May we all do more of what makes us feel alive May we all do more of what connects us to real life May we trade in virtual reality for authentic connectivity.. May we etch into the sea walls Our names, dates and poetry May we all do more of what brings us out of survival mode May we all realize, yes, make a refuge of yourself.. but none of us are here alone.
I am sharing this with you, whoever you are, to remind that the world isn’t entirely fucked.
I am sharing something beautiful. May the messages benefit you in some way.
I still have things to tell you before before the month gets going, and some of these topics are a bit heavier, so let us have some variety here:
It was a Saturday in South Florida.
Last week I boogied on down from Sarasota to Delray Beach. There are a lot of new subscribers to this publication, welcome all— I say this because for those who are just now here, I know you aren’t privvy to the absolute grindhouse hellscape February alone was, and I won’t get into reasons why, but I say this to say that it was a big deal to be able to do this:
I’ve been practicing Kundalini Yoga remotely via LifeForce Academy (Jai Dev Singh’s school) for YEARS… but I’ve never gotten to practice with him IN REAL LIFE. He lives in Northern California, and I’ve been a west coast refugee since 2022. Even when I was on the west coast and practicing from 2020-2022, they decided to shut down the entire west coast for two fucking years, so everything was remote anyway. I digress:
Then I got the email a few weeks back.
He’s coming to South Florida.
I just relocated to the Gulf Coast, an evac mission of sorts, plus I got family here (who have saved my life and I have no words for how to express that gratitude— another post).
I knew I had to go.
I knew I had to go especially because of how hard things have been. How heavy. How isolating. The tragic death of my cousin that took place a few weeks ago, the complete insanity of…. everywhere and everything (Mugatu’s “I FEEL LIKE IM TAKING CRAZY PILLS” has echoed in my mind more times than I’d care to admit), finding new housing, family stuff, a few other things that I won’t mention on Substack, yada yada.
It’s been gnarly as fuck, I’ll say that much.
So I said fuck this shit, it’ll be here to deal with when I get back. I boogied on down the road and enjoyed a 3.5 hr road trip — something I LOVE. I love to travel and I love traveling alone.
Why do you give AF?
I’m sharing this because we get caught in our own algorithms really easily.
It doesn’t have to be a screen hypnotizing you, routines and thought patterns will send you into a whirlpool of neurosis that pass as “normal”.
We all do this.
So I’ve made a decision that every day, I do something OUT of my routine, something I either haven’t done before, or haven’t done in a really long time. Fuck whirlpools and algorithm ghettos.
I also think people are suffering and becoming progressively useless because too much of our energy is spent in online spaces, so we have much less to offer when it actually counts — in real life.
Remember this “story” I wrote? It came to me during a meditation, let’s not make it a prophecy, shall we?
So you understand why I say to you, MOLECULES OVER PIXELS. Don’t forget, there’s a fuckin world out there.
Here’s some cool shit from last weekend. I’ll be back later to talk about the rising of a somewhat sinister fixed star in the astrological new year (happening this month and lasting for years — this is a huge situation, I haven’t had the time, energy or heart to touch the subject yet) suggestions on what we can do to survive, the eclipses, Saturnian suplexes, sacrifice, Venus invisible, and whatever else.
Aerial video credit goes to a guy named Rodrigo — big ups to him:
This would be Jai Dev Singh:
Oh I'm so glad you got to go do this! I know this was so good for you! 💗
This... is wonderful to see. Happy you had such a great weekend ☺️