If you’ve been reading Memento Mori Alchemy for the past 10 months:
you’ve played a huge role in healing
you provided a space to for me (and we) to start writing poetry again
it was you who made me realize the power and role of poetry in not just the liberation of humanity and the fight against tyranny, but in our evolution entirely
*If you already know this and want to skip to the videos I am sharing, they are at the bottom of the post. They’re from the performances in the last two weeks, part of the spiritual prison break process.*
I started writing poetry when I was 10 to cope with life. Fast forward a great deal, I’m in recovery now, but at (and after) the age of 12, I was drugged out of my mind for a while, so, the one healthy coping mechanism I had (poetry, writing) was on pause.
Sobriety at age 20, started making writing lyrics like a madwoman. Music would begin about a year later. The who told me my words “read like a song” and put a terror in me I couldn’t explain was another poet and fellow recovering heroin addict. It was then I knew I had to sing them, hence the fear. I had never sang before.
Why does this matter to you?
I stopped writing poetry and was only writing songs. The last piece of actual poetry I wrote was… likely in 2017 or 2018. It was like I forgot about it.
When I came to Florida in the fall of 2023, I leaned into writing on Substack heavily for cathartic purposes.
Plus, my accounts on socials were mostly in restricted status for wrong-think, but in general: Substack felt free and authentic, social media felt like trash.
I also didn’t want to be seen.
I was recovering from a situation that I described in the poem released yesterday. Substack offered privacy because almost no one I knew in my personal life read it, or even knew I wrote here.
How you showed me that Poetry is an agent of Revolution:
I had gotten a lot of “dents” for directly attacking the many threats against humanity I saw. This was ineffective. Why? Those who didn’t want to see it never saw it anyway, no matter how loud I was, and since everything is centralized and digital, you get yourself muted real fast by doing that.
You cannot attack the machine head on. Took me years to learn that. You will burn yourself out and wind up shouting into a void.
Also - it gave way too much power to the problem, and none to the solution.
I found myself here.
I knew the solution ultimately lied in the realm of the spirit; I knew the war was a spiritual one, I knew the solution was a spiritual one. After all, how can the people expect to unite against a common threat when SHTF if we don’t revere and respect one another’s lives in fair weather conditions?
So, one day I logged onto Substack and wrote a poem.
I don’t remember the post. But when you guys began to comment on it, you all responded in POEM FORM. I am not kidding. I’m guessing it was around December or November.
There you were, responding to a poem I put out, in your own words, in your own experience, in full blown poetry coming from you.
It was then I realized the unbelievable power of this.
This is our secret weapon.
The signal of poetry was released into the cosmic web and everyone responded in the same language - the esoteric language of all souls, in which all souls are fluent in. That is poetry.
It may be an esoteric language of the souls, and you guys showed me that. YOU did. But it is obviously not esoteric to us, or we wouldn’t understand it.
So, who is it occulted to?
THE MACHINE. That is what it is occulted (hidden) to. It is veiled language, like any sacred or ancient text. It is constructed that way for a reason.
This was the way. Peoples defenses were down, as were mine. We could communicate the actual truths we were all experiencing at our core, we were able to cut beneath the noise and tap into signal.
That happened so fast — me posting that, and you all responding how you did - and this was a small group on Substack!
What would happen if that continued?
Other than continuing with the mission of the spiritual prison break, I am here to share everything I’ve suffocated my soul from speaking and am here to serve Truth, Wisdom and Love. What say you for your experience?
Since that sharing DID continue, I’ll show you what that is starting to look like offline and analog:
I’m not sharing these videos anywhere else for now at least, but I do feel the urge to share with you, given everything stated above. Many of you have also shown up for me IRL during hard times, many of you have taught me things and played pivotal roles in me getting closer to God, which… wow.
Are there adequate enough words to express the level of gratitude and thanks for doing that?
Last week, I returned to an open mic and got back on a stage after exactly one year to the day of the last time I performed (music).
I’ve been in transformation/rebuild mode but it turned into hiding and reclusiveness quickly, it can be insidious like that.
It aint perfect, I couldn’t even perform music last week because my body / muscles were spasming and inflamed, which included my vocal chords. So I read poetry out of a notebook.
Then last night I did the same thing. I read the poem I had written the day before, no it was not memorized and no I did not practice so, do not expect a fancy performance, it’s just me showing up as I am.
Then, there was a curveball.
The next poem I was gonna read, I let the people at the open mic pick which one they wanted to hear, based on titles I was rattling off from the few pieces I had saved on my phone.
One girl yelled out, “LESSONS FROM THE REAPER!” Aw shit.
You might remember that one. I had written it here on Substack and never spoke it out loud. I just hit publish and kept moving. Reading that out loud, there was a part where it took all of my strength to not burst into tears.
I will share here what no one else has seen, unless they were there.
Thank you for re-igniting the flame within me. Thank you for showing me in the expression of your own souls the following statement, and the truth therein:
Note: these are not the full sets or even full pieces, wanted to clip these videos in shorter segments.
that one was last week, that was me reading “explosives” out of my notebook that kinda looks like a book of spells.
Regarding someone asking me last night to read “Lessons from the Reaper” and me getting emotional, this is not the whole piece, but this is that part:
and this was… i think two segments of the untitled piece from yesterday that I read last night. However,
commented on it and said “No More Hiding, you said it here, that’s the title.” I may be paraphrasing his exact comment, but he is right, I did directly say NO MORE HIDING, and I think he is right to say that poem’s title was already there. No more hiding. Part of the spiritual prison break.Thank you
.I know the poems aren’t memorized and I know my delivery needs work, but that wasn’t the point of any of this.
The point was to break myself out of the fucking stranglehold of isolation and deadened “playing it small” routine — and so it is done, and so it will continue to be. Every week.
Thank you for helping me, and salute to the power of the human Soul, salute to our esoteric language of art, music, poetry, and praise God, The Love, The Wisdom, The Truth.
I will continue to go to stage after stage each week to share things I have long suffocated. They truly do not belong to me. They belong to the world.
They belong to the people who are hurting. They belong to the people who are searching. They belong to the people who could benefit greatly from knowing, they’re not alone.
What is the point of surviving so much if you keep it all to yourself? When pain is shared, love is born, and when pain is shared, we are all transformed.
For those of you who are in Florida, hit me up if you want to join in. If you are in other states but have poetry or music or art events, contact me if you want to collaborate.
Wow, glad to discover you! You are a warrior of love and light. Poetry leans into those spaces in between. A door to presents and an act of resilience. Keep writing. We need you. I never ask is it a good poem anymore. I ask what the poems for? Bless you.
This all resonates so deeply. You’ve put into words what I’ve felt since I picked up my pencil and let the poems flow. It is the only way to express truth without being oppressed. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, Tesstamona.✨