It's wild out there. Especially interesting to see people aware of all of this have cognitive dissonance within something specifiic in their own lifes and be unwilling to look at it. Being alone isn't so bad if you have animals to talk to, the conversation is always truthful and wise. :) The Bernays / Netflix connection is interesting to me, thus the molding of society comes from many directions, but always with the same goal, to warp the mind into group-think and keep it there. Great post!

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ive not heard of the bernays/netflix connection i'll have to look that up. but yes the molding comes from every angle imaginable! re: the cognitive dissonance i agree and think we all have it tbh - i know i do, regarding these blind spots. part of the process, burning away all the bullshit in our own psyches without a doubt. thank you for reading!

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Great Article, I wonder if someone will write the Communitarian book of suggestions. As Capitalism replaced Religiosity as the power hegemon. it seems that like everytime in society voids are filled with something. And what we are seeing is the crypto plutocracy shaping the narrative. As Boyd Rice said "The strong rule the weak and the Clever rule the strong." So in this archetype how does one traverse without a power hegemon. My Caveat is the Two Big volcanoes that go off in the next few years and by force people come together as we are essentially geared towards narcissim and ego in the Jung sense of the word. Anyway interesting thoughts. the 60s tried it. The 70s tried it the 80s snorted it the 90s got depressed about it the 2000s everyone sat infront of a screen for the next 20 years. So yeh not the greatest reply but who wants an echo chamber. Chris hedges is far more eloquent. in the mutualised Diaspora of modernity


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yo btw thank you for sending me that video

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no worries.

Feel free to have any of my ebooks for free on my web page. link below


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thank you!!!

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this is a fucking awesome response and i also noticed a lot of it rhymed so props - honestly, i have no fuckin idea what’s gonna happen. i have suspicions but probably best to not throw gasoline on the fire right now. appreciate you.

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Yeh best to ride the wave... I have resided in the idea of cataloging in a detached way as a conscious observer and recorder of the mass event change that we will all go through no doubt. Even here in Australia things get hit... Love your work babe.

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Love me some Mattias Desmet!! as I was reading that quotation, I thought, this sounds like Mattias… and sure enough!!

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Yass!!! He nails it - I quoted him direct from a documentary I was watching, I do want to get his book 🙏🏴‍☠️🙏

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His book is seriously good! The opening chapter is worth the price of admission. In it he opens by quoting a few of the world's most renown scientists (e.g., Heisenberg, Bohr, Thom, Plank) with the argument that, "Science freed itself from all the dogmas of religious discourse, only to rediscover--at the end of a long journey--the mystical and religious texts and reendow them with their resplendent, original status:symbolic, metaphorical texts for that which is eternally hidden from the human mind." And that science, in all its advancement, "is [still unable] to unambiguously determine even purely physical 'fact,'" (e.g., the double slit experiment) pp. 14-16. Anyhow, definitely worth the purchase, especially considering that the high priesthood of "science" (e.g., Dr Faustus, et al) is now on an authoritarian rampage for not only our bodies, but souls, like never before.

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well you just sold me on ordering it right now. and YES, they are out for the soul. have you tapped in with GiGi Young or the work of Rudolf Steiner by chance?

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Oh yes, GiGi is on DJ quite often, she's always interesting to listen to. And Steiner... but of course! as Anthroposophy is riddled throughout my everyday life, we even have a family physician who is not only a certified M.D., but who is also certified in the Anthroposophic arts. He's quite the refreshing chap!

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WHAAT!!! Do you mind if I ask what state or country you’re located in? a family physician versed in anthroposophy?!

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In the "free" state of California lol! And he is quite the gem, and I think my reaction was exactly as yours, WHAATTTT!! Let's go!! It's always a hoot when we are doing our normal annual check-ups, and then I drop something about Ahriman.

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A humble offering from early this year:


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Beautiful and on target. I e written about community and connection and living local many times myself. I resonate so much with your words Tess. Thank you as always for what you pour into your words. 🙏

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Likewise my friend. Thank you for what you do and thank you for reading and being another light in this world.

