Wow, glad to discover you! You are a warrior of love and light. Poetry leans into those spaces in between. A door to presents and an act of resilience. Keep writing. We need you. I never ask is it a good poem anymore. I ask what the poems for? Bless you.

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Thank you so much and likewise — also WOW, that is so valuable. Not asking if the poem is good, asking what it is for. Message received. I will apply that. Glad to meet you virtually here as well. 🙏

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Wise question, Jamie!

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Thanks Paul! What are poets for?

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This all resonates so deeply. You’ve put into words what I’ve felt since I picked up my pencil and let the poems flow. It is the only way to express truth without being oppressed. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, Tesstamona.✨

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You just nailed it - YES. I discovered it to be a so-called cheat code to this weird censorship algorithmic mess we have become entangled in. It is a liberator. And I am so grateful that you are writing poetry. Thank you so much. I would have never discovered that potent truth were it not for you guys here on this platform.

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I’m so pleased you’re here writing truth to power without fear! ✨

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Brilliant work. going into the depths of what is truth and the spiritual battle of life vs programme.

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Thank you. Glad to make your acquaintance here on the stack. 🙏🙏🙏

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🙏 ❤️ 🙏

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Amazing poetry.

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Thank you! so much 🙏

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Jul 25Liked by Tesstamona

Tess, you are so incredibly brave and wonderfully talented, and I am so very effing proud of you. You did it! Now Go and Recite, Sing, Make Music and Be A Light! Much love and big hugs 💙🙏🥰🤗🤗🤗

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Thank you Joyce!! and thank you for talking with me that morning when I was first going back, I can’t explain how much that helped. Love you and appreciate you so so very much.

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Jul 22Liked by Tesstamona

I enjoy your music and poetry, I can listen and feel like I'm riding along with you.

Thanks again.

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Thank you so much 🙏❤️🙏 I appreciate so much that you took the time to listen.

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Ditto to Angela.

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IMO with no practice I thought you did quite well. I’m glad the Substack poets brought the poet back out in you and you definitely took it from there.🫡

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Thank you for sharing your process, and being so open. I know how hard it is for many, especially those suffering from addiction to find confidence to participate in the world, when Isolating keeps them safe. I also know how hard it is to love someone with addiction and to see them lose themselves, not only to the addiction but to all friends, family, help, possibility, for improvement and healing. There are so many judgments against those who suffer, so little understanding, hardly any empathy...

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for sure, i think that applies in general tbh, i’ve been in recovery for over 14 years and sober that entire time, but the last few years, had other things go on where i found myself isolating and living “invisible” without realizing it (at first) - and its a challenge to break out of that, whether its drugs being the reason or something else. and yes- being on the other side of it, watching your loved ones die bc of their addiction - there aren’t words for that. having been on both sides of it, its honestly easier being the one in active addiction than the one who loves the addict. either way its a nightmare. and a fkn miracle when recovery can and does take place. ❤️

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"I’ve been in transformation/rebuild mode but it turned into hiding and reclusiveness quickly, it can be insidious like that"- truth bomb. ❤️👏

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deletedJul 20Liked by Tesstamona
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Reading this comment brought tears to my eyes. I am incredibly grateful you found this, and that you listened. And you are correct, it is so hard to take swings at describing that thing - but you put it here so eloquently and did it in a way that honestly gave me a lot of hope and motivation in going forth—which I needed. So, thank you, so much. ❤️🙏

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