Sylvia Plath, Spiritual Warfare, and the Divine Mission of the Poet:
How Sylvia Plath embodied the Cosmic Trinity ~ plus additional teachings from Rudolf Steiner on what exactly that is
Reading more on Steiner’s work and the triad-nature of the spiritual warfare in the human realm, our delusion and confusion around it all, and beginning to learn what people have been trying to teach us for centuries if not millennia..
I then come across the works of Sylvia Plath. Not for the first time, but it had been a while. It hit differently today.
Being a poet myself, and being someone who has struggled deeply with PTSD and who has attempted suicide multiple times (in the past), there is so much about Sylvia that I understand in addition to her poetry.
I won’t insult her spirit by saying I understand HER, for I have never met her. For those who do not know, this prolific human being, author and poet was born in 1932, and died from suicide in 1963, at the age of 30 (born in October and died in February).
It’s unbelievable, the people we revere long after they are gone, but while they are here, they are treated like they are subhuman. Be careful, to those who still live, do not treat the ones around you as disposable or dopamine hits. You are disgracing an incarnation and microcosm of God, and there are consequences for this.
But never mind that for now, different rabbit hole, and honestly one I am not qualified to speak upon.
At the end of the day, at the time of disembodiment, we will all be faced with it and remember. This is not a reference to heaven or hell, but a reckoning and review that allegedly, all souls go through. There are many names for this process, Kama Loka is one of them. But I will not get into that any further.
Sylvia, Poetry, and Spiritual Warfare: How does it all connect?
Any artist knows that when these downloads or works come to us, they are not coming from anything we have generated. They often hit us as if a lightning bolt or current, happening at unsuspecting times, and if we do not capture them right away, they leave as fast as they come. We are channels.
Sylvia Plath said this about her poetry. She said she would have to “catch the poems” as they would move through her. There was a reference to her being outside and it’d move through her like the wind, and she’d have to run inside and write it down. THAT right there - instant recognition and relate.
That’s what it is like. Exactly what it is like.
So, we know her inner-antenna was highly attuned. She answered the call. When we have this ability to be very attuned to messages coming into this realm, and when we are brave enough to answer the call and then pass the message along… well, it can be a double-edged sword, and in many cases it ends tragically.
This is not to say one shouldn’t answer the call, it’s to say I believe our lack of understanding on 1. the effects of how we live and treat one another, and 2. our lack of understanding of spiritual warfare in the human realm in general, and how that affects literally everything, but potentially some humans more acutely than others… can take a tremendous gift and turn it into a death sentence.
Coal mine canaries, listen up, because you’re given the task to evolve and awaken the consciousness on this planet, but if you’re not careful it could kill you in the process. And perhaps I am all wrong about this, so please, whoever is reading, take everything I say with a grain of salt and use your own intuition.
Let’s get a window into her work first. These are all excerpts from “The Unabridged Journal of Sylvia Plath”:
"God, who am I?" "I am aware, sure, I am aware. Catastrophically aware." "god, how I ricochet between certainties and doubts." "I self-paralyze myself and wonder what I've got in my head." "Now a love, a faith, an affirmation is conceived in me like an embryo." "I feel occasionally my skull will crack, fatigue is continuous - I only go from less exhausted to more exhausted and back again."
I’m going to add a few more quotes from her:
"The silence depressed me. It wasn’t the silence of silence. It was my own silence." "If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then I’m neurotic as hell. I’ll be flying back and forth between one mutually exclusive thing and another for the rest of my days." "Remember, remember, this is now, and now, and now. Live it, feel it, cling to it. I want to become acutely aware of all I’ve taken for granted." "I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. I am, I am, I am." "How ironic. You are a dream; I hope I never meet you."
Alright, there was a lot in there. I’ll try to bullet-point this and weave in the spiritual warfare piece as best as I can, as unqualified as I am to speak upon it, being that I am not an initiate of an official mystery school, unless you’d count being an initiate of Life itself as part of that category:
We are witnessing the curse, the ILLUSION, that has been intentionally implemented into the collective psyche through every method of this concept: DUALITY.
This is why so many of us die young or descend into realms of madness everyone vacates our vicinity just by witnessing, as if it were contagious. Perhaps it is.
Why? Because the triad, the sacred number 3, or as most people may recognize the concept of viewing the Cosmic order of things, the trinity, (I am not speaking on religion here so hold on), offers a solution. The duality fucks people up. We all see it, we all “ricochet” off of it, as Sylvia states numerous times in her work, and flawlessly.
