I am in awe of your writing, passion, clarity of mind. I love your creative gifts, your voice coming from knowing! Each one of your posts invites for reflection and offers solutions! Grateful for you!

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Thank you so much for saying that. In a time right now in life when my brain feels incredibly fogged that means a tremendous amount, I am grateful to be connected with you here.

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Dear brave soul I hear you! I am also navigating extremely challenging waters and your posts help me. Be blessed!

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There’s no money in a free and happy or healthy life. Nope. It’s always and evermore about the money and the profit and the subjugation—and they will cross whatever moral line they need to in order to get it. We should have learned from Covid and the entire MRNA platform rollout under immunity from an an EAU—they will literally do anything.

Thanks as always Tess—power to the spirit 🙏💪🏻

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Amen my friend and salute to you

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The powers that be never mention Saturn returns or in males case Uranus opposition at age 45 which is when the majority of soul contracts are broken. Great article. It seems like a spiritual education on energy needs to be available to all. Low chakra healing process and for the most part prevention of trauma. If people knew they were fighting a fire and death cult dressed in suits, they could at least fight the hopelessness and the causes, as that's where it begins. Also catharsis with creativity should be taught in schools. Society always examines the leaf or the branch. Never do they examine the root.

DM me if you would like me to send you my Survived book. Keep up the good work your proficiency in the darker subjects is deft and humanitarian.

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This is absolutely beautiful thank you and yes, I would love a copy of your book. I will message you.

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Thank you for such an impassioned call! I know the trajectory must change. I am present.

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Thank you. It’s the bravest thing anyone can do - to truly be here. ❤️

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I can’t wait for Algorithm ghetto to release! Once again I’m in awe of your creative, solution based writing. Each one of your posts offers reflection and a call to action. I am present; and seeing this post has inspired me to go out into the community more and actually help people instead of always being on my phone. (More meetings, local events, etc.)

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This means everything to me that it’s having a real world positive effect in your life. That is the ultimate goal and an honor. Thank you so much for not only doing that, but for telling me about it too. This kind of feedback keeps me going.

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There's an intersection between these two elements... two quotes I'm pulling from your text... that I would love to spend more time with in public conversations, and learn more your reflections of and insights about.

"Do not ever let a doctor gaslight you into thinking they know your body better than you. I can elaborate more on this process if someone wants me to, just leave it in the comments."


"PURPOSE - another reason to join a community organization or volunteer or be part of something. Give someone the opportunity to give or they decay. Let them find this for themselves. Service does indescribable wonders. Obviously not when you’re in a full-blown crisis, but as far as prevention methods and rehabilitation methods go, this should be implemented as a way of life in my opinion/experience."

There's a lot I want to say about the relationship between these two items particularly. I have a hard time saying it, because of how confusing and traumatic it's been to try to say it so many times over so many years and have it not understood by the people around me, and that same difficulty experienced by the others I'm working with who are also trying to communicate it.

You're providing a lot of crucial elements of context through your writing and your other projects that encourage me to keep trying again. Thank you profoundly. Still going :-)

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Yes absolutely yes!! And I’m so familiar with the fear of articulating ourselves, especially in the realm of anything medical because of the often vicious amounts of gaslighting everybody will receive.

But, we can still do it, and I think there is a lot of power and safety in numbers when we do it together, so I would love to have these conversations. I have haven’t been checking my messages, but I will do so now.

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Love the spoken word version.

To me, the message comes through more clearly.

In my teens into early twenties I saw numerous psychiatrists.

Only one ever said anything that stuck with me. He told me

“You have everything you need inside you.”

Best reminder I ever got.

Good topic to tackle Tesstamona!

Well done. 🙏💖

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Wow. The fact that a psychiatrist said that to you is absolutely beautiful and incredible and we need more people in the medical field who will say that.

And thank you for your feedback as well. I know the song is more heavy-handed, so I am publicly introducing the Poetry piece first because of that. so very easy to have things misinterpreted these days and in general, the subject matter can be shocking to people who are not already aware of what I’m talking about.

On my end, I’m still learning the skill of truth telling WITH vulnerability and compassion, I’ve struggled with having a lot of anger and intensity come through and that’s often unhelpful ❤️❤️

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It was indeed a beautiful and incredible thing to say. Stuck with me my whole life!

You’re very welcome for the feedback Tesstamona. I think you’re balancing your emotions quite well. Some anger and intensity adds to the impact. Keep up the great work! 💖

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Great article... Once I read the CFR's The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History Article in Foreign affairs (Council on Foreign Relations) · January 1995 DOI: 10.2307/2004

I was like ok. The designers and Crypto plutocrats in charge are just Managers of the Darkness within the individual. They use corporate Marketing techniques to do there colonisation of the mind and not the traditional Schools and orphanages to kill the spirit within. Now the Plutocrats have the full gammut of medicine corrupted, food corrupted and the future corrupted with hand held glowing rectangles that chain the eyes to the narrative. The breakdown of family and the tokenisation of sexual drives to divisions of politics that have no country but have a flag.

This is what they experimented on the indigenous of the world in the great takeover of the world to make the Universities with black cubes on your head when you graduate. Let you pretend your saturnian in a Jupitarian Cult. The meta obfuscation and colloidal fluoride fluorescent words across the screen. To see it as a war is the only solution and the soul of the rebel never fears death nor takes it lightly in the persuit of ridding the world of the overlord meta plutocrat parasites.

Rant over

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Yes, to all of this. Thank you for taking the time to leave this comment. Also that CFR document I will have to check into because I don’t believe I’ve read it. The usage and various interpretations of cosmology - whether used for nefarious purposes or divine - Are a fact of life. I personally love it, but I also do not weaponize it - and I’m shocked that people have the balls to do so to be honest.

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No hope for me

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Emilio! But you are here. What motivated you to start writing on substack?

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It's not easy for me to express myself in person here I can put my words in a way to express myself

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Does that factor provide you hope?

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It helps to get it out of my systems

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