"Merge With The Northern Star"
A Taoist Poem and Teaching, and a personal experience with The Force:
Take the sun. Put it in your heart. Take the moon. Pull it to your belly. Draw down the Big Dipper. Merge with the Northern Star.
A Taoist Passage on Merging:
“We have gone from distant views of gods to a more inner-oriented one. In the past, our relationship was viewed vertically: People were in a subordinate position and the gods were supreme. Without much effort, we can see that this point of view was a reflection of feudalistic definitions and childlike emotions.
By contrast, those who follow Tao declare that gods do not exist. To think this is blasphemous is to miss the point. Rather, those who follow Tao seek a relationship with the Divine in which there is no division.
They are seeking a state of oneness.
If people are one with their god, then it stands to reason that there is no division between them. If there is no division between them, then they are god and god is them.
This doesn’t mean that a person can do all the things that gods are supposedly able to do. Instead, they attain a state of being and understanding where there are no distinctions, fears, or uncertainties of what is Divine.
That is why we sometimes contemplate bringing the stars into our very being. We want to merge with Tao. In essence, we become Tao and Tao becomes us.”
-Deng Ming-Dao, Daily Meditations, pg. 289
The Force:
Regardless of belief, any religious our spiritual teaching that I have been exposed to, at its core, advocates for the union and embodiment of Love.
The Force of Love is incredibly strong. To say I am a consistent embodiment of the FULL Force of Love on the regular would be a lie. Maybe one day, but not today.
However, I have experienced it — something so strange it’s hard to describe. No drugs or any intoxicants were involved.
I’m about to share a story, and it is a personal experience. I am making no claims on what God is or isn’t — and I want to be very clear on something:
Attaining One-Ness with the Divine is absolutely possible. However, the point of this is NOT to escape being present in your life, being human, or being here on earth. This is a common trap of “spirituality” — often referred to as spiritual bypassing.
We are here to evolve, not avoid.
My best guess is: The point is to remember the Truth of Nature within and around us, and bring THAT Grace, Power and Love into not just our own lives, but the cosmic web / quantum field that connects all beings. The point is Love, and with Love comes infinity— a topic I do not feel qualified to speak on (infinity), because I do not understand it.
I’m just a fellow traveler, same as you.
This “altered” state, or rather, newly attuned to, entered-into presence, has occurred on multiple occasions during Kundalini Yoga practices, but not just there.
I’ve also felt this Force, this Love, come over me “randomly” and without explanation, or during times of prayer, especially when you bare everything and lay all your emotions and burdens down — and believe it or not, a few times during a legitimate crisis - where my normal reactions were completely overrided by something else.
I immediately recognized it was not a Love being generated from me because nothing felt familiar about it.
Rather, it was a current moving through me, and sometimes, it felt like something that somehow appeared and welled up within me — The Lake Within, as discussed here a while back.
It was a Force somehow holding me up and protecting me. I could physically feel it.
Yet the times when I stumbled into this realm of consciousness during Kundalini Yoga, it went far beyond feeling like it was a current moving through me:
It was more than just a feeling. It was like being a completely different Creation. A different Human.
Not even the best MDMA or LSD could have achieved this. Speaking from historical experience in having used both of those substances (back in the day) on many occasions.
I remember looking around. I remember simply noticing, but I wasn’t noticing with the same mind I normally notice with, if that makes sense.
There was NO FEAR. None. There wasn’t even Death. There was a tremendous Power of Peace. Everything vibrated to this tune.
There was a Great Love. It was constant while I was in that space. It didn’t feel like a flow or current anymore, it felt like everything. It was steady.
It’s hard to explain, but I know I’m not the only one who has experienced that.
So, why don’t we have that all the time?
My take is that one’s entire vessel — body, mind, spirit, the etheric body — ones entire container, assumedly, needs to be of a certain caliber in order to hold that energy. And obviously this implies ones actions are in accordance as well. Then one has to consider, are our human bodies on this planet built to contain that powerful of an energy on the regular? To that… I am not so sure. I do think there are levels of energy that a human body cannot contain. Experience, sure, but contain, that’s a different rabbit hole.
Regarding ones “caliber”, that’s a reference to what some teachings have said in regarding different levels of elevated consciousness, and it makes sense to me, however I cannot tell you this for certain, because I haven’t experienced that state of being for extended periods of time. Maybe a day at most. When it’s at the strongest I’ve experienced, where you don’t even feel like a regular “human”, that’s usually an hour or so.
I’d then lapse back into whatever my “normal” was at that time, until the strange scenarios where Love with the capital L, or Compassion with the capital C, would show up in times that typically my rage would.
Something was arresting a power within me that not even I had learned to control.
How that is possible, I cannot tell you, other than I didn’t do it. Something greater than me did.
I do not believe there is only ONE WAY to attain this One-ness with that which we call God, but in short, that’s what that felt like. One-Ness. No separation. All. Alive.
Very Alive. More alive than I’ve ever felt. And again, zero fear. none. There is no need for it in that place. There’s no threat.
And you don’t have to wait until you die to get there.
All is Love, all is Power, all is Stable, all is Peace, all is ONE when we access this place. The way to do it? The antenna is already within us, the frequency is already around us, it’s just a matter of inner-tuning.
There was something that woke up in me during that time, something VERY alive, something very undomesticated, something very powerful.
That “something” is something within every single one of us… we all have the capability of this.
The routes we take are up to us.
So you, my friends, please do share your experiences with this.
Whatever jumped out at you from the meditation/reading or whatever jumped out at you in general. Your experiences with One-Ness, God, Love with the capital L — any way it resonates, please do share your experiences if you feel called to.
It is important to remember we all have this ability, and this Great Force is around us and available to us at all times.
Disclaimer Reminder: I am talking about entering different realms of consciousness and experiencing one-ness with things like the Great Love / God, and a realm and space with no fear.
I am in no way advocating that people abandon human life here in our bodies and on earth for the sole pursuit of the spiritual, or for some other-wordly escapism.
We are still here, human and on earth because we have a job to do.
The goal is to attain this and integrate it INTO our daily affairs, human life, human tasks, and human experience.
To embody it, and to share it with others. To be of service to the world and those around us. To be a blessing to others.
We have the opportunity to do this every minute of every day, with every person and situation and environment we interact with.
The cosmic web / quantum field connects us all, never underestimate the power of your actions AND your inactions — both have consequences.
Everyone reading this is 1000x more powerful than they think they are. Sometimes we just don’t understand what Power actually means, outside of the context of the machine.
This is why there are so many pitfalls along this path, because most peoples moral compass is greatly fractured or missing, and we can easily be led astray. That does not mean that hope is lost though. It isn’t.
Awareness is the beginning of everything. Do something to disrupt the cycle and watch everything change.
The signal is within you, don’t mind the noise all around.
And if you can’t hear the signal and all you hear is noise, and you feel like your head is static and you’re drowning right now, ask the Divine (or whatever word feels comfortable for you to use) that you may be shown the truth, or the way out of whatever is strangling you and keeping you stuck.
You’ll get an answer, just pay attention. Listen.
Here we are, and we’re here for a reason.
- Your fellow traveler.
I believe this categorically.
Illusion lights an imaginary inferno before it disappears. Illusion hopes we will quickly put out the fire and salvage all that remains. Evolution wants us to lift the lid on the dumpster and fan the flames, burning out the rot and decay left by illusion. Truth does not burn, only the falsity of the illusion. Light that shit up. 🙏❤️