Today is "National Suicide Awareness Day" - Let's have a solution-based & honest discussion...
As opposed to the virtue signaling for maybe ten seconds once a year on social media. Less talk more ACTION. That's what this post is about.
Hello dear friends. I’m writing this to you on a brief lunchbreak so this will not be in depth, but if you’ve been reading this publication for a while, you’re familiar with my experiences in both losing loved ones to suicide, as well as struggling with ideations and multiple attempts in my past.
So, this is close to my heart, as it should be for anyone, in theory.
If a LOT of text is overwhelming to you and you’d rather watch a one minute video that kinda sums up both problem and solution, scroll down to the bottom. Otherwise, I hope you take the time to at least “skim” this, and add your own two cents and solutions in the comments.
Yay, get ready for some statistics from our FAVORITE SOURCE EVER - the World Health Organization.
We can naturally assume these are wildly underreported, but even with what they’re willing to leak out, global REPORTED suicide deaths, according to this super trustworthy organization, is one person every 40 seconds.
One person every 40 seconds.
That’s nearly 2,200 per DAY.
That’s over 60,000 per MONTH.
Dead from suicide on this earth.
Depending on what you’re reading, their data either says “OVER 700,000 global suicide deaths annually” OR it will say “NEARLY 800,000 deaths by suicide annually” - well which one is it?
Also, let me point out, the data from 2019 is exactly the same (numbers wise) as the data from 2024, which is odd, because when I tried doing this research a little over a year ago, I couldn’t find any data for anything past 2019.
Curious! How is the data still the same? We all know suicides, overdoses and homicides have gone through the roof. Is our own lives not evidence enough, or do we need these garbage totalitarian authorities to validate our every waking experience?
Yes we’re getting to solutions hold on.
Highest-income countries have the highest suicide rates. The median 79% are in middle-income countries/areas, the lowest suicide rates are in the lowest-income countries.
So don’t ever let anyone tell you that money buys you happiness, nor do the often inhumane hoops and holes you gotta unnaturally force yourself into in order to acquire “enough” - whatever standard of “enough” your culture set for you, which if you live in my culture (USA), there is no “enough” - that’s the game.
So, great friends, we’ve seen numbers like that and WAY LESS shut down the entire fucking globe for two years straight, yet suicide is almost NEVER discussed and it damn sure isn’t grinding society to a halt until a “solution” is immediately found.
WhY Do YoU ThInK ThAt Is?
I am not being antagonistic, I’m just making sure you can infer my sarcasm.
Two reasons we know for sure:
If we truly looked at the mental health crisis on this planet, it would require us to not only look at ourselves (already a hard pass for most) it would require society to re-evaluate EVERYTHING about it. People do NOT like that, in case you hadn’t noticed.
It would destroy some of the greatest money schemes on earth, including the pharmaceutical cartel (industry). It would completely stop “health care” in its tracks, the entire allopathic system would be likely scrapped except in acute/emergent care scenarios, the school system would be scrapped, the way we relate to one another in general - scrapped, and oh yeah, waht about the social media conglomerates and all the “media” we consume and the effect that has on human relations and our psychology? What about the porn industry? YEAH all of that would be scrapped.
Let me also remind, the last time I checked the age data which was a little over a year ago, the age group with the highest risk for death by suicide was age 10 to 14. That was through the CDC, I believe those stats were for children in the USA. What do you think that’s about? Perhaps them being raised by algorithms and not learning how to form genuine connections and most of the adults being on auto-pilot and lost out of their minds? Perhaps?
Alright, so, that’s why. Everything would change is why no one wants to open that can of worms.
So, we have two choices then!
Either everything changes and we do something “scary” like walking into a new frontier of human life and ways of relating and co-existing, OR we continue to watch our loved ones fucking die at ungodly rates.
It aint just suicide either.
Fentanyl overdoses in the United States alone are 3000+ per week, those are fatalities not “just” overdoses, and those are the ones that are actually reported.
That statistic is one person every 5 minutes.
The suicide statistic is one person every 40 seconds.
Obviously I don’t know how that stat “seconds” wise would change if applied directly to the US, since it is considered a “high-income” country we’d be among the highest for suicide rates. But is this not enough though? I feel like this is BEYOND enough for people to quit hollering about bullshit political affairs they have ZERO control over in other countries on the other side of the world - because you’re stepping over the bodies in your own front yard as a result. That’s the game. Stop being played.
Before I start, I will say - PLEASE ADD YOUR OWN SOLUTIONS from your own experience, whether first hand or witnessed, in the comments. Let this be a RESOURCE for someone who needs it. Yes I realize people can dial 988 and be connected to suicide hotline worst case scneario, but yo, have you ever been on the verge of suicide or attempted it? Did calling a stranger on a help line appeal to you ever or even cross your mind? Nah, we gotta stop playing DEFENSE and out-sourcing what is truly OUR responsibility to care for one another and start playing OFFENSE with this.
IN PERSON COMMUNITY BUILDING AND PARTICIPATION. I looked at my grandparents eulogies and was very surprised to discover that all of them were involved in several community organizations in their lives. That is RARE these days. They understood the importance of community, family, values, and building relationships around those values, and using their combined energy to bring blessings to others. We need to get back to this!
STOP with the social media 25/8. I’m not saying don’t use it but holy SHIT please stop using that as a substitution for human connection - IT ISN’T. NOT AT ALL. Go to real life events. Don’t know anyone? Go to or and find out what’s going on around you and just go. Go.
