Censorship almost sounds like old news, doesn’t it?
If you would have told me back in 2019 that the events of 2020 were about to happen, I would have sworn it would be impossible in this country (United States).
I would have said, there would be revolution in the streets the next day.
Ha. I was wrong.
Instead, my fellow readers and grand Substackians, we found ourselves down a wild lord of the flies rabbit hole.
Everyone’s got their story.
I’m here to provide a small window of context in this post - using videos from “back then” and “right now”, plus shared experience on how the OBSTACLES are often INITIATORS, on how the Medicine is in the Shadow:
We’ve all felt like the world was literally ending so many times in the last 4+ years. In all fairness, the world “as we knew it” absolutely was. But… we’ve found something else.
That thing is within all of us. I’m going to try to keep this post short, it will be part of a series though, a Silver Lining series, how about that.
Two years ago, the song Algorithm Ghetto actually started as… well,
I was trying to change my digital identity.
I had been getting hammered with censorship for two years at that point. I’d also been exiled from my community back on the west coast / blue states, had death wished upon me for not taking the jab, and this wasn’t low key— it was EN MASSE and cheered on.
These were people I had known for decades who turned on me after a few months of being shut in their homes listening to the TV.
No, they are not horrible people — the propaganda worked as intended upon them.
Fear is an incredibly exploitable emotion, as is the primal instinct and need for connection.
Combine the two and you have what is now referred to as “mass psychosis” or as
will (much more specifically and eloquently) describe in his book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism.But I digress. That’s not what we’re here to talk about today.
It was January of 2023.
I was living in Nashville and working with somebody in the industry.
They looked at the data, my accounts, and the history I had with strikes and “wrongthink” accusations from the algorithmic robots.
They were not the first to tell me I was smoked and needed to start over entirely, otherwise, “everything I was going to try and do would be in vain.”
As a musician and writer, that’s a death sentence.
As a human being who wants to live, that’s a death sentence — because that’s how tyranny thrives - in environments where there is no PERCEIVABLE opposition.
They don’t even have to kill you, they just mute you.
As outlined below, in what is now Algorithm Ghetto:
Hear the full song on Spotify. The official music video, which is much more unhinged than any visualizer clip I’ve shown here, will be released on YouTube (and likely Rumble as a “just in case” backup) November 16th, on the full moon.
I found out I couldn’t just “change my name”.
I went ALL the way down the rabbit hole.
Making new accounts, having a new artist name, being faced with years of work disappearing, using a VPN - it turns out, NONE of that would work.
Well, the technology has become too advanced.
You can’t get out - not in the way you’d think.
Any app you’ve ever had on your phone is spyware, doesn’t matter if you delete it.
It collects your biodata (ex: your circadian rhythms) your contacts, every image (facial recognition), reads and analyzes your text messages for speech pattern recognition, your emails, phone calls, pays attention to your pattern of typing, scrolling, clicking, the list goes on.
Tech knows how you walk, breathe, talk, and behave when you are angry, when you’re sad, when you’re tired, when you’re energized.
This is how algorithms have how come to recognize INTENT - that and of course, Optogenetics.
Also, facial recognition. Every single phone has it, as do satellites and street lights but I won’t go down that rabbit hole.
Long story short,
When I TRULY went down the rabbit hole of trying to change my name and get a new DIGITAL identity so I could have a shot at not getting censored anymore, I discovered that was not possible.
I realized it was easier to hide from police and bounty hunters than it was from algorithmic robots.
I longed for simpler days.
Then, I scrolled social media, and saw that a producer put out one of those short 12 bar challenges. He’d make a beat, play it, and you’d do a split screen with him and sing/rap your lyrics you wrote on the spot.
I was frustrated. I needed an outlet, so, this is what I did, and I believe I originally titled whatever I came up with as “Surveillance State Blues” — this, my friends, was the birth of what is now Algorithm Ghetto, back in January 2023.