I understand that shit. I also understand how devastatingly exhausting it is, and no matter how much you want to extract every element of your soul and love and give it to the world, it will burn you alive, as will the world itself, and you’ll flat out run out.
You’ll run out of the will to live. You’ll run out of life force. Even before the body expires, something inside you dies.
And when that happens, which I have been there before, and more than once, it is an experience and feeling of inner-deadness and defeat that cannot be transmitted with words.
May no one reading this ever experience it.
But for those who have, you understand. You understand very well why people take their own lives.
It's not that they are running from pain. It’s that they themselves have, effectively, run out.
There is one solution I know of, a cosmic Redeemer of sorts. But does everyone make it to know this? No. And can everyone who finds it, sustain the connection? I’d imagine not, but I can’t tell you for certain.
So, let us get clear on a few things:
Triad versus Duality - Esoteric teachings from Rudolf Steiner
The third (or triad) is concealed because it holds the key to freedom.
Disclaimer, don’t expect me to give you the key to freedom - I’m just a fellow traveler, passing things along. No different than you. You must take your own journey… but if we step into the void, the abyss, the Great ALL, with strong antennas… understand a few things:
Not everything in the realm of the spirit is love and light. There is more darkness, confusion and malice than you’re likely aware of.
Yes, the Creator is there too, and no, you cannot summon God’s voice in a tarot reading. Plenty of other spirits would like to have a word though, and they will mask as anything to get you to entertain them.
Intention doesn’t mean ANYTHING if you do not know what you are doing. Yes, heart-centeredness and elevated consciousness and intention do matter, but you also cannot neglect the necessity of embodied knowledge (notice how I said embodied, knowledge on its own is useless) and the study of what you are doing and what the different laws are in different realms of consciousness.
If you don’t know those laws, then stay out of those places. Learn the one in the realm YOU live in first. And no, I am not referring to the law of man, or even the laws of religion or any “authority” — root word, author.
“Love is the law. Those with The Love, need no laws.” - Beinsa Duono (please don’t take that and run with it - it is that simple, but it also really isn’t. Most of us do not have the ability to understand that in our current level of consciousness, myself included).
Duality is a lie. Infected into our consciousness to cause confusion.
The Cosmic Triad:
If you paid attention to not only your own life, and the lives of others who express suffering, and the words of Sylvia Plath, you will see so clearly how she was experiencing the struggle in duality, and the human agony of, in my own words:
“What the FUCK am I supposed to do with this shit!? I am DYING and nothing makes sense, except for brief moments of love that are more cruel than the misery, on account of how quickly they disappear..No wonder she did not want to meet the one who was like a dream, she knew she’d wake up. She also is quite familiar with a nightmare in human form.”
- that was me paraphrasing, don’t put that on Sylvia!
Initiates into such secrets have always emphasized, when speaking of human spiritual evolution, that the cosmic existence in which we find ourselves can be understood only in terms of the triad. They knew that it cannot be understood on the basis of any number other than the number three.
-Rudolf Steiner
Let us get a little more clear on what the dual nature is FIRST -
I’ve spoken on this before. We are talking about Lucifer and Ahriman — two totally different things, both resulting in ruin, both referred to as “Satan” (Opposition) or the Devil, and both referred to as the anti-christ. It is important to understand that they are NOT the same thing.
Certainly, if we are to study influences of a spiritual order we cannot leave out the luciferic and ahirmanic beings who are also involved in the cosmic process …. who also dwell in the spheres that human beings occupy.
Wheeras luciferic beings strive, and have always striven, to alienate us from the beings whom we feel to be our Gods, ahrimanic beings seek to draw humanity and everything connected with it into our power.
In other words, luciferic beings striving for universal freedom, and ahrimanic beings striving for lasting dominion, are constantly waging war in this cosmos we are part of. This battle involves us and affects everything.
Let me give a better description of both because if you’re not familiar with this, that still might not make any sense:
We picture the outward characteristics of luciferic beings properly when we imagine that they possess such forces as we human beings manifest when we become visionaries, when we abandon ourselves one-sidedly to fantasy, let ourselves be carried away, and, speaking metaphorically, lose our heads. In other words, whenever we tend to go out beyond our heads, we are dealing with forces that, while they play a certain role in our organism, actually belong cosmically to the beings we term luciferic.