Connection is the antidote to addiction, as is connection the antidote to suicide in MANY cases. Think of every single time you were suicidal and even attempted it. It was never for NO reason. There are several, but it is always an ultimate feeling of absolutely, positively, NO HOPE left, and the agony of existing is way too much. Even the SLIGHTEST spark of hope is enough to prevent a suicide - speaking from experience here. Hope is purpose. It is Connection. Is other people. Is the opportunity to still feel like your life can mean something, like you can contribute to the world and aren’t worthless, like you still have a job to do here.
CONNECTION continued and the importance of IRL relationships: It’s also much harder to exit in such a horrific way when you truly feel connected to your environment and the people in it. When this sense of connection is fractured or absent in the individual, it’s like being in a state of disassociation but times a thousand. You may love people, but you don’t feel connected - you feel numb, indescribably numb and like death simultaneously, you feel like an untethered soul that somehow wound up here by accident. People are brought back from this through connection. It might sound hokey to some people but I’ve lived this multiple times and I’ve witnessed it too, so yes it is real. You don’t see Psychiatrists saying shit about it becuase there’s no money in you being healthy.
PURPOSE - another reason to join a community organization or volunteer or be part of something. Give someone the opportunity to give or they decay. Let them find this for themselves. Service does indescribable wonders. Obviously not when you’re in a full-blown crisis, but as far as prevention methods and rehabilitation methods go, this should be implemented as a way of life in my opinion/experience.
SPIRITUAL CONNECTION. I don’t care if you are religious or non-religious, as religion is NOT a pre-requisite to knowing and connecting with God. But there has to be a connection to a Greater Spirit outside of the madness of the world and the lizard brained impulses of the human ego.
Can we be less of an asshole to everyone? You have no idea what people are going through.
Exercise should be greatly emphasized, we have so much energy in our bodies, if its trapped it becomes destructive, and most of us live very sedentary lifestyles in artificial urban environments.
We’ve gotta not eat poisoned food so that’s another topic but should be noted.
PSYCH MEDS (the dangers of them) - I’m not a doctor and not telling ANYBODY who is on psych meds to stop them, for the love of God do NOT do that. Those drugs cause all hell to break loose if you cold turkey them or even go too quickly during a taper. It is beyond insidious what they do when you come off them - take it from me again, they are WORSE than the dope on the street when it comes to detox. Getting off of these drugs, IF you feel that is the category you are in, is entirely possible, but understand it is a SLOW process and you will need support. If you are genuinely helped by psych meds, disregard all of this, this is not indented as a blanket statement.
Do not ever let a doctor gaslight you into thinking they know your body better than you. I can elaborate more on this process if someone wants me to, just leave it in the comments.
Psych med dangers continued: Contrary to popular assumption, some of the side effects for SSRI’s (anti-depressants) are suicide, suidical ideation, homicide/violent behavior, and homicidal ideation. What a treat! Want to know another fun fact? Some of the known side effects for Anti-Psychotic mediactions are …. you guessed it! Psychosis! WOW ! What the hell?
Discernment in health care: We have to understand how to discern between - is this LEGITIMATELY an issue where medication is warranted, and if so, FOR HOW LONG, and in tandem with what other forms of treatment? Or is this an issue that medication would in no way solve, and quite probably make worse?
No one is coming to save us except US.
We have to stop outsourcing helping and loving our families, friends and neighbors to social workers who make a dogshit wage and are burnt out.
We have to stop outsourcing our mind and bodies natural intelligence and lived experience to people who literally make a living based on how many (and what kind) of billing codes they can submit to the insurance company so they can hit their “bonus model” for the quarter - YES that’s a real thing.
We have to stop outsourcing our need for connection and socialization to a machine that intentionally feeds us shit to make us nuts. Why? It’s addicting. Studies have found (look them up yourself my time is running out) that the most marketable emotion is actually anger, not fear, although fear is a close second.
You wanna know what isn’t profitable to the parasite economy at all?
Fulfillment. Happiness. Contentment.
Because in those states, which is our natural birthright, you do not NEED anything, you can’t be controlled and no one can sell you shit, because you have everything you need in and around you.
So don’t expect to buy happy pills from a death factory, there’s no money in a free and healthy life. There is only money in subjugation and sickness.
Please do leave your comments, concerns, thoughts, suggestions, ETC in the comments. Go wild.
Sorry that this was a bit intense. But… ultimately people are dying because there is a crisis of LACK of connection in humanity, and it is draining our humanity.
I think I explained this pretty well here, perhaps, so I’ll leave you with an unreleased video clip of the SPOKEN WORD version of Algorithm Ghetto. I felt too nervous to share this anywhere. I guess I’m gonna share it now. The song is a lot more heavy handed and comes out in October, but for now, you can just have this, as it pertains much more to human wellbeing on the micro level:
Pre-Save Algorithm Ghetto (the full blues track) here:
I am in awe of your writing, passion, clarity of mind. I love your creative gifts, your voice coming from knowing! Each one of your posts invites for reflection and offers solutions! Grateful for you!
There’s no money in a free and happy or healthy life. Nope. It’s always and evermore about the money and the profit and the subjugation—and they will cross whatever moral line they need to in order to get it. We should have learned from Covid and the entire MRNA platform rollout under immunity from an an EAU—they will literally do anything.
Thanks as always Tess—power to the spirit 🙏💪🏻