Magha Nakshatra: A Kundalini Yoga Practice for Fridays Full Moon
An astrological breakdown, rant on independent thinking, and humanity's lost literacy of the language of Nature:
First I’ll pass on the information and link to participate in this webcast for free. You can do this live, or you can catch the replay afterwards. After I post the link, I will get into the astrology for those of you who are interested in that sort of thing, but I realize not everyone is a massive sky-nerd like I am.
Here’s the free webcast resource for you:
On Friday, Full Moon Day, Jai Dev is hosting a brand new webcast experience: The Radiant Body Workout.
This class really will be a workout, so prepare to move, sweat, and brighten, backed by the climactic lunar energy this Friday morning.
This Full Moon is taking place in Magha Nakshatra—represented by the throne room. People born with Magha placements are generally more in tune with their own sense of their innate royalty, and know how to shine.
Here's the thing—it doesn't matter what our horoscope is, we all have access to that royal energy. We just need to know how to tap into and express it! This Radiant Body Workout is dedicated to just that.
This is a global webcast, so make sure you're registered for it—the collective vibe is going to be palpable. Click here to Register.
Brief breakdown of the Magha Nakshatra (0 to 13 degrees of the Leo constellation)
The Full Moon will be occurring in the Magha Nakshatra. A Nakshatra is a lunar mansion, and in Vedic astrology, the sky is divided into 27 (or 28 in older days) lunar mansions.
This is important to understand, because one could be born under any constellation / zodiac sign, but a slightly different expression of that energy is expressed depending on which part of the constellation it is.
In western astrology, you may recognize these Nakshatras as being similar to “decans” of each constellation — although each constellation is not equally divided by three lunar mansions in Vedic astrology, as in western astrology where each sign is divided into three decans (and four dwads).
Magha is part of the constellation of Leo, 0 to 13 degrees. This Nakshatra is ruled by Ketu. See what area of your chart holds 0 to 13 degrees of Leo.
You don’t have to have planetary bodies within that part of your chart for this energy to be relevant in your life, we were ALL born under the same sky, everyone has every Nakshatra and constellation in their natal chart, just in different houses (areas of life).
We don’t all have planetary placements in said areas, but look at what HOUSE it is in, look at the chart ruler of said house, this will tell you what area of life to expect a heavy dose of illumination in.
Full moon energy is typically felt three days before the lunation and three days after, although this may vary depending on the sensitivity of the individual, where it falls in your natal and progressed chart, and also…. the energy of the collective.
Sometimes the collective may become more reactive and drag the lower expression of the energy out way longer than it needs to be, but let’s not get into that.
If you are a practitioner of any path of transformation, you can utilize any transit and any energy as a platform for elevation.
The only thing the Magician can’t do is say “I can’t”.
To observe the lunar position for yourself, look up at the sky. If you don’t have a clear view, or can’t recognize constellations with the naked eye, get a constellation app and it will show you the constellations and planetary bodies (even galaxies and fixed stars and asteroids) in the sky.
Remember, use a constellation app, NOT an astrology app, as they’ll have programmed systems within them that are not accurate. You want to be seeing what is actually above you, not what someone says was above you 2000+ years ago.
Full Moon In Magha
This is a regal energy, known for a culmination of creative and expressive pursuits and desires. Magha’s translation is "The Mighty", "The Great", "The Benevolent", and also "The Magnificient".
Magha refers to gifts, prosperity/wealth, power, rewards, recognition, royalty/regal energy, and also reverence and gift giving to the Divine. It’s associated symbol is a royal throne.
Magha is derived from the word Maghavan which translates to receiving or giving gifts, bountiful, generous.
Esoterically, Maghaban is the cause of light and brightness and is also a reference to the clouds which are charged with electricity. (Another lightning reference here… see last TWO posts on the alchemical symbolism for lightning and how the numerology of the energy we are in references it on multiple levels.)
Leo energy in general, but especially this initial phase of its expression, surrounds just that- expression and the need to be acknowledged, seen and successful in life.
The full moon here is a level of culmination and completion to celebrate your success, power, royalty. We can start with acknowledging ourselves, what we are grateful for, what we have accomplished, it is SO easy to lose perspective in todays world.
When we can take a step back and truly see our own hero’s journey, it can change everything.
As within, so without.
Of course, there are shadow sides to every energy. The way this energy is expressed is dependent on the substance, condition or caliber of the individual.
When expressed in the collective, unfortunately the energy falls to the lowest common denominator… so YOU can for sure use this as a platform for elevation, but:
Don’t be surprised if you see (even within yourself) the darker side of this: People screaming from soapboxes, really obsessive egoic or envious energies, possible aggression or grandiosity, perhaps “headless” or detached natures related to the above mentioned due to Ketu’s rulership, as well as possible karmic situations (Ketu) arising (definitely check your chart for that).
