Dearest frens, I did happen to come across my share of both comical and powerful memes tonight as I searched the internet for royalty-free images and video to incorporate with Algorithm Ghetto’s music video.
I would like to share some here for your enjoyment.
Also, I am releasing (publicly) the spoken word poetry version of Algorithm Ghetto as of today.
I know most of y’all have heard it before, but if you have not, below is one of the videos for the spoken word version, with the songs vocals and instrumentals slightly audible in the background.
If you’d like to support the message in the song, a mystic blues gypsy dissident “let us awaken to our humanity now” releasing October 4th - you may do so by pre-saving or pre-adding the song to your streaming library of choice (for free) at this link.
Pre-saving helps the song A LOT when it gets released, and due to subject nature alone, we need all the help we can get! - thank you, the full song comes out October 4th, and the official music video comes out October 11th!
And we’re still here 🏴☠️
Algorithm Ghetto Spoken Word Edition:
Much love to y’all. TTYS.
Pre-Save Algorithm Ghetto (the full song) at this link:
Looking forward to the song version, for sure. Best possum-centred meme drop in ages, too. My favourite is “I’m better as a concept.” Rings true.
Like the artwork. Funny stuff.