So yeah, two years ago. I’m glad I still have this video on my phone… I don’t think I’ve shared it with anyone since, except my uncle:
I began writing the song more in depth, but I had a LOT to face in life that hadn’t even arrived at my doorstep, namely, that really abusive relationship that I left Nashville to get away from.
But, we went from that, to this, and I’ll explain why the game has changed, why there’s hope now… cuz back then… just like what they did with the jabs, I thought it was over.
I thought I’d never be able to go into a public space again — I thought the mandates would never lift.
Luckily, not true. I just got to see A LOT more of the country than I ever imagined, and became somewhat nomadic in search for more sovereign spaces! And, I did find them.
And again, in 2022/2023, I was crushed. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to speak or be of any use with my words or the breath in my lungs again.
Luckily, that also would not be true… I just had to learn how to go within… for a long time… before I could tactically go without.
To include ALL of the now vs then images/videos would be way too much— so I am simplifying to that clip of how the song started two years ago, versus this clip of how the song is now, which was released publicly two weeks ago:
Which one of the Stoics said something to this effect of… the thing in the way isn’t in the way, but rather, it IS the way?
This is a VERY Saturnian teaching as well, I might add.
Perhaps, was this a situation of… the “block” or the challenge isn’t something to be avoided, but rather, the thing to lean into?
I say, YES.
The same could be said for 2020.
All of us lost everything as we knew it then. I lost my home, my life, the school I was in, literally everything I knew.
But I didn’t stay stuck there. I leaned into the REALITY of the situation and acted.
What did those of us who didn’t acquiesce gain?
I got to live in multiple states, travel across the country, meet incredible people, realize I can do and go wherever I want on my own, I don’t need someone to hold my hand to pack my honda and BOUNCE and re-build a life literally anywhere.
My relationship toward God multiplied by a number I don’t have knowledge of - and continues to.
I learned about permaculture. I learned about preparedness. I learned tactical training.
I learned how to run my own podcast, I started writing poetry again, I started writing on Susbtack, I met all of yall, and I started learning how to build community OUTSIDE of the machine.
I learned how to face everything I was afraid of and jump into an abyss, multiple times over.
This is a survival MUST for our times, the ability to pivot at a moments notice.
Turns out, after I went “underwater” meaning Substack only, ZERO social media, zero anything, and just focused on rebuilding my internal world (and external) as I started a new life in Florida after getting away from an abusive situation / dude in TN, holy shit.
I had no idea how much I was gonna change.
It’s not that I CHANGED AWAY… it’s that I changed TOWARD who I always was, but had hidden under layers of anger, self-neglect, guardedness and God knows what else.
I was stripped down entirely, emotionally and spiritually speaking.
Turns out, that gave me the time and space to change my sound from hip hop to this interesting gypsy blues / indie rock thing we have going now.
Turns out, that gave me the time and space to start writing poetry again, and incorporating that into my songs. I knew that’d be a way to duck some censorship, and YOU GUYS on SUBSTACK showed me that.
I remember once posting some prose/poetry here, like a year ago. A bunch of you responded in the comments in poetry/prose form. I was shocked.
It was like suddenly, we were all fluent in this secret language, and had been all along - we could say so much, without having to say any of those “keywords” that would get you ctrl - alt - deleted, you dig?
Turns out, all that time OFF of social media? I didn’t know shit worked like this, but it actually does:
The algorithms and databases (at least for social platforms) can only store data for so long. After a while, you kinda do get a clean slate, as long as there is pretty much zero activity.
Regarding YouTube, my channel was in “restricted status” for 18 months (meaning if I posted, no one would see it, and the account was not searchable if you looked for it) for “medical misinformation”.
I released a podcast episode (ironically titled “Wrong-think”) where I aired NEWS CLIPS, then shared a personal story regarding my experience with the pharmaceutical industry - holy SHIT did they get mad about that. I didn’t even mention the jab.
I had to take YouTube’s “re-education” class in order to be considered to be able to use the platform again.
