An engineered and automated society, or Sovereign Beings? It is our CHOICE. Which will you choose? Are you playing the role of House-Cattle without realizing it?
Barn burner Tess!! I know what it feels like to be surrounded by house cattle and going at it alone. God it is lonely. Warms my heart to know there's more like me out there.
yoooooo BARN BURNER 😆 dude that was fucking epic. And yes it is so fkng lonely. I had to say something about it. Thank you for saying what you have said here because the feeling is mutual-- it always helps to know that we are not alone in this experience -- and to continue shattering the illusion of isolation. Much love to you.
The times we live in… boy, what did we sign up for. It reminds me of the whole “helicopter parent” dynamic some families have and that the parents are essentially playing god with the child by protecting them from the dangers and risks of the unknown. I do agree on guiding the child up to a certain point about 19- 20 years old; but after that I think it would be good to let them learn from their own mistakes as that is the greatest teacher.
This has me thinking about my venture on moving out of state for school and all the “protection and better to be safe than to risk it all to do something” BS from some of my own family. But luckily I found a few good people up in Kentucky that supports my endeavor. I mean I’m pretty self sufficient but some community wouldn’t be a bad thing either.
Agreed, the people we surround ourselves with impact us far more than we realize, even on a biological level - our nervous systems will sync with those that we spend the most time around. So community support is huge. It's also a challenge for many to find, which I think is why people get lost in the madness or fall through the cracks so often. It may be hard to find, but it absolutely can be done. I am proud of you for your new venture, and thank you for sharing what you did. It is definitely a strange "helicopter-ing" and also very much an indoctrinated tactic to essentially train the other "slaves" or uhh.. "humans" to keep eachother in line so the program essentially becomes self-perpetuating among communities, families and the like. wild shit, very much agreed.
Very good article. I've watched numerous family members and friends get sucked into this zombie like world of everything technology and following the pack; it's really disheartening.
Agreed, it's heartbreaking and can make you "feel like youre taking crazy pills" as the great Mugatu has said 😆 but seriously though, I relate and thank you for sharing that. Like I said to Jessica above, it always helps to know we are not alone in this. The times we live in... maaaaan we signed up for some wild stuff I'll say that much
True. A long time ago a friend said to me "normal is just a setting on a washing machine" and I come to find that statement more true with every passing day/year haha. But yes, visible displays of humanity and connection are absolutely becoming a minority.
I am very fortunate that a lot of the people in my life are actually very encouraging, supportive and open to conversations about the control mechanisms of our would be Archons. I find that often, the worst offender is my internal voice, that nasty left brain tyrant. That voice that tells you that you're making very irrational choices when you go against the grain. The voice that says you need to quit on the delusions of carving your own path and get a straight job. It takes a massive daily effort of conscious will to tell that voice to shut the fuck up.
very much agreed. with or without supportive people around (having supportive people or encouraging people makes shit a million times better in my experience but it doesn't fix the internal dialogue issue when that turns against us) it still comes down to how good of a friend can i be to myself and how free can i allow myself to be? the tyrant is a perfect reference here, we all have our inner tyrant - that is the one i need to defeat / expel first and foremost
"You don’t need the entire population to do it, but you do need enough to make shit shake." Well put. A soothing concept that I remind myself, is that winning against an enemy doesn't have to be outright, the goal is to disrupt them, as apposed to standing by and let them easily carrying on.
Yep! Boundaries. I found a good technique for friends and family. The Sandwich Technique: I am honored that you think enough of my art to ask to commission me to paint your dog; so no, I don't do commissions; though, I do have a couple of little landscape paintings that have a dog in them if you are interested. : ) So much better than saying nothing, or just plain no.
They attack soul. They have been sucking the soul out of every form of media forever now. They sell: soulless. I still have life in my eyes. I will die with that flicker within me. They done tried to extinguish it more times then I can remember. I see their "wins" all around me, they have breed just enough evil so everyone can have a taste. The world is now, Hollywood. I should say, society is now Hollywood. You can have whatever you want on your phone. Except an adventure. I'll take that dirt road with my dog. Ya'll can have Hollywood. I'll sing to myself.
