As I read this I have a piece of black masking tape over the lens of my computer....they want to tape our mouths shut, I tape their eyes - shut......................wish I knew you when you were here...I was being so censored for speaking out.

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ahhhh i wish so too — i was in and through your area a lot, and only lived about 45 mins away. I was in williamson county, not in nashville proper (for a reason too haha. wanted to be near the farms/away from dense population) but… i have a feeling I’ll be out there again. SOE is out there. Tac Response is out there. And good people are out there. Never cared for Nashville but I loved Tennessee. So much. When that day comes I will let you know. I’m grateful to know you now. 🙏

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The “recognizing intent” component is muy creepy.

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1000%. When I found that out.. among a few other things… bruh. No words but muy creepy I think sums it up well.

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Back in 2016, I posted a video on YouTube, the text was strictly the Bill of rights, the audio was me, playing the star spangled banner . The Video was removed.

My account was age restricted.


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holy shit. in 2016? I didn’t notice it until 2020 but I also didn’t make a youtube until late 2019 and only had one thing on it. Lord. well, they made these silent weapons for a reason, and it was never to make our lives easier thats for sure. Salute to you friend.

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I’ve long distrusted governments

For all the things they say in lie

I’ve come to know that all they want

From me is to shut up or die

But fear is not a passive thing

Indeed it can kill even a stoic heart

When out of control and everywhere I look

Fear seems the culture’s most important part

That would be just another lie

It didn’t take long for me to find out

What stunned and saddened me though

Was how many never felt a single doubt

Here we are, now with much more data

That shows the truth as we near winter five

If I can see it, why can’t you…

When no one unmedicated should be alive

I talk with plants and animals, why not?

Just not in a human or civilized way

Give even your fear a chance to speak

For certain it has lots to say

Life in Modern feels so easy and free

But this too is just another lie

What’s real and wholesome is not the fear

It’s the Wild I know AND TRUST before I die

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“indeed it can kill even a stoic heart” —- another line that hits DEEP, especially having three translated texts of stoic philosophers having just made their way into my life haha. I noticed… much of what they strifed with then… same shit now. All things I said in the other post’s comment about your poetry repeated here plus just wow. thank you

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How did anybody survive before cell phones and home computers? Well they did without much of the technology we use today which is 95% anti-privacy and used as a surveillance and data collection tool. To the extent you are "digitalized", you have sold your soul to the world's devils...or anti-humans.

You have to go a few steps further and ask why they need all this surveillance and data for everyone? There can be only one reason and that is to use it against you such as in compiling a social credit score. And that will be used to extinguish you. Have a low score? No food, money or services for you. Have a high score and that means you are fully injected with their mRNA poisons and other vaccines or drugs. You lose either way as they want you dead, dead, and deader.

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I think a lot of of us are already aware of that as it is ultimately part of the automation of society, a.k.a. slavery. On a fundamental level. To the core. And this has been out for a long time, but that’s literally the entire purpose of why the computer was invented along with the Internet and along with AI.

My goal with my music is to get people out of the machine. But the people are already in the machine so I have to go in there to get them. That was kind of the whole point of this article. Hope is not lost.

There are a great amount of teachings that date back further than the Old Testament that talk about The times we live in now and they are not meant to be avoided, not necessarily fought direct, but apparently the consciousness on earth is supposed to evolve as a result of coming up against it and learning how to evolve past it.

I can’t say that that will happen for literally everybody and I would be quite fortunate if it happens for me and that is my primary goal. Secondary goal is to help others.

So I don’t disagree with what you were saying, but I was taking it a few steps further and I hope that was not missed. Let us never become demoralized! 🏴‍☠️❤️

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