🎧 The Underworld Episode: Collective Dark Night of the Soul
I was called to record this tonight - no editing, just a transmission, on the underworld cycle and opportunity we are all faced with right now:
It takes 725,000 lbs of pressure to make a diamond. Remember that.
Tonight during a recovery yoga meeting, I started having lyrics, words, prose, all this stuff flood my head. I was invited to go to dinner afterwards, but I said no, because I knew I had to get home and record this, and a few other things.
The podcast is now back up after a year long hiatus. My podcast used to be called The Great Silencing with Tesstamona. It was addressing the widespread censorship of truth, tyranny, and the herd of elephants in the room.
Necessary at the time, but still mostly focused on the problem.
Tonight, I changed the name. (the rss feed link is still /thegreatsilencing though, can’t change it unless I wanna delete old episodes, and I don’t).
I changed the name to The Great Remembering Podcast. Because we are in a Great Remembering, and moving forward, we are focusing on the solution.
Season 3, Episode 1:
Does it feel like someone or something went to the "Collective Dark Night of the Soul" switch, and turned it to ON?
There's a reason for this. We are being CALLED, and I don't mean by phone.
In this episode, I discuss the opportunity for evolution in facing our greatest fears, the difference between suffering and pain, the story of Inanna's descent, examples of rebirth initiations taught to us throughout millennia, and the current status of the planet Venus, which is invisible to the naked eye, and the significance of that here on Earth. Listen Here:
If you do not have Spotify, I’ll upload the audio file. You can also find this podcast on every single streaming platform that has podcasts, from Apple to PodBean. Now under The Great Remembering Podcast.

Great stuff, so much needed! I definitely feel this right now.
Light is born from darkness.