Tess, a powerful piece of writing, heartfelt, blunt and direct. I will briefly say that I have been out of "the norm" since my youth. Mom died overnight in 1966 when I was nearly 14, brother was killed in Vietnam in 1968. Those two searing events knocked me off the trail, so to speak. I never formally married, I was extremely promiscuous in youth, I aborted my two children back in 1973, I made fun of holy things, I said stupid things. I have paid a stern price for the wandering I took off into: loss of my faith in God and His Son, poverty, rebellion that brought no good result, outcast status. I came back to God after 35 years of wandering and while I see the narrow path we all tread upon, I will seek the path of God, as that is the perfect path for me. It is a tough path and yet, as a woman of God and follower of Christ, I can use the knowledge of God to keep myself free from the claws of the system. God is not stupid... and He knows things I do not! It is a 24/7 task, something to keep me out of humorless mischief in my Elder years, however many those may be. Keep writing, Tess, you have a gift!
Thank you Wendy, and thank you for sharing your story -- it's incredibly powerful and I salute you from afar for overcoming all that you have. And I do agree with you -- I feel the best defense in this system is a spiritual one -- all other tools are in one way or another of the system so, that is the one thing they cannot touch, although they try incessently. Much love to you.
Very much so. I look forward to continue aligning with others doing the same and focusing on the hope and inspiration it brings. Thank you for reading Nathalie, I love your work and appreciate it very much!
Really enjoyed reading this piece, thank you very much :)
It's a timely reminder to be hyper-vigilant at all times regarding those sneaky thoughts about what might work better for another person.
I love this quote from your piece about will: "Devoid of will humans are no longer humans, which “they” believe gives them free reign in doing absolutely whatever the fuck they want with us."
For the past few years, I have been studying the work of Rudolf Steiner, and even though he was writing 100+ years ago, he was concerned by the need to keep our will strong if we are to evolve consciousness.
THANK YOU for this, I had not heard of Rudolf Steiner before and I will now check out his work. I really appreciate that. And yes.. those sneaky thoughts even with the best of "intentions" can cause alllll the wrong impact. as i stated in the article i have made that mistake SO many times. So now I try to stay the fk out of the way entirely unless not saying something would cross a line into unethical/immoral (which again can be subjective from person to person), lying by omission, or somehow putting someone in obvious harm. i think the intuition will always be our best guide, i've had to learn over the years (still learning) how to discern intuition from a trauma response. Anyways, thank u again for that info!
FYI one of the first books I studied was: Viral Illness and Epidemics in the Work of Rudolf Steiner. He believed that illness is part of the process humans use to balance/work through karma (i.e. it's part of spiritual processes) and much of health care now interferes with that process - Steiner believed that except for emergency intervention for acute conditions an ill person should be just supported (via appropriate nutrition, rest, etc) allowing the body to heal itself. See:
These ideas seem like a parallel to the ideas you presented in this piece. I think you will like Steiner's work.
YAS. I remember writing this… shoot I think it was back in March. I had quite the axe to grind. What article did you write pertaining to this experience? i am NOT caught up at all with peoples posts - with how many are on here now I doubt I ever will be but I’d like to read what you wrote.
Barn burner Tess!! I know what it feels like to be surrounded by house cattle and going at it alone. God it is lonely. Warms my heart to know there's more like me out there.
yoooooo BARN BURNER 😆 dude that was fucking epic. And yes it is so fkng lonely. I had to say something about it. Thank you for saying what you have said here because the feeling is mutual-- it always helps to know that we are not alone in this experience -- and to continue shattering the illusion of isolation. Much love to you.
