Tattooed Souls and Esoteric Art - Part Two
On Censorship, shadow work, weak stomachs and divine timing:
I was homeless when that song was written.
And I felt as though I’d never be free.
Little did I know… life would soon get better than anything I could have conceived, but before that, it would also get much, much worse.
I am grateful for hardship, tragedy and pain, because it provides a threshold to reach a level of consciousness I couldn’t have accessed otherwise. But even more importantly:
It didn’t harden my heart. It deepened my capacity to Love. It also deepened my capacity for Compassion.
Censorship of expression and speech:
I was going to share the music video to an older song I wrote in 2021 when I originally wrote this post and saved it into drafts a few days ago.
The song is called Bondage and was removed from YouTube five times, censored from google searches, hidden in Apple Music even though my distributor sent it directly to them, and a bunch of other weird shit started happening that you wouldn’t believe unless:
you’ve been censored online before
luckily i took screenshots of some of the shit they did, so there’s actual proof of it. If you’re an instagram person, you can find me there (same user name - tesstamona) - right on my page there is a highlight bubble titled “censorship”. knock yourself out, it’s much more than this incident. This was only the beginning.
I’m not going to share it right now though, because I spoke with
at The Cultural Futurist last night. The video, including the TRUTH of what that song is about, the backstory, the tyranny and trauma, the active surrender and integration that was the messy offensive video (for people with weak stomachs) and what really went down when it was released— will be disclosed for the first time publicly at her event, the Cultural Futurist Salon II, on Friday, February 3rd, 2024. Tap in with her publication for details.There are so many moving parts to this, but if you’re an artist, a human being, a consumer of art, or you believe in freedom of expression and speech, it’s relevant to you.
Controversy first came from the music video to the song. The video showcases in a graphic way one who is internally struggling with trauma, abuse, suicidal ideation and rage, and externally struggling with tyrannical lockdowns, a world gone mad, propaganda destroying communities and families, run-ins with police, and homelessness.
(The song and video were made in early 2021, for context.)
However, those stories are told on different songs (Wasteland and Quarantine Blues). Bondage is entirely about the feeling behind said events, and what it does to the mind.
It shows what it’s like to not just give a voice to ones “inner demons”, but to actively mock them. In some cases, a surrender to ones shadow is needed before you gain triumph, or integration, over it. This video is exactly that - a maniacal surrender, narrated with tarot cards, weapons, chains and blood.
The track “Bondage” was censored allegedly due to “horror, gore, and sexually gratifying images” but the censorship extended far beyond this song. I was extremely outspoken about the fake covid narrative, the genocidal “vaccines”, agenda 2030, and various CIA operations surrounding the strategies of propaganda, which everyone was (and still is) experiencing in real time.
I had several virtual dents (strikes) due to my speech alone, but when this came out, holy fuck it was a problem.
For the people who think fake blood is scary and should be banned, do you realize there’s videos of the taliban cutting peoples heads off on youtube? Do you have any idea what is on there that is actual real violence? Some of yall have lived way too sheltered and need to relax.
In avoiding the expression of humanity (in the context of art, this is not a reference to the taliban - just to be clear), you are diluting your own humanity.
This led to a domino effect of getting restricted on every platform. Freedom of speech has become freedom of reach in an age of centralized digital discourse. This is a way of silencing the voices of the people without physical force, therefore much easier to get away with.
Censorship is one of many silent weapons in a quiet war, as it prevents collective unity and the visibility of any narrative other than one prescribed for capitulation of the masses.
It is the responsibility of artists in our time to accurately reflect what we experience, regardless of how disturbing it may be. Art is a tool for revolution of the heart, spirit, and in many cases, humanity itself. Hope is far from lost.
Is my sound and image the same as it was in 2021? No, because I am not the same person. I’m still a fiery person with a lot of grit, but a deepened capacity toward Love via grief and tragedy have softened my edges quite a bit.
The divine timing of something I did years ago that I thought was my worst mistake as an artist because of how much shit I had to deal with around just trying to express myself, coming back around a few years later and providing an opportunity for discourse when it comes to freedom of expression and speech? I can get behind that.
If you’ve dealt with censorship, whether from people, institutions, the internet, or even your own mind, I hope you come to the event and join the conversation. If you don’t want to attend the virtual event via Zoom, you can always talk about in the comments what you’ve dealt with and how you are dealing with it.
Regardless of how we express ourselves, it’s important we have the freedom to do so. We are sovereign beings. We only become CATTLE when we submit without protest and hand over our dignity in exchange for convenience.
Oh goodness, very deep sigh, this rings so many bells. Perhaps in a different way but it does. I think what you’ve said in part 1 had a deep impact and last night, in my dream, I was able to silence some of the people who made my life hell as a young woman, some ‘colleagues’. Unable to leave that job for financial reasons, I had to endure it.
Woke up with a headache, but also with relief. Putting old demons to rest so I can start growing again.
You, Demi @StarfireCodes and @Solarah have no idea how much you’ve helped me, and still are.
And as for part 2, yes. I can relate to it albeit in a different way.
THANK YOU and much love to you all 💙🙏💫
Censureship is exhausting to deal with, I've found that everywhere I'm censured in real life, over on youtube, at work and so it is why when I came to Substack I was so very happy to be able to say what I think and write as I like rather than writing what I'm told to write.
So definitely appreciated this article keep writing and keep up the fight Tess.