In the year 2047, Earth's magnetic poles shifted 90 degrees. What was land is now water, what was water now land. What did we leave behind, under those waters?
Many pieces of resonance. I am here in the Rogue river valley to build the first of 80 small communities. Each is built around a "chateau de fer" or iron castle. There's quite a bit of irony involved.
Each one is a library and a school and a meditation centre and a kitchen and a set of three dorms for families and chaste orders. Each is an archive with physical copies of key works and working examples of key inventions. These are echoes of a set of places that still exist and were built 17,000 years ago by the last high civilisation of which the ancient Greeks spoke - the civilisation that put moving pictures on the shield of Achilles and dancing robots on Mount Olympus - and which remain hidden for a while longer.
Around the chateaux are homes and markets and places to gather and distribute logistics of all kinds. These are the agorae of the market seeking people we have always been.
I have never owned an iPhone. There is another story about objects like these. Stanley Kubrik and Arthur C. Clarke told it in 1968 in the film "2001: a Space Odyssey." Clarke told a bit more in the 1984 film "2010: the Year We Make Contact." The monolith is 1 by 4 by 9 in size, which are the squares of 1, 2, 3... and some of them continue into the other dimensions indefinitely. Some of our phones are Android and a very few are open source operating systems.
There was a great flood 11,800 years ago. All the ice sheets that were two miles high, the Cordilleran, Laurentide, and European ice sheets melted at the same time, in 40 days and 40 nights. The coastal cities were flooded. What we see as continental shelves were partly above water in the last ice age. Most humans were living in those cities along what were then the coasts and are now 400 feet underwater. When the ice returns those cities and their archives will be above water again.
There is a new beginning that changes everything. God is putting His mark, the symbol A for aleph, on our country. He began in 2017 and the recent annular eclipse was a part of the writing, partly open by the way. The third line is drawn with the total eclipse of the 4th month of 2024 (a year of the 8).
In the book of Micah, chapter 5, verse 5, God sends 7 shepherds and 8 commanders of men who protect the promised land from invaders. They are all here. I have met each one.
FreedomCells is a key to reposition the good people together.
"When bad men combine, the good must associate, else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle." ~ Edmund Burke
YEP right on point with all that. Eclipse the first week of April 2024 is ... going to set some serious shit off, and entering the Year of the 8 is something I've been preparing for as best I can. And if this 90 degree pole shift truly does occur in a cycle of 10K-12K years... well we're due. IDK if you watch any of the content from Suspicious0bservers on YouTube... they follow and study this stuff quite extensively. Main guy over there thinks that this is going to happen in the 2040s. Aleph.. I know that word/symbol. I cannot remember why or what it was referenced as. Thank you so much for this. The eclipse paths I'm going to need to dive into tonight. As far as what happens when the third line is drawn, well I may need to read your article for that as you may have covered it, I just can't where I'm at right now. imma get back to this comment.
i dont know how it came to me other than weird shit does during meditations.. but the apple / iphone logo is everywherreeee so that aint even made up!! Thank you for reading I appreciate you!!!
First we need to get through the year 2030...I fear many will perish before then. Given that it's their big target year. The coming years will be fraught with challenges.
This is true... but I do think everything is tied in with them knowing about the magnetic pole shift, which would explain for literally everything they're doing, including all things pertaining to agenda 2030. reduce gen pop, conserve and control all resources, herd everyone into certain controlled areas, make everyone afraid of the sun but not for the actual reason they should be, have a perfect explanation for why shits changing and blame it on people bc we're so disconnected w cycles of nature no one knows wtf is happening, etc... its fkng nuts tho im with u on that. As far as them wanting to implement x y or z pertaining to agenda 2030, i think they're gonna try that shit much sooner. All of this is connected though, I do not see a difference. Leaving our mark and getting OFF the internet is the ONLY way we can combat that agenda. We're not gonna do it here. It'll be up to us to write our own script and with our own beings in real life NOT consent, and choose another way. Much love to you.
The way I see it, their target year for a bunch of agenda items is 2030. But the coming years will make progress on said items. Maybe they get 80% of their goals completed by then, or 100%, or 20%. Who knows. I hear about this 2047 shift but seems very far away given how 'desperate' they're becoming. Seems to me they're making a major, final push. Or the shift isn't 2047 and is 10+ years sooner.
All we can do is prep the best we can, live as best we can, and forget the rest we can't control.
I lived in the years following the world war and met Dr.George King in London1958, who became essential for our survival. The saga of those few years include attempts to take over the Earth, and metaphysical operations on a grand scale with Alien Adepts.
It is all in the Cosmic Voice magazines of "The Aetherius Society", and the biography of George King (1919-1997) for details of his sacrifices in founding The New Age.
I put some of it in my book "Metaphysics and The New Age", and blog on :
This world is in the throes of transmutation and may yet cause a tyranny depending on the proportions of support for freedom.
I do agree we are all in the throws of transmutation, it feels like we're having a collective dark night of the soul - i remember hearing a prophecy for the times, "there will be three types of people: crazy people, angellic people, and dead people" and when i look around that is what I see. I think tyranny has long begun and couldn't be more in our face, that's the trick of whatever this is right now-- its RIGHT in our face and people don't believe it or don't respond do it. So if we have a response to said tyranny... a coup, a revolution, a resistance... maaan i dont know what it'll take to get us to unify and mobilize, but I have a feeling that with what is to come simply from astronomical cues in tthe coming year... we may be entering the beginning of the end of this, but again it will be up to us on how we use our experiences, how we synthesize them.