The term I've used is tax cattle, stunned tax cattle..
that would be a very appropriate term, especially the "stunned" part
The times we live in… boy, what did we sign up for. It reminds me of the whole “helicopter parent” dynamic some families have and that the parents are essentially playing god with the child by protecting them from the dangers and risks of the unknown. I do agree on guiding the child up to a certain point about 19- 20 years old; but after that I think it would be good to let them learn from their own mistakes as that is the greatest teacher.
This has me thinking about my venture on moving out of state for school and all the “protection and better to be safe than to risk it all to do something” BS from some of my own family. But luckily I found a few good people up in Kentucky that supports my endeavor. I mean I’m pretty self sufficient but some community wouldn’t be a bad thing either.
Agreed, the people we surround ourselves with impact us far more than we realize, even on a biological level - our nervous systems will sync with those that we spend the most time around. So community support is huge. It's also a challenge for many to find, which I think is why people get lost in the madness or fall through the cracks so often. It may be hard to find, but it absolutely can be done. I am proud of you for your new venture, and thank you for sharing what you did. It is definitely a strange "helicopter-ing" and also very much an indoctrinated tactic to essentially train the other "slaves" or uhh.. "humans" to keep eachother in line so the program essentially becomes self-perpetuating among communities, families and the like. wild shit, very much agreed.
Very good article. I've watched numerous family members and friends get sucked into this zombie like world of everything technology and following the pack; it's really disheartening.
Agreed, it's heartbreaking and can make you "feel like youre taking crazy pills" as the great Mugatu has said 😆 but seriously though, I relate and thank you for sharing that. Like I said to Jessica above, it always helps to know we are not alone in this. The times we live in... maaaaan we signed up for some wild stuff I'll say that much
You're absolutely right, you're welcome, and thank you as well. 🤗 I appreciate you and others like you. Normal is becoming a minority these days. 😔
True. A long time ago a friend said to me "normal is just a setting on a washing machine" and I come to find that statement more true with every passing day/year haha. But yes, visible displays of humanity and connection are absolutely becoming a minority.
💯 🙏
I am very fortunate that a lot of the people in my life are actually very encouraging, supportive and open to conversations about the control mechanisms of our would be Archons. I find that often, the worst offender is my internal voice, that nasty left brain tyrant. That voice that tells you that you're making very irrational choices when you go against the grain. The voice that says you need to quit on the delusions of carving your own path and get a straight job. It takes a massive daily effort of conscious will to tell that voice to shut the fuck up.
very much agreed. with or without supportive people around (having supportive people or encouraging people makes shit a million times better in my experience but it doesn't fix the internal dialogue issue when that turns against us) it still comes down to how good of a friend can i be to myself and how free can i allow myself to be? the tyrant is a perfect reference here, we all have our inner tyrant - that is the one i need to defeat / expel first and foremost
"You don’t need the entire population to do it, but you do need enough to make shit shake." Well put. A soothing concept that I remind myself, is that winning against an enemy doesn't have to be outright, the goal is to disrupt them, as apposed to standing by and let them easily carrying on.
very well put yourself - lack of resistance = allowance
Yep! Boundaries. I found a good technique for friends and family. The Sandwich Technique: I am honored that you think enough of my art to ask to commission me to paint your dog; so no, I don't do commissions; though, I do have a couple of little landscape paintings that have a dog in them if you are interested. : ) So much better than saying nothing, or just plain no.
They attack soul. They have been sucking the soul out of every form of media forever now. They sell: soulless. I still have life in my eyes. I will die with that flicker within me. They done tried to extinguish it more times then I can remember. I see their "wins" all around me, they have breed just enough evil so everyone can have a taste. The world is now, Hollywood. I should say, society is now Hollywood. You can have whatever you want on your phone. Except an adventure. I'll take that dirt road with my dog. Ya'll can have Hollywood. I'll sing to myself.
Love this. 🙏❤️🙏
Thank you. I really enjoy your writing. I dig your perspective.