Now, in contrast, think of everything that presses us down upon the earth, that makes us dull and philistine, leading us to develop materialistic attitudes, penetrating us with a dry intellect, and so on: there you have a picture of ahrimanic powers.
-Rudolf Steiner - “The Incarnation of Ahriman”
In other words, luciferic things or beings (which we all have this energy inside us, just as we have the Christ energy inside us, just as we have the ahrimanic energy inside us):
luciferic is like vapor. it evaporates. it carries away. it pulls you up OFF the ground, out of your human duty, your human task, your human experience. Ultimately resulting in disconnect and deception and a trap, but it is much more lovely and venusian, alluring and seductive than… this fuckin Ahriman shit, but in the times we live in, WOW, one cannot say this is not alive and well, almost moreso than the name people know sooooo well (Lucifer) yet hardly anyone knows about Ahriman:
Ahriman is like metal, like sclerosis, like crushing weight, grinding you into nothingness. Ahriman takes your humanity and pulls you down, making you a cog in the wheel, literally mechanical, a machine. Traits of ahriman aren’t all “tra-la-la” like lucifer, they are literally psychopathic, void of any emotion. Maybe for show, but certainly not genuinely.
Sound familiar? It’s also heavily connected to AI, but I wont get into that here. Ahriman, for those familiar with cosmology, can be more attributed to Saturn honestly. But not the good traits, the shadow side of Shani. Not the whole Shani/Saturn.
Lucifer’s reign happened (allegedly) long ago, before Christ, Lucifer was down on earth. Then came Christ. The BALANCING point. Now? We are in the age/era of Ahriman. Luciferic and Ahrimanic beings are already here anyway, as is The Christ spirit, but we live in a time where it has been long prophesied that when certain conditions in a society were met, the actual Spirit of Ahriman would incarnate (or possess) into a human, and I won’t get into that story, but that’s where we are today.
The only way this power can be defeated is if the people are aware and awakened to it, which is why Steiner was always calling for wakefulness and awareness from his students. Otherwise we’re all fucked. But apparently this has to happen to evolve the consciousness on the planet. Pressure is what will either elevate and transform, or destroy.
We don’t necessarily get to choose the battle, but we will choose whether or not we show up for it. This goes for ALL OF LIFE. Including what Sylvia was struggling with, a struggle so familiar to millions of beings on earth.
These prophecies were around long before the internet even existed.. and its eerie how accurate they are. For the sake of this not taking forever to write and forever for you to read I will not go down that rabbit hole here.
Now, let’s talk about this middle path and the solution and the triad, but first, let us understand something:
It is a tool of deception for the following to occur, which it has and is:
Steiner is very specific about the conditions that would allow the being of Ahriman to carry out his mission.
They include the prevalence of the modern scientific, mechanical conception of the universe; the tendency to view social dynamics and society solely from and economic point of view; acceptance of the principle of nationality as the solution tto the problems of humanity; the popularity of the system of party politics; the spread of fundamentalist and simplistic evangelical interpretations of Christianity (in particular the emphasis on Jesus as a ‘simple man’ of good ethics as opposed to the principle of the cosmic Christ); and the spread of an aridly intellectual life of culture.
-Sevak Gulbekian
Alright, I think you get it, I’m going to tie this together with the third, the completion of this cosmic triad here (which does exist within us all, but don’t get it twisted, it exists outside of us and influences us as well):
Contemplating all of this, you will notice that the world can really be understood only in terms of a triad. On one side we have everything luciferic, on the other everything ahrimanic, and, in the third, central, place, the point of balance between the two, humanity, with a sense of its relationsihp to the hdivine, of its divine essence. … We can understand the world in the right way when we are perefctly clear that human life is the beam of the scales …. Our human task, our human essence, is to keep the beam balanced
And this state of balance (is) represented by the Christ impulse.
-Rudolf Steiner
Tying it together:
Honestly if I had to elaborate further I’d do a livestream or a podcast because it’s way too much to write and I am not an expert in the matter.
What I just saw come together was:
The acute attunement of a poet who was a true canary in the coal mine, and yes, i understand that predicament because I too am the same. Perhaps you are one of us as well.
But i saw it in her work, which happened to come across my eyes right after I spent some time in the morning reading some of Steiner’s work. I could see this thrashing, the duality, the agony, something i am SO familiar with, and i think all of us are.
She knew she was doomed to it, except for moments of reprieve (these would be the luciferic impulses, known in practical terms as “attachments” or the shit we think is love but isn’t) — but eventually that will burn your soul into nothingness and of course you will want to end your life, i certainly relate.
