I write this to you now, dear friends, because if I do not, I might never! Things move quite fast these days. Let’s jump into some wild shit, and perhaps I’ll expand in other posts.
For those who did not know, the ingredients for revolution, freedom (by any means necessary) and yes, even things like chaos and violence, are above us in the sky. Of course, the ingredients have been here and brewing for longer than I’ve been alive, but we’re starting to see things break through the soil here.
Yes, there is a conjunction between Uranus (governs many things, for brevity: freedom, shocking changes, chaos, upheaval, transformation, liberation) is conjunct with both Mars (action, ambition, Lord of War) and the fixed star ALGOL. Algol is known as the Demon Star. It is associated with many… not so nice things, but let me tell you something:
We confront darkness properly when we make the decision to use it for our evolution, meaning: To learn what we need to learn so the thing that once had us at our knees now vanishes to dust before our eyes.
Start thinking of your experiences of liberation, write them down like a gratitude list, and they will grow. I’m about to drop some stuff here that I haven’t shared yet and been meaning to, so now is the time. There’s enough “bad news” out there - we breathe life into what we devote our focus to.
It’s important to not miss the opportunity to spot and nourish our freedoms, in times where we often give them away without realizing it:
On June 24th, I was baptized for the first time in my life, in the glorious waters of Florida 😎 It is an incredibly long story to tell you how I went from an atheist to THAT, which will be told in another post — and no, it is not what you think. And yes, it has put me on one of the most beautiful paths I’ve ever had the honor of walking.

PRISON BREAK PERFORMANCE: If y’all have been here a while, yall know I left Nashville almost a year ago and came to Florida to get myself out of an abusive relationship. I started my entire life over. To be honest, the time I was taking down here to “heal” quickly turned into more of the same old prison of HIDE, and I began to decay internally. SO: on July 11th, exactly ONE YEAR TO THE DAY that I had last been on a stage. I went to an open mic, got on another stage, and performed. This was a spiritual prison break for me. I’ve been performing music and spoken word poetry for years, but it had been so long, and I had been through so much internal change, I was terrified. It felt like it used to when I first started - meaning like I was gonna have a heart attack and die. That’s how nervous I was.
Facing fear that normally paralyzes - I knew I had to do it. My body began to react. Inflammation, muscle spasms, vocal chords got swollen, so I knew singing was out the window. But I knew if I didn’t go… I would spiral. So, I made myself go, and instead did one spoken word poetry piece (Algorithm Ghetto) off the top, and then read another piece (Explosives) out of my notebook, since I just wrote it and it is not yet memorized.
To get on a stage and read a bunch of wildly vulnerable and mid-key aggressive anti-establishment poetry is a trip, especially because… I prayed for Gods help, I have been praying to perceive Love and God everywhere, and I saw God express itself through the generosity of the people there, through the genuine connection to the people there.
It was a beautiful thing, seeing into the windows of everyones eyes, as if we all knew the deal. At the end of the day, we do.
there is a video from this performance, I will share it in another post with y’all.
Reading Ephesians for my first time. Every time I’d hear a Christian say the Bible had instructions for living, I’d be like, F***ing WHERE!? Which PART!? Haha, that part. Something strange then happened… which was a process in the making. Long story short, I suddenly found myself repulsed by the very thing that I used to be most drawn to. This is an incredible thing, because the “very thing I used to be most drawn to” has almost killed me multiple times. I speak about a cycle in my life I’ve never figured out how to break. Suddenly, I wanted no part in it. Suddenly… I was different. It scared me. Obviously many things led up to this, but this was the straw that broke the camels back.
What a beautiful experience to finally have an appropriate reaction to things that poison and kill you! One should be repulsed by lethal, degrading things, not drawn to ‘em like a moth to a flame! THIS, is the “freedom and liberation — BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY” the great Trifon Nikolov spoke of regarding this astrological configuration. On a micro level, but still, we need to be free on the micro level if we ever want to make a dent on the macro.
MUSIC. I don’t know how much I can disclose, other than telling you that I’ve been bringing God into it, praying to Christ, praying to the Holy Spirit, yeah if you know me, I know I sound way different, but hear me out - I have only prayed to be used as an instrument for Gods will. That is it. And to say that is what we are witnessing in the creation of the album is… completely accurate. I have no idea where it is going or what the outcome will be, but it doesn’t matter!!! What is happening now is something I have never experienced before. It is a type of freedom and liberation of the heart and soul, I cried SO many times in the studio tonight, and NOT from sadness! Something flew out of me, and I do not feel the need to judge anything! It is perfect as it is, and it belongs to the people and to the Will of The Most High.
I suppose writing this is a type of freedom, because I just told you I got baptized, and I prayed to Christ, and I’m out here talking about all this stuff…. I come from Oregon. I don’t live there anymore, but it’s the most anti-religious state in the country. I was raised in an atheist environment. I’ve always been curious about the metaphysical, the spiritual, the esoteric, the occult. I have walked elements of those paths, no doubt. I’m aware there are MANY different forces, energies, entities and paths out there. So, if I chose what I chose for myself, don’t assume it’s what you think of when you start judging in you head thinking you know something. But, if you do, there’s nothing I can do about it! It’s actually scary to write about being Christian, the scared/ego part of me wants to emphasize that I study ESOTERIC christianity so “people won’t get it twisted”, but at the same time… The Bible - AS IT IS TODAY, is literally an esoteric text by definition. Ten people at various stages of understanding can read it and have ten totally different takeaways.
I was set free from many other things I won’t disclose here… things that have been chains on me for most my life, internal things, mental hangups and such. Now I am free to pursue the calling of my heart and soul. Yes, the world is on fire, stay strapped, but stay grounded and RATIONAL. When tides run high, do not your emotions follow suit. Stay grounded in your center, dear friends, we’ve got ourselves true liberation to be experienced and shared.
Now, frens, please share your stories of liberation, no matter how big or how small you think they are, and keep this going. Remember it! Because there are great forces out there whose sole purpose is to MAKE YOU FORGET!
for talking to me the morning of the open mic about a LOT of things, not just my nerves, and being so unbelievably helpful. Same to you . And to my beautiful friend, , for driving all the way from the other side of the state to come and see me at the open mic just for an hour or so. I cannot tell you how magnificent it was to see you again, my friend. You are truly one of the greatest, and I am so glad my friend J. got to meet you!!! Your conversation, understanding, message and energy are so needed in this world, and I was so grateful to have you there, and for my friend to get to meet you too. I love you all. Thank you.Also shoutout to
and for talking to me during difficult times as well. You both provided crucial pieces of information at the exact perfect timing for it to finally click in my brain. I salute you and I’ve got mad love for you both. For all of you. ❤️
Dear Sister, I am so hugely incredibly proud of you 💙 You got baptised (Huge Welcome), you performed… You Did It! Love you to bits, Sister 💙🙏🤗🥰😘
Thank you so much for sharing this. I actually went to an open mic last night with the intent to sing, and chickened out at the last minute. You've inspired me to try again. We're liberating ourselves from fear!! And i love seeing your baptism photo 😍