Tess, a powerful piece of writing, heartfelt, blunt and direct. I will briefly say that I have been out of "the norm" since my youth. Mom died overnight in 1966 when I was nearly 14, brother was killed in Vietnam in 1968. Those two searing events knocked me off the trail, so to speak. I never formally married, I was extremely promiscuous in youth, I aborted my two children back in 1973, I made fun of holy things, I said stupid things. I have paid a stern price for the wandering I took off into: loss of my faith in God and His Son, poverty, rebellion that brought no good result, outcast status. I came back to God after 35 years of wandering and while I see the narrow path we all tread upon, I will seek the path of God, as that is the perfect path for me. It is a tough path and yet, as a woman of God and follower of Christ, I can use the knowledge of God to keep myself free from the claws of the system. God is not stupid... and He knows things I do not! It is a 24/7 task, something to keep me out of humorless mischief in my Elder years, however many those may be. Keep writing, Tess, you have a gift!
Thank you Wendy, and thank you for sharing your story -- it's incredibly powerful and I salute you from afar for overcoming all that you have. And I do agree with you -- I feel the best defense in this system is a spiritual one -- all other tools are in one way or another of the system so, that is the one thing they cannot touch, although they try incessently. Much love to you.
And to you, Tess.
It’s a lonely path until you encounter others doing it too. Great, empowering piece Tesstamona!
Very much so. I look forward to continue aligning with others doing the same and focusing on the hope and inspiration it brings. Thank you for reading Nathalie, I love your work and appreciate it very much!
You are definitely not alone. And it does get so intensely lonely. I won’t quit, I can’t anymore. Dang too much to say. Anyhow the post was BOSS.
thank you!! and thanks for reminding me i am not alone 🙏 ❤️
Hit all the right notes..for me..thanks
I'm not alone after all...pure magic ✨️
Nope not alone at all and thank you for saying that cuz it makes me feel less alone as well 🙏
Really enjoyed reading this piece, thank you very much :)
It's a timely reminder to be hyper-vigilant at all times regarding those sneaky thoughts about what might work better for another person.
I love this quote from your piece about will: "Devoid of will humans are no longer humans, which “they” believe gives them free reign in doing absolutely whatever the fuck they want with us."
For the past few years, I have been studying the work of Rudolf Steiner, and even though he was writing 100+ years ago, he was concerned by the need to keep our will strong if we are to evolve consciousness.
THANK YOU for this, I had not heard of Rudolf Steiner before and I will now check out his work. I really appreciate that. And yes.. those sneaky thoughts even with the best of "intentions" can cause alllll the wrong impact. as i stated in the article i have made that mistake SO many times. So now I try to stay the fk out of the way entirely unless not saying something would cross a line into unethical/immoral (which again can be subjective from person to person), lying by omission, or somehow putting someone in obvious harm. i think the intuition will always be our best guide, i've had to learn over the years (still learning) how to discern intuition from a trauma response. Anyways, thank u again for that info!
Totally concur re intuition.
FYI one of the first books I studied was: Viral Illness and Epidemics in the Work of Rudolf Steiner. He believed that illness is part of the process humans use to balance/work through karma (i.e. it's part of spiritual processes) and much of health care now interferes with that process - Steiner believed that except for emergency intervention for acute conditions an ill person should be just supported (via appropriate nutrition, rest, etc) allowing the body to heal itself. See:
These ideas seem like a parallel to the ideas you presented in this piece. I think you will like Steiner's work.
And you can access most of his writings at
Thank you ✊
The images in this post are so perfectly deployed!!
Aahh thank you!! Pinterest is truly a goldmine for beautiful art & photography 🙏🙏🙏
Good to know I’ll have to check that out!
I recently wrote of my experience with this!
Great minds!
And, regarding what you laid out.
Absolutely Yes.
YAS. I remember writing this… shoot I think it was back in March. I had quite the axe to grind. What article did you write pertaining to this experience? i am NOT caught up at all with peoples posts - with how many are on here now I doubt I ever will be but I’d like to read what you wrote.
First, Thank You!