Programmed House-Cattle
An engineered and automated society, or Sovereign Beings? It is our CHOICE. Which will you choose? Are you playing the role of House-Cattle without realizing it?
Most of you are privy to this so I won’t waste time explaining. If anyone would like a refresh on the blueprint of “how to socially engineer, automate and enslave society”, that very thing can be found at this link.
It’s called Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars. You can download the pdf there or you can order it in book format, or go to and look at the original scanned documents (which are uploaded diagonally for some reason) but still legible if you don’t mind having your head turned to the side.
Alright peasants, so we’re all aware that the self-proclaimed “big they” refer to us as cattle or, with as little amount of intelligence as “jellyfish” — meaning they don’t view us as sentient or conscious, just floater organisms with no ability to resist or self-govern.
Could you blame them?
I’m all for team people, but I don’t know which came first — the assault on every level to chemically (and otherwise) lobotomize and castrate the majority of the population, or the tendency many have to give up all executive functioning and responsibility, as long as they can coast along with as little inconvenience (and as much distraction) as possible?
So, are we cattle or are we Sovereign?
Each person must decide this for themselves. Each person must reject the conveyor belt for themselves. Each person must venture into their own dark forest and remember who they are on their own accord.
No one can do this for you, so if you have the tendency to expect people to give you free shit or do things for you that are your responsibility, stomp that out immediately — it’s a liability and slave programming. Hence the title. Let’s get into the second factor of deciding whether one is Sovereign, cattle, or house-cattle:
You might hold yourself to the standards of a free being, but are you helping to keep the proverbial boot on the necks of your “loved ones”?
Most of you are going to answer “NO” to this, because when I frame it that way, who the fuck would answer yes?
Yet I see people doing it constantly. It breaks the spirit… and it’s what keeps a lot of this shit going. Again, see the documents. There is nothing up for debate regarding the documents when everything outlined has already manifested in front of our eyes — look no further than the everything happening around you for confirmation.
It’s important to understand the HOW and the WHY if you want to un-fuck yourself. It’s important to have awareness of ones self and ones surroundings if you do not want you or your loved ones (best case scenario) ending up like this until they’re taken to the slaughter:
How to know if you are House-Cattle:
This is a polite term for saying house-slave, because if you play or enforce the game, you are a slave.
I understand needing to play the game until you’re able to get out. I’m not typing this to you from an off-grid fully sustainable homestead in an undisclosed location with a MAG (mutual assistance group) large enough to run a 24/7 security detail and then some.
I’m still on the grid and still wear a hat in the matrix to earn my shillings so I can eventually get the fuck out.
The trick is, how to not lose your mind while you’re doing it.
The other trick is, avoid the house-cattle, and certainly make sure you aren’t acting like one.
The reason this is so dangerous is because these House-Cattle aren’t just random strangers, which is where we expect shitty behavior to come from.
No, these are your family members. These are the people closest to you. These are your confidants and the people you keep closest or have known the longest.
They would have no effect on you otherwise.
Some of you may be fortunate enough to not have to deal with that, but for the rest of us, this is for you:
If you find yourself, or someone close to you exhibiting the following traits, I am NOT saying to turn against them, discord among us is NEVER something that works in our advantage. The people who do this do not know what they do. Or it might come from a genuine place of concern or protectiveness, which is their programming.
“Care and protection” can also look like smashing the spirit and squeezing the life out of you, so learn to use discernment.
*Note: All of this would be avoided if people learned how to actually listen to one another without the never-ending racket and projections of their own minds, but that’s for a different post:
Just because they are people you love, does not mean they are not vulnerable to the same programming you and I are. Here are some signs to watch for:
Immediately discouraging you from doing ANYTHING outside of the conveyor belt / tax slave machine. This especially pertains to creative endeavors, pursuits, or anything that isn’t a “sure bet” for “success” (AKA lots of MONEY) in their eyes.
Immediately re-routing you any time you express interest in something that is not of the conveyor belt — even (and especially) if they themselves have gotten free from this conveyor belt. (Ex: Yeah, but, why don’t you do this instead? You could have all these things….)
Constantly projecting their own philosophies and how they think you should live, even when it has zero alignment with how they live, and zero alignment with what your values are in life.
No matter how many times you explain who you are and what you know your soul-mission is, it doesn’t matter. Always back to square one with the re-route of, “oh you have dreams? Yeah, get in line with the other billions of f*cking people with those things. How about you just play it safe and (fill in the blank with whatever they’d rather see you doing)?”