Possible excessive attention seeking or pre-occupation with wordly / material things, shiny objects, or people being shitheads when it comes to their pursuit of acquiring a certain position within power dynamics.
Additional players in the Lunation:
Saturn, the Sun, and loosely, Mercury, will be forming an opposition with this lunation in the constellation of Aquarius.
How’s that gonna play out? Let’s find out, because I can take a few guesses, but I am not a professional astrologer. They’d be assumptions in all honesty. So if I’m not entirely sure… I’m gonna just listen, watch and observe.
The unfolding of life and our experiences within the energy is our greatest teacher and remedy.
If you’re not familiar with the workings of Saturn, the Sun, or Mercury in general…
Saturn deals with structure, maturity, death, sickness, time, restriction, delays, blockages, and often our deepest fears and constraints.
Saturn is a great teacher as it focuses on being meticulous and not missing a single step, doing things the “right” way, not cutting corners, delayed gratification, playing the long game.
Saturn is associated heavily with work/business, as well as structures and institutions of any kind, be that the Government, buildings, roads and railways, plumbing, or even the bones in your body.
Saturn is also the Lord of Time, so again, Saturn rules sickness, death, or the expiration of things that have simply ran their course. A word I’ll pass on that my astrologer shared with me regarding Saturn:
“Do not be afraid, none of these transits are going to take away anything that is meant to be. It will only bring end to things that are not meant to be in your life, or simply, things that have ran its course, and the time is up.”
With Saturn in the mix, I wouldn’t be surprised if something on the world stage occurred around this lunation, being that Saturn rules over institutions of authority and power structures. With its gaze on Leo, possibly even more so, because who are the types that go for these positions in society, and what do they chase once they are there? Recognition, power, dominance.
But again, that’s a guess.
Mercury deals primarily with communication. In the chart of the native, this breaks down more complex, but if we’re just looking at it on a collective level, short-distance travel, those you interact with on a regular basis, friends, siblings, extended family, communications, technology, but again, look at your chart if you want to know what it speaks to on a more personal level.
The Sun in one’s chart, according to ancient astrologers, points to the Spiritual Self. Others view it as the ego, others view it as “your core self”, so do with that what you will. On the level of the collective… especially with mercury (the mind) and saturn (a LOT of what I Just mentioned) opposing a lunation in Magha/Leo, well, there may be conflicts in people feeling like their ideas and/or agendas or expressions are NOT heard or respected, or there may be an exaggerated experience of this.
However… there could also be a breakthrough in that area.
Let’s find out.
If you’re in a situation where you feel unseen, invisible, unacknowledged for your work and your contributions, not seen as the holistic individual that you are, but rather the narrative people would rather cast you in due to their own laziness and ignorance —- may that be transformed for you to your highest good NOW.
Let me know in the comments how your life is changing as we approach this lunation on February 23rd. Remember, you’ll start feeling that energy a few days before.
Some of you may already be feeling it.
Mild rant to encourage independent thinking:
For the life of me I cannot figure out why we don’t agree on where transits are occurring in the sky (the debate between Tropical versus Vedic and Sidereal versus the actual real time observance of where things are in the sky) when the answers are right above us — something we can see with our eyes.
Our ancestors could recognize constellations and used them as navigational tools, indicators of approaching events, agricultural cues, these were literal tools of preparedness and survival. They didn’t have iPhones.
They were LITERATE in the language of the Universe/Nature. We have greatly lost this literacy. We have forgotten our native language.
Today we trust apps, algorithms, word of mouth and belief systems, even if they are faulty and outdated, thus inaccurate.
Yet we see the same thing when it comes to our perceptions of reality and the widespread permissiveness of tyranny in society, do we not?
So I suppose I am venting some frustrations and asking people, please, trust what you SEE with your EYES over what someone else is repeating and molding you into a mockingbird over.
You have a mind. You have a mission. You have eyes. You have a brain. USE THEM.
I do not mean for this to be offensive or aimed at anyone. I am very familiar with how hard it is to break free from conditioning. We all grew up in a system that punished people with their own thoughts and ideas.
I am simply encouraging people to explore a truth they can see for themselves as opposed to staying in the habit of taking the word of other people as truth without any independent investigation.
This can be said for FAR more than astrology, and if you’re reading this publication, you already know what I mean.
We are all going to be right about some things, and wrong about many things. Then there’s the majority of life where really no one has any idea, and that’s part of the adventure.
The point is that we remain teachable and curious, that we not cling to someone else’s conclusions with no discernment or investigation on our own part. That’s all.
I’m definitely in that situation Tess and am hoping the power of Magha will work in my favor.