I realize a lot of you who do not make music would say f*** that, I’m not using youtube anymore. That’s all good and well, but if you make music and want people to actually hear it, that’s not an option.
Until we’re all out of the machine, or at least a decent enough mass, those of us who want to be of service DO need to be able to operate within it. That’s a reality, whether you like or not.
We are not ghosts in the machine.
We are sovereign beings, and in order to build resilience in said sovereignty to actualize into a true resistance, we need to know how to be OPERATORS within the machine — not consumers, not puppets, not somatic creators — OPERATORS.
The things we are facing are meant to make us evolve, not AVOID.
Of course, not too much— never forget that tech is a TOOL, it is NEVER a substitute for anything. Ever. I will go off on Molecules > Pixels in the next post.
Summary/Closing Statements:
So, running from Nuremberg Code violating jab mandates and thinking life was over actually just gave me a way more robust life and made me stronger and wiser.
So, censorship actually just gave me the space to get in touch with my real voice, beneath the anger, beneath the chaos, beneath the confusion — in the stillness.
It also had me away from these algorithms long enough to essentially get “reset”. It’s like starting from scratch again, but that is SO MUCH BETTER than being ACTIVELY snuffed out.
I hope these apparent “blockages” that really provided the true path forward, and really just make us better human beings, MORE of who we always have been, and LESS of the falsehoods in which we are not, translate to you and your life experience.
If you are so inclined, share your story in the comments.
And if you are so inclined, please do check out Algorithm Ghetto in its full form, and spread it far and wide.
Your support means everything. I did not get the chance to promote this before it was released, given the whole two hurricanes in two weeks plus some other crazy shit, so I’m playing catch up, but every single share (which is free) helps A LOT.
I wanted to get the song and the music video out before the election. Why?
My honest fear was civil war.
I thought, maybe I can throw this in the collective energy pot as an alka seltzer tab, and MAYBE it’ll help some people think twice before they light that fuse.
I had a friend confirm this. Not civil war, but when she heard it, she said, “you need to release this before the election.” It was all systems go after that, even though I didn’t “feel ready”.
The whole point is to help at least some people not completely lose their fucking minds and to REDUCE likelihood of a scenario that NO ONE is ready for and NO ONE wants.
The music video will not come out until November 16. We’re too close to the election anyways, plus there’s allegedly another hurricane forming the first week in November, so if we do get decked again, I’ll need to be focused on that.
But, the song is still out. Visualizers are still out. The lyrics can still be heard.
You don’t need to have money to support this.
If you value the message of the truth of what is going on in our society, PLUS the solution given at the end in spoken word form, you can share it with people you love. You can share it on your socials.
You can tell the machine/algorithm that you like it by playing it. Streaming it on Spotify is the best way to do that. That’s how you train a robot. Engagement (whether positive or negative) means it shows it to more people.
The more people who see it, the more of a chance we have at reaching someone who actually needs to hear it. I don’t care about who it offends, I care about who it can HELP.
Buying it on Bandcamp is great, and I SO APPRECIATE YOU GUYS WHO HAVE SUPPORTED ME THERE THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES OVER. I LOVE YOU AND IT MEANS THE WORLD. HOWEVER — for this song, I’d rather forfeit ALL money if it means we can bring people together and LESSEN the likelihood for violence among the people.
Bandcamp is great for supporting artists financially — but it is not so great for infiltrating the hive. I suppose I am calling for help in doing so, for some reason this feels dire. The tension here is… well, you ALREADY know if you are a human on planet earth.
So please, on this one, KEEP YOUR MONEY. Just do what is FREE for literally you and everyone else and share it, IF you feel called to.
Thank you.
You can do so at the following links and you can share it here on Substack if you like. However you feel called to, IF you feel called to, I honor and salute you in teaming up with me to do so. Thank you.
As I read this I have a piece of black masking tape over the lens of my computer....they want to tape our mouths shut, I tape their eyes - shut......................wish I knew you when you were here...I was being so censored for speaking out.
The “recognizing intent” component is muy creepy.