Ultimate red flag alert 🚨 : They do this to you, but when you observe them in conversation with those they barely know, who may have the same dreams/aspirations as you, they are happy to encourage and even lend a helping hand. But when it comes to you, absolutely the fuck not. Stay in your lane peasant. But this random stranger? Yes, let’s totally give him the dignity that you’ve been begging for, for god knows how long. A tell-tale sign that something’s amiss, and they are not being honest with you about…anything.
That was only a few things, but I think you get the picture.
People think they are doing you a favor by SHIELDING you from … having a Sovereign experience in this wild, wonderful and unpredictable thing called life?
They often do it when they themselves have been afforded the grace to explore the terrain of life on their own accord, which makes it even more confusing.
Perhaps they suffer from the arrogant delusion that only THEY have the ability to make their own choices and hop off the conveyor belt.
OR, perhaps they understand the difficulties and dangers of doing so, and they want to prevent (or “protect”) you from having to face the same challenges, so they try to break your spirit to keep you in line, and away from things that potentially traumatized them.
Third category? They were conditioned in the same manner and are operating on autopilot, with the subconscious fear that deviating from what they’ve been told is possible for them would prove their conditioning wrong, and thus their life choices a massive short-selling, which most cannot bare to face.
At the end of the day, nobody has the right to “cockblock” anyone from being true to their soul, no matter what their justification or reasoning is.
You want to know what path has more difficulties than having the freedom to do this? NOT having the freedom to do this. Living a life that is soul-sucking and gradually, day by day, pushes people closer to suicide.
So no one has the right to tell anyone how to live, point blank period. This is something Anarchists understand VERY well — if I had a political stance, it would be “fuck off entirely”. Leave people free to be themselves.
Where they lack control in their own lives, they attempt to exercise it in yours. Tiny little tyrants under the guise of love and protectiveness. I imagine we have all been guilty of this to varying degrees without realizing it. I can tell you for SURE I have been one of them. This post is not to shame anybody, this is a trap we can all fall into.
Recognize this: You can either help someone by seeing them as the holistic them, meaning stop projecting and learn to listen, OR you can withhold your opinions entirely.
No one has the right to try and steer the keel of someone else’s ship.
People are so afraid of “risk” and things they can’t “predict” — do we realize that no matter what path someone takes, no one is ever immune from that?
This is a survival of the fittest, chose your own adventure, with crazy “random” interjections of divine miracles dropped on us throughout our lives game. LIFE.
I suppose in short, how to know you are house-cattle is you playing god in other peoples lives. It can be very hard to see this, (speaking from experience here), because it is ALWAYS under the guise of helpfulness, or wanting to see WHAT’S BEST for someone else.
How the fuck do we know what’s best for them? This delusion is so pervasive that it can take a long time to realize our actions aren’t as altruistic and loving as we once thought. They actually caused more harm than good.
I’d love to hear your thoughts as long as people keep shit respectful in the comments. I’d especially love to hear people’s own experiences on either (or both) sides of this.
Of course, our inner-answer here is, “If you have no support when it comes to your own Soul, fuck them, just do it on your own.”
Yes frens, we’re all so familiar with that, and we’ve all been doing that. But if you think you can overcome the machine SOLO — think again.
Revolutions aren’t ignited because one person decided to not be a dumbass.
This will continue until enough people are able to coordinate and collaborate on something they actually agree on (what a novel concept) and start putting their collective energy into it.
You don’t need the entire population to do it, but you do need enough to make shit shake. A few hundred people would suffice at first. I’ve seen it happen before.
Otherwise, we are as useless as cattle and jellyfish, their primary criticism of us in those documents — castration, and the total inability to stop quarreling amongst one another.
No resistance, no rebellion, this equals consent in their eyes. And if that is the case, then they aren’t violating free will (a huge Natural Law no-no), because no WILL is expressed or identified in the first place.
This is the goal of social engineering and the automation of society. Devoid of will humans are no longer humans, which “they” believe gives them free reign in doing absolutely whatever the fuck they want with us.
If you think that’s what is already happening, I assure you they have the ability to turn things up an infinite amount of notches if we keep going in this direction.
The abuse stops when WE stay “WHEN”.
Devoid of will, devoid of agency… Or, Sovereign beings?
Which one do you want to be?
I say, let’s get back to this:
Barn burner Tess!! I know what it feels like to be surrounded by house cattle and going at it alone. God it is lonely. Warms my heart to know there's more like me out there.
The term I've used is tax cattle, stunned tax cattle..