She documented it fluently, in poetry, the language of the soul, and then, unfortunately, she exited this world, although I can’t hold it against her. Who did she have to look after her or help her? Certainly not the one who took a vow to do so, seems like he had a huge role in pushing her over the edge, so fuck that guy, but I wont get into that here.
Whether luciferic, ahrimanic, or Christ in tendency and energy, these are often referred to as impulses. If we are ping-ponging around in lucifer and ahriman energies, thinking one is heaven (honestly, if you listen to the MODERN religions explanation of heaven, they are literally describing a Luciferic kingdom, if you understand luciferic traits more, hello??? Eternal bliss and everything is perfect and floating and amazing and woooooo! That’s lucifer!) To whereas, there is a mixing of traits between ahriman and lucifer to describe “hell” or “the devil” or “satan”.
Perhaps this is why we chase the dualities and ping-pong, we don’t know the opposition is MULTIPLE, not just one. So instead of seeing the solution and the middle-path, we fluctuate between a mixture of two dark paths traps, think its only one (bad, dark, hell, etc) and then try and chase the good, which is known psychologically as “attachments” or in religion as “worldly things” or sometimes even in religion as the path of the renunciate, that is VERY luciferic as well - you think these beings leave religion off-limits?
So then we have some dark entities versions of heaven / good / bliss / happiness etc as something we strive for, and we wonder why we are stuck in the rollercoaster of suffering (samsara) well because we are bouncing back and forth, or as Sylvia Plath says, ricocheting, off of these two fucking extremes but they are BOTH embodiments and incarnations of the anti-christ, so no shit.
When it comes to the cosmic principle of Christ, or The Christ Spirit, The Spirit of Love, Christ Consciousness, I am NOT an authority or speaker of this to you - I am someone who has just recently come to it, after having to get past all the man made traps and deterrents known as organized religion that had me turning my nose down at it my entire life.
I am new to this, but it is the path I am walking, and learning, and engaging now. For people who want an incredibly beautiful delivery of what this Spirit is, and what it is NOT, (outside of your own experience of course), I’d highly suggest Beinsa Duono’s “Harmonizing of the Human Soul”, which would be considered an esoteric christianity text in todays context.
Sylvia Plath, beloved poet, coal mine canary for spiritual warfare that we are all still living in, whether we realize it or not.
So, what to do? What to do, other than just admire poetry? It isn’t “just poetry” either, this is a loud truth of a human beings experience - do not be so mechanical (ahrimanic) to write off her experience as “JuSt MeNtAl iLlNeSs” - you do that so you can bury your head in the sand, it’s how you separate yourself from the fear of having to consider that fate possibly becoming yours, should your hedonistic tendencies start to ware off and you start actually feeling what the fuck is going on here.
Haha that was a bit harsh but whatever.
There is an answer. I am following it. I just gave you the resources of Beinsa Duono, Rudolf Steiner, and in other posts i’ve given you the resources of Gigi Young and Lada Duncheva and others.
I’ve written extensively on the experiences of Love, the Great Love.
Yes, these things must be studied but they also must be experienced. Both are required. One without the other, guess what that is? Back to those polarity traps. But interesting how we need small doses of both tendencies (information - ahriman, experience - lucifer) in order to have the balance and recognize the cosmic Christ.
When it comes to experience, i can’t possibly do that justice with words, nor am I qualified to explain The Christ Spirit to you. I’m still learning and moving toward it and getting to know it.
The closest anyone can do, when communicating something so profound to you, is with poetry or art.
Sylvia Plath showed us all three.
We see the polarities all over the place.
We also see the part where she she stops, recognizing the moment, wants to appreciate all she has taken for granted and repeats, “I am, I am, I am”.
Repeating that is very similar to a mantra used, Sat Nam, roughly translating to “true name” — very close to, “I am”.
It is to acknowledge the true Self, the true Consciousness, the part of us that doesn’t die - The Love.
This would be in line with the Christ principle.
This is a very good synopsis of a very complicated subject Tesstamona. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. 🙏💖
I completely understand the place Sylvia was coming from. Dead inside, no feeling. No fear, no love, no joy, no sadness. Empty.
“I Became Insane, with Long Intervals of Horrible Sanity. “~ Edgar Allen Poe
One of my favorite quotes. 😁
This is so well done. Thank you for this lovely synopsis. <3 Love. Love. Love. times 3. :)