I have a lot to catch up on with you. I have seen some interesting titles from you, roll across my screen. I am trying to stick with my assignments today rather than catching up on reading. It's HARD! You are a compelling individual and now I know you live sort of close to me :) Haha. Oh, I have a face now. I was previously "thought deleted by user", that was my face. Anyway, I like the idea of doing things in person. I am working on something this month which is a collaboration with someone that is a digital interaction. But I will be looking for ways to meet people with my feet on the earth this year. I know a LOT of people, I have no shortage of people to do things with or for, but I know very few people who are actually WORKING on these issues(of being a natural human with a natural plan.) I look forward to meeting more individuals such as yourself. Who knows? Maybe some day I can back you up on something, musically. Maybe there is some freedom fighter located halfway between us with a recording studio :) I want to record. I don't have the equipment. I will be working on that this year as well. Keep on doing what you are doing! I will be reading some of the stacks I missed from you in the coming week. You have quickly become important to me. PRESTO, just like that. Maybe we should start reminding people that we need a recording studio in the middle of Florida :) I refer to myself now as a legacy builder. The most important thing to me now is to become what I can become to enact change where I am and to create a path for the young people behind me. That does require feet on the earth. That does require real life community. That does require listening for wisdom. Thank you!
Yooo I actually have a home recording studio! It’s not full blown pro but all the music I’ve recorded I’ve always done myself so I’m totally interested in discussing that further!! And I guarantee there’s others too. We shall find them and if we start making stuff too -- that’ll put up the bat signal in the area so to speak! I’m glad you mentioned where u live. I just moved here a few months ago and I love it, when I saw that I had to say something!!
The point in the "story" was to remind people a simple message of molecules > pixels. No one knows what is going to happen. It really does depend on us. The more we concentrate all our energy onto the talking spaces of the internet, the less energy we have to manifest anything in the physical reality. all that is going on is going on because we allow it with passive consent. Lack of resistance is permission.
I joined the network, there are two groups in my area. They aren't too active. I will see if I can kick it up a notch. Thanks for dropping that website!(
Yooo imma check on there too since I just relocated.. did you get in their telegram groups? I also know some people that live in the Orlando area that I have met at Freedom festivals and I’ve been meaning to go visit them, it’s just been hard to find time. But I can tap in with them and see who they know, because with what they’ve going got going on I know they know people out here too. They are likely closer to you than me, but sort of in the midway point? But I’m always up for a drive that’s for sure !! Btw my email is if that’s easier and if ur on telegram lmk ur username there!
The way I see it is that our owners aren't really happy with the choices of free people so they’re doing their best to run it into the cattle shoot… Doing a fine job of it too I might add. They’ve been working with the advantage of stealth, but now they’re known and anyone can go back and look at the fingerprints. As for the “rectangle of death,” (you do have a way with words:) I think that's probably ceding too much power to that little square. What actually is on the horizon is another first-by my friend Musk. That Nuro Link is no joke. But necessary, if we are to keep up. BTW that magnetic pole shift is no joke either… Its happened before and appears to be in the works in this present solar cycle.
yes, allegedly the cycle is about every 10,000-12,000 years, and allegedly we're coming up on the 12,000 year mark. as far as technology in geneal, this was a vision/story i had come to mind... i dont think iphone versus neuralink makes much of a difference once we've gotten to this point. our hypnosis with technology, exemplified to a staggering degree the younger the generation is when they're exposed (which nowadays is immediately), i think gives way to all this other crazy shit. neuralink included, all things 2030 and anti-human included. it makes people docile and disconnected, and therefore, castrated spiritually. In my opinion... and also experience.
A profound piece, it certainly raised my awareness and now I'm looking around only to realise everything of value is attached to a disk in the box under my desk. Extremely fragile at the best of times.
I must influence far more of those around me. My books won't last and I'm sure they'll burn most of them.
uhg this comment is powerful. Yes... so much of our everything is... swallowed into digital nothingness, projected seemingly everywhere to give the illusion of everything. Many blessings to you.
Adam and Eve gave up all else for the bite of the Apple. They lacked nothing. My point here is not that knowledge is bad - it’s absolutely critical. But focusing on what we don’t have when we have so much is the point. It can cause great loss when you can’t take stock of what you have, and know what is at risk when you are enticed to desire a promise. Sometimes those promises are empty.
It is a sinister symbol that Apple presents us. You hold in your hand knowledge symbolized by that logo, yet we ignore the irony of the legend of the forbidden fruit. And the price for taking a bite of the fruit. It’s almost a revelation of the method. When you fail to recognized their irony, you have failed their test as you’re not astute enough to see their plan, and that encourages them to take even further steps. Because they think we are to helpless to recognize what they want to do.
When Steve Jobs and other Big Tech heavies do not allow their children to use the devices, it says something.
But perhaps there is another legend of an Apple with a bite mark, the one that is poisoned.
I think about this a lot too. The apple bitten into and everytime we hold the phone we hold that apple in the palm of our hand, literally...and in our palm is where our energy resides, energy that can be used through doing work that produces substance, FRUIT....or that which leaves rotten residue of time wasted staring into black apple a day keeps the Doctor away.....but only if it's organic....real....natural.....and not an illusion etched into reality where the days fade into daze.....
Many pieces of resonance. I am here in the Rogue river valley to build the first of 80 small communities. Each is built around a "chateau de fer" or iron castle. There's quite a bit of irony involved.
Each one is a library and a school and a meditation centre and a kitchen and a set of three dorms for families and chaste orders. Each is an archive with physical copies of key works and working examples of key inventions. These are echoes of a set of places that still exist and were built 17,000 years ago by the last high civilisation of which the ancient Greeks spoke - the civilisation that put moving pictures on the shield of Achilles and dancing robots on Mount Olympus - and which remain hidden for a while longer.
Around the chateaux are homes and markets and places to gather and distribute logistics of all kinds. