An Erased Civilization
In the year 2047, Earth's magnetic poles shifted 90 degrees. What was land is now water, what was water now land. What did we leave behind, under those waters?
There were no artifacts of this civilization. They were told they were the reason for the world ending, that they took up too much space. But in the end, they left no trace…
Its strange… as the new humans, and few that managed to survive, snorkeled and swam around, looking for signs of life… as they knew those waters had once been land..
All they could find were pieces of junk they’d never seen before, but the most common were these small rectangular things you could hold in your hand. An image of a bitten apple could be found on them. That was about the only sign of life… the same symbol, on all these little things.
It left so many questions.
They were everywhere. These little symbols.
From the few who survived the floods and fires, some stories remained..
Including a creation story about things going to shit after someone ate a piece of fruit. An apple, specifically.
Does anyone else realize, right here, right now—I speak to you outside of this “flash into our maybe not so fictional future”:
We’re holding things in our hands every day that bare the symbol of the forbidden fruit, from the “tree of knowledge”?
This is not cute marketing for us “getting away with being super smart oh wow what a cool reference” NO-
Think about the “information” that floods you every day. Most of it is utterly useless. Let me ask you one question:
Does it move you closer to the enjoyment of life, and experiencing the bliss of your existence, or further away?
That right there should be the only acid test of whether or something is useful— especially if it’s something that has infiltrated every aspect of modern life.
These forbidden fruit devices, these weird things everyone carried and stared into… they poured all their life force energy into them… so they had no energy left to put toward a life outside of the rectangles they carried.
They had no resistance, they had no resilience. They were burnt out, thinking they’d been productive.
As soon as the grid went down and the floods came… nothing was left except the shells of what they thought life was.
All their creations, their music, their art, their words, their thoughts, their stories, their relationships.. there was no evidence of this, no legacy left behind… no ancient ruins… other than these cryptic bitten-apple rectangles that sprinkled the weight this new ocean covered up with its own..the weight of demoralization, and stolen souls..
Everyone poured their consciousness into these strange devices, so they had no more energy left for the real world.
Augmented reality had taken over before people even knew what augmented reality meant.
Everyone was living in a virtual reality, simulations within simulations they’d come to call and complain about — algorithms.
Why would someone make such complicated nonsense out of life???
That’s what happens when you seek knowledge for knowledge’s sake— with NO INTENT.
Awareness is the intelligence.
What use is compassion without the wisdom of awareness? It’ll get you killed.
What use is the mind without the discernment of awareness? It would be scattered a thousand different ways, and so easily weaponized against itself…
Strange, how much this rhymes with what surrounds us.
I’m not so much interested in who is unaware of this, they aren’t at fault if they’re utterly oblivious.
The definition of tyranny is when the ones who ARE AWARE do nothing… not the sleeping ones.
We are the ones who are aware.
What are we doing?
Because… it has to leave this fake world, this augmented reality.
We are the ones who are guilty of tyranny if our works stop here on these rectangles of death..the phones, the apps, the internet… and as far as human life… for sleepers, semi-sleepers, quasi-awake, psych-ward candidate level awake, and then the wisdom at-oneness-with-all ones (sliding scale I did my best to describe)…
What will we be leaving behind? Because we are all going to die. This is part of our cycle. Trying to just “not die” is a stupid waste of life.
What dreams did we weave while we were here? What did we actualize? What did we leave behind? What did we experience? Did we enjoy our experience in this realm? Did we decorate the halls for the next round of spirits to enter? Or did we leave it a confusing dystopian hellscape?
Or… did we leave nothing at all?
The underwater lands we once called many countries… as the poles shifted 90 degrees in the year 2047, well, that which was water is now land, and that which is land is now water….for the most part.
What did we leave under these waters?
Just floating phones?
Where did our poetry go?
Why did we condense and confine our beautiful infinite creative expressions to something that can be turned off with a fucking switch? Only to have its entire history and existence erased…
There are no artifacts.. other than the objects that prevented us from creating any… and we allowed this to happen.. because we wouldn’t look up. We wouldn’t look away.
We went far too gently into that good night, long before it beckoned us.
So... the tsunamis weren’t much of a shock to anyone. Half the people it took out didn’t even notice they were dying… until they had been dead for some time.
Friend… maybe they’ll find our beautiful guitars.
Friend… maybe we should go to the rock walls near the ocean, and carve our lyrics and poems into them.
Friend, if we could leave a message in a bottle, let us consider what it would be….
Friend... if our lives were a message in a bottle, what might that expression be?
The goal is not avoid death.
The goal is to have fully lived before we exit.
The goal is to leave something of value behind… for our unknown future, and their once upon a time…
Somehow, we all wish we could appreciate life even more.. and at the end of this thing, we’ll want to have appreciated life as much as we possibly could.
Letting all the distractions be elsewhere… and oh, my mind… dwell on the Prana, the breath… as a single stream of consciousness… get lost in the rhythm.
-Jai Dev Singh
Friends, it is not too late.
The Winter Solstice is days away. I hope you those of you who are interested will join us for the Kundalini Yoga retreat, and to receive integrated Vedic teachings on the Four Purusharthas, the Universal Aims of Human Life.
If you do not practice kundalini yoga and meditation, I hope you will answer the call to rest and introspect, if you are receiving it from your inner-guide. There are endless ways to do this.
Honor yourself. Stand still in the dark, and let the wisdom pour into you.
For the patrons of this publication, I will be sharing the journey with you here— as much as I am able to, because I don’t want to take away from the experience in the moment, and some things you cannot explain. But as far as “reporting back” and sharing what I learned, yes, I can do that.
All subscriber shit and substack shenanigs aside… please share what it is you feel you can create and leave behind— outside of internet world.
I wrote an article recently on the importance of gathering IRL and if you are freedom-minded, how to tap in with to find out who is near you. IDK where everyone is from. I live in Florida. I do think that organizing and attending events that promote freedom, sovereignty, empowerment of the individual and collective, and expansion of consciousness, is a very helpful thing. These events are happening in many places in this country throughout each year. We can talk about that in another post.
We can also all start our own.
Ideas for getting us OFF the interwebs are welcomed.
Sharing what you will create is more than welcomed.
May all our hearts open a little more today than they … maybe ever have been? But certainly more than yesterday.
Many pieces of resonance. I am here in the Rogue river valley to build the first of 80 small communities. Each is built around a "chateau de fer" or iron castle. There's quite a bit of irony involved.
Each one is a library and a school and a meditation centre and a kitchen and a set of three dorms for families and chaste orders. Each is an archive with physical copies of key works and working examples of key inventions. These are echoes of a set of places that still exist and were built 17,000 years ago by the last high civilisation of which the ancient Greeks spoke - the civilisation that put moving pictures on the shield of Achilles and dancing robots on Mount Olympus - and which remain hidden for a while longer.
Around the chateaux are homes and markets and places to gather and distribute logistics of all kinds. These are the agorae of the market seeking people we have always been.
I have never owned an iPhone. There is another story about objects like these. Stanley Kubrik and Arthur C. Clarke told it in 1968 in the film "2001: a Space Odyssey." Clarke told a bit more in the 1984 film "2010: the Year We Make Contact." The monolith is 1 by 4 by 9 in size, which are the squares of 1, 2, 3... and some of them continue into the other dimensions indefinitely. Some of our phones are Android and a very few are open source operating systems.
There was a great flood 11,800 years ago. All the ice sheets that were two miles high, the Cordilleran, Laurentide, and European ice sheets melted at the same time, in 40 days and 40 nights. The coastal cities were flooded. What we see as continental shelves were partly above water in the last ice age. Most humans were living in those cities along what were then the coasts and are now 400 feet underwater. When the ice returns those cities and their archives will be above water again.
There is a new beginning that changes everything. God is putting His mark, the symbol A for aleph, on our country. He began in 2017 and the recent annular eclipse was a part of the writing, partly open by the way. The third line is drawn with the total eclipse of the 4th month of 2024 (a year of the 8).
In the book of Micah, chapter 5, verse 5, God sends 7 shepherds and 8 commanders of men who protect the promised land from invaders. They are all here. I have met each one.
FreedomCells is a key to reposition the good people together.
"When bad men combine, the good must associate, else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle." ~ Edmund Burke
A compelling dystopian tale, and one told very well; love the use of an 'apple' as the apocalyptic metaphor, by-the-way - well played ;-)