Drugs aren’t needed anymore, although pharmaceuticals certainly help speed this along.
Executed by the paradox combination of automated silence and ceaseless noise, by now no one should be a stranger to the term 5th generation warfare, although many think the tactical breakdown of their waking reality is still a conspiracy - proving its effectiveness.
I’m not here to tell you about it or convince you of it because if you’re on substack you likely already know, surely if you’re subscribed to this publication.
Yet there are so many methods. It’s designed to overwhelm entirely, but there is one that far exceeds the others, and the others cannot be effective without it.
The good news is, it’s also the one that WE the PEOPLE can do something about...
A mass formation typically emerges in a society when very specific conditions are met. The most central condition is: A major part of the population needs to feel lonely.
Once people feel disconnected from their environment, they will start to experience a lack of meaning in life. Under these conditions, if a narrative is distributed through the mass media indicating an object of anxiety and a strategy of dealing with this anxiety, they will suddenly connect…. and afterwards, people don’t feel lonely anymore, they feel connected again.
The new kind of social bond is highly problematic because the connection between individuals deteriorate even more, and the bond between the individual and the collective becomes stronger and stronger - which makes them willing to sacrifice everything for the collective: Health, wealth, the future of its children, everything.
Something else that’s really characteristic of individuals in mass formation is they become radically intolerant for dissident voices.
People who do not go along with the masses are stigmatized, and in the end the masses are inclined to destroy the people who do not go along with them; and they do so as if it is an ethical duty to do so.
-Mattias Desmet, author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism.

When they tell you to hate your neighbor, they’re asking you for your slave labor —
Do not comply.
This is why this song and spoken word piece was created. Official Announcement: The full song will be publicly released October 4th. But the audio for the spoken word piece is already released here:
**Edit: Algorithm Ghetto is out now. You can listen to the song or watch the music video at this link.
Trauma based mind control - in every analog and digital - algorithms are more than just external - this is also our MENTAL - Recognize Stockholm Syndrome:
It’s no secret that human relations (and humanity) have massively tanked with the increase in technology invading every facet of our lives. There is ALWAYS a tradeoff for convenience.
Some of us are lost in our home town without GPS. Some of us can’t get out of bed in the morning without checking our phone first. Some of us can’t go a day without doomscrolling on social media.
Is it so harmless?
I was driving a few months ago and saw what I thought were two heroin addicts slumped over on the street. A sight I am familiar with and have seen more times than I can count, so you can imagine my surprise when I got closer and realized:
They were not heroin addicts nor were they “on the nod”. They were two teenage kids sitting on the ground with hoods pulled up over their heads and hunched over their phones, scrolling, waiting for the bus — not even communicating with one another. They were so pulled into the screens they had the same body language and energy I recognized as being junked out.
So, that’s one issue. Don’t get me started on how suicide rates are the highest in the age 10 to 14 group - that is, in my opinion, 90% due to being raised by screens (phones) and social media algorithms. They haven’t developed the neural pathways to connect to their actual reality - and this is lethal.
The same goes for any human being of any age. We have to have this ability or we die.
So, our greatest need - CONNECTION - has been exploited in order to domesticate and automate society - are we surprised?
Yet in our greatest vulnerability also lies our greatest strength.
This is a clear cut example of “The Medicine is in The Shadow”.
I’ve suggested people read the documents Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars more times than I can count since I’ve been writing here, I cant remember the posts they are linked in but they are not hard to find online. Those documents outline a step by step engineering process on all fronts to create the synthetic world we live in today. To further understand other areas we are all targeted in, I’d refer to those.
If you already know, then we can jump further into solution land.
Molecules > Pixels
wrote an excellent article here on Living Local. is a great astrologer who has said the following for years: Think Cosmically, Act Locally. Recently on the Astrology Hub podcast, I heard Rick say something to the effect of,
“When times are so dynamic, these are not times to go home and pull the covers over your head … these are times to in whatever little way you can, to do whatever you can, to alter the fabric of reality CLOSEST TO YOU.”
No one can do anything about “everything all at once” - nor can we do shit about wars in other countries when we can’t even quell the wars in our own minds and in our own families and communities.
We are effective when we start paying attention to what is actually in front of us. When we are on these devices 25/8 in constant “receiver” mode, downloading all this input and in chronic states of dissociation, we are controlled and useless.
We are drained of our energy, hence the apathy and tragic failure of community response to real life situations when SHTF. Dumping our consciousness into these empty vessels and fake realities creates cattle.
Minimize time on these fkng devices and apps!
How often do you see friends / family face to face? Increase that face time, I mean actual face time!
If you do not have community, find out what is out there where you live. Find events or things to participate in that you enjoy, and you will meet like minded people!
Don’t know what you like? Start trying stuff out! Explore things!
Internet can be useful to organizing IRL gatherings, there are tons of facebook groups I am in for the city and surrounding areas I live in where people get together IRL. The same can be said for meetup groups or tapping in with local pages that tell you when dope farmers markets are happening or where all the open mics are at. Just use it as a tool, not a substitution!
Volunteer somewhere!
Spiritual / Faith Communities / Church!
Exercise classes, martial arts, shooting range, gym, yoga studios, etc!
USE what you ALREADY HAVE! Hey, do you have an IN PERSON job? Unless you are a fully remote employee, you are likely around the same group of people 40 hours a week. Are they like “white noise” to you because you dread going to work, or have you tried to get to know them as human beings? You might be very surprised at the dope people you’re surrounded by and don’t even notice because the stress / routine algorithms (thought loops) make us blind and deaf to the orchestra of life.
Apply above principle relating to work place to literally any place you go to. Example of this:
Many years ago I was in Cambodia. One thing I loved about it was everyone is always talking. It’s normal to walk outside and people you’ve never seen before look at you and say hi - literally every single one of them.
They are so much more “community based” it’s unbelievable - the biggest culture shock wasn’t going there, it was coming back to the states.
I had been there for a month and when I got back to the US, I was in a grocery store. Suddenly I looked up in shock - I was in the produce section with at least 10 other people, and it was totally silent besides the music playing in the background.
I thought to myself, “Why is nobody talking to each other?” I had that reaction after being in Cambodia for only one month. That is how much more natural that way of being is than what I’ve been accustomed to here my entire life - having something different resulted in a culture shock - from my own culture!
Just. Start. Talking. To. People. In. Real. Life.
You cannot be controlled when you are CONNECTED.
I’ll leave you with one other example, but I’m not gonna write it out.
I wrote this article almost a year ago. I was discussing why I stayed in an abusive relationship. After inventorying that situation, I realized my biggest vulnerability in getting into that situation was that I had been isolated and disconnected on a chronic level for years.
Once something that “felt” like real connection came around, holy shit the things you’ll turn a blind eye to are UNBELIEVABLE.. but look at what has happened in the last four years alone in this country… nothing is off limits for how unhinged people can get when they are deprived and afraid. This is a poverty of the spirit. It’s a dangerous place to be.
After 2020 and everything shutting down and going online, then the west coast (and most of the world) turning into some lord of the flies shit - whoa. We ALL felt that.
Then I moved states - twice. Was living in a place I didn’t know anyone, and didn’t realize I was instinctively keeping everyone 500 miles away from me - operating in survival mode.
Sure, I had friends — on the other side of the country. Your friends in other states and your friends online are great but it will NEVER be a substitute for face to face connection. A notification or text message will never be a substitute for a hug. People are playing themselves thinking this internet shit is somehow enough - it isn’t, and society is decaying because of it.
Family does matter. Friends do matter. Community does matter.
These things are non negotiable for human health, unless you’re walking a spiritual path that requires you to be a renunciate, but if that’s you, you aren’t on substack, so it aint you!
If you don’t get along with your family or whoever is around you - if it’s due to abuse and serious shit, guess what, you can go out and find and build your own family and community, go do that. Lots of us have had to do it!
If you don’t get along with this person or that person in your life and it is NOT due to abuse or some serious shit that cannot be reconciled, then fkng reconcile that shit! We cannot afford to have unnecessary discord among us. There are far greater threats than having to look in the mirror and *gasp* possibly have vulnerable conversations that facilitate growth and resolution.
It's wild out there. Especially interesting to see people aware of all of this have cognitive dissonance within something specifiic in their own lifes and be unwilling to look at it. Being alone isn't so bad if you have animals to talk to, the conversation is always truthful and wise. :) The Bernays / Netflix connection is interesting to me, thus the molding of society comes from many directions, but always with the same goal, to warp the mind into group-think and keep it there. Great post!
Great Article, I wonder if someone will write the Communitarian book of suggestions. As Capitalism replaced Religiosity as the power hegemon. it seems that like everytime in society voids are filled with something. And what we are seeing is the crypto plutocracy shaping the narrative. As Boyd Rice said "The strong rule the weak and the Clever rule the strong." So in this archetype how does one traverse without a power hegemon. My Caveat is the Two Big volcanoes that go off in the next few years and by force people come together as we are essentially geared towards narcissim and ego in the Jung sense of the word. Anyway interesting thoughts. the 60s tried it. The 70s tried it the 80s snorted it the 90s got depressed about it the 2000s everyone sat infront of a screen for the next 20 years. So yeh not the greatest reply but who wants an echo chamber. Chris hedges is far more eloquent. in the mutualised Diaspora of modernity