about it. But I was traveling on the day of the lunar eclipse and crazy sh*t happened: I got an eye infection, they didn't let me on the plane, I was stuck at my layover in Kuala Lumpur and most of all all of a sudden I felt so unstable - like yelling and screaming unstable which hasn't happened for me in a loooong time. And although the last week following the lunar eclipse was difficult it also brought beautiful changes and I was able to see a very different and exciting version of myself. So I will definitely sit tight and not do to much today after that lesson I had but I am also really excited about what will show up for me and for us as a whole :) ---- I think being able to pivot smoothly and not being too attached to things is key here, me personally I am actively preparing for change and will embrace it. All the best to you Tessa, you sound good!!

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I lived in Kuala Lumpur for about a year.

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“ cryptocurrency and Saturn relates to any kind of institutions (banking), not sure if this will have an effect. This is NOT financial advice, but keeping an eye on the market does not hurt. Saturn can represent fairness, but also restriction, Saturn/Shani is known in mythology to be the giver of wealth and success, but also the one that will snatch it away from you in an instant — whether it’s simply due to the passing of time, or if he perceives a person to have arrogance within them. Saturn/Shani said in his story, “those without arrogance have nothing to fear from me.” This story can be read in English in The Greatness of Saturn, by Robert Svoboda”

Black swan events are related to the banking industry. One credible theory is the banking industry benefits greatly from the bridge collapse.

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I feel like the advice not to go outside or observe the eclipse is being fearful..

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People can do whatever they want - that’s just traditionally what’s done in observance / reverence, not out of fear, just understanding the energy. I’m not gonna pretend like it’s not what it is, but that is nowhere near the fear mongering around this being the end of the world that’s widely circulating.

Maybe a better comparison would be: Would you walk outside during a tornado? Different event obviously, but some things ppl don’t like being directly exposed to. But there are also storm chasers, so ppl can decide what they want.

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I myself have decided to travel to the path of totality to observe but the things you say do resonate with me.

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I’ve been in the path of totality of an eclipse before (the one in 2017 went right above where I lived) and I def didn’t spontaneously combust or anything 🤣 the longer lasting effects are very hard to pinpoint for me at this stage, but as far as the immediate event, the only chaos I heard about was people who did travel to my area had a bad traffic jam on the freeway, and there was an incident where ppl got out of their cars and guns were pulled on ppl (because that totally fixes traffic jams 😵‍💫) and ppl tend to behave more irrationally / aggressively during these times. I think you will be fine, just take care to not get sardined into any large crowds without an easy exit if possible. And enjoy the day, travel safe!! 🙏🙏🙏

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I'm sick now for the first time in 3 years...

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Are you feeling okay? I just saw this - feel free to DM too if you need

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