As everyone who did evacuate stares in disbelief as this thing barrels toward their loved ones who did not evacuate, as everyone stares in disbelief as this thing comes toward their home, it’s hard to find the words — but now is not the time to freeze up.
IF you have an iPhone 14 or above and haven’t done this yet, do this now: update your software to the iOS 18 as it allows for SATELLITE TEXTING when cell service is down.
This only works on recent texts, so text everyone you want to communicate with now and then do that. Once it’s done, go into settings, apps, messages, then try the “satellite texting demo”
**Edit: The hurricane increased in speed and is now arriving around 8 PM instead of between 1 AM and 3 AM like we thought. This is the livestream of Florida and the storm chasers on the ground including radar and other cameras here:
If you are still in the area and have power then I hope this will serve as something to let you know not to let your guard down.
You cannot evacuate at this point, but you can still get to a shelter (we are four hours from landfall as I make this edit) this is a list of shelters in Florida, including “shelters of last resort” -
Currently there are severe tornado outbreaks on the gulf coast and central florida, so be mindful of your area please. Here is a livestream of the area and hurricane, you can also check in on road conditions through FL511 and should be able to access traffic cams.
I’ll share videos discussing the strengthening of milton, the forming of hurricane nadine behind it, and the incoming solar flares and CME.
I will also include prayers and spiritual formulas that everyone needs right now.
You can also just say your own prayers, just pray because at this point there is very little to be done until this thing hits and passes - and prayer DOES work.
So does action, but the time for action and evacuation at this updated time (4:45 PM EST) has passed.
If you evacuated and will be re-entering, reach out to me, as I evacuated from Sarasota and will be returning - there will be much to coordinate regarding that.
I’m not going to discuss weather modification in this post, we need to make sure we pray for everyone in harms way, and we pray for those of us re-entering the area after impact so we can help the people in the area, because everyone is going to need it.
We need unity right now, not fragmented attention spans and people with their heads in the sand.
Worst case scenario for those south of Tampa - new projected landfall as of yesterday is Sarasota. This is my home and the home of over a million people when you include the Bradenton area. This will greatly affect the southern areas as well, all the way down to Fort Myers.
Worst wind conditions in that area and front right quadrant of hurricane eyewall.
Worst storm surge conditions south of where landfall is made, which is North Sarasota/South Bradenton area. Worst storm surge would be Sarasota down to Fort Myers.
I don’t know if you can get out at this point but you can get to a SHELTER if you’re not currently under a tornado warning and your road isn’t flooded. Use for live traffic and road conditions.
This thing is looking to make landfall as a strong CAT4 or CAT5. Your house with shutters isn’t going to withstand that if you get a direct hit. You stand NOTHING to lose by going to a shelter or leaving, you stand EVERYTHING to lose if you gamble on this. Go to a shelter now that it is too late to evac.
If you’re planning on “hunkering down” and have a second floor, bring an axe if you’re taking shelter in there if you get flooded- if water levels rise higher than you expect, you’ll need to cut yourself out of the second floor or attic you’re in. People died that way in Katrina because they hid up there and the water went higher than they thought n they couldn’t get out.
Hurricane Nadine is looking to form with the arctic cold front coming in next week, I don’t know where it will go or what will happen but keep that in mind in case you do not have power.
X Class Solar Flare and CME incoming, projected to make impact on Friday. This impacts severe weather along with communications and the magnetic fields of the earth as well as our bodies.
We need prayer because at this point only God can intervene. The people need to be protected. Those of us re-entering the area after impact, we will also need God’s protection to find our people and do whatever must be done.
Power and cell service is likely to be out for a long time including sewage and water.
Expect looting because it always happens in crises - just don’t shoot someone who is coming to rescue you, know who you’re aiming at before you do something.
See post on prayers and spiritual formulas that I’ll link below the videos.
Here’s your videos.
Thank you- love this and so helpful. Lots of friends & family in the storm’s path.
Thank You!