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“Then f..king reconcile that s..t”. There is a lot of wisdom in those words!

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haha i dont always put it very eloquently nor am i perfect at practicing what i preach but i do my fkn best.

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Barn burner!

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Totally resonate and yes to molecules more than pixels! Connection! To connect. That’s the drug. We already know how to do it. We have slowly just forgotten the way. 🙏❤️

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yes yes yes!!!!

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Wars have always been about hating the other guy and now we see the digital realm reeking of the same thing but without the blood and guts. Thirty years ago the Internet seemed like it would be the answer to all our prayers and now we pray for a way to escape the digital hell we find ourselves immersed in.

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yes to this. silent weapons for quiet wars. except what many people do not understand is besides the slaughtering of the psyche in these digital gulags, a lot of this insanity that occurs on the net has real world consequences - this is something i HOPE we can mitigate and prevent - more will be revealed. much love. 🙏

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Matias mass psychosis is junk, go ask Dr. David A. Hughes, Ph.D grade takedown

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Totally resonate! Molecules over pixels so people can have true connection. Previous generations thought the internet would be great, but i think this generation needs to find a way out of this hell called the “ digital age”.

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As one who is desperately trying to disconnect from the weaponized society of america I can say that this is spot on. . . sadly my "countrymen" are only interested in trapping me and themselves further.

With no end in sight!!!

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People are rising together. The masses obviously are fkd but I am seeing hope, truly. IDK where you are located, but I’m finding the power in the communities local to where I live, and shits coming together. I empathize with you becuase I understand vey well what it is to be a wasteland wanderer - if we do not see the end in sightt we gotta be it. salute. 🫡 ❤️

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Lmfao here in Boston I don't see any “rising together”. . . except in the extortion fees like rent and mortgage charged to live in one of the most expensive and toxic cities in this nation. .I do not see mass civil disobedience. . . what I see is more of the same. . . crony capitalism and everyone going about their daily commute to maintain the systems and mentalities of profit over people.

People deciding which political puppet they are going to back.

As a basically homeless (in “transition”) black man here in america I'm done believing in it's people and processes of political piracy. . maybe id feel and think different if I were in the same area as you. . . but for me, as it stands now. . .I don't see or feel much change.

Sempre fi ✊🏾🖖🏾

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i dont believe in political process either. at all. in my opinion the entire system needs to go, but that's another conversation, and one most do not appreciate having because it scares them haha. I don't think you'd be in that category but it's a LOT and i surely don't have all the answers i just know this aint it.

what i meant by rising together was people on a local level joining to trade, grow food together, gather in artistic spaces and actually say the shit out loud that society villifies you for, that type of stuff. that's progress, because i remember a time when no one would do that.

However, I don't live in Boston, I'm in Florida, so I have no idea what its like there. I used to live on the west coast (oregon and california) and there was ZERO of that going on in those areas. I'd never go back, especially oregon, it's a hell hole, especially for what you're mentioning. I had to relocate multiple times to find a place where i was among people who weren't buying the bullshit.

again it's not everyone, but it's enough to not feel like you're the only one who is seeing what is happening, cuz that is a really crazy feeling in and of itself. the cities are tough anywhere though, the higher the population density, the crazier shit is on all levels.

Maybe a strategic relocation is in your future. I did it without knowing anyone and found good people, but yeah as far as what you're referencing, im very familiar with hit, and i dont engage with it because it will make anybody nuts. I do not resonate with people who have an obsession in being ruled over or who are hypnotized by political theatre, sounds like you share the same sentiment. 🙏

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Not to worry. You’re speaking for millions.

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Aug 27
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I agree with you - the "new age" movement is grossly weaponized and people walk right into it with open arms. i could write an entire series on that alone - but in short, yes, the use of powerful psychedelics among people who don't understand the spiritual realm nor do they do it for the right reasons, hmm sounds familiar kinda like how the "flower child" / lsd mvmt was weaponized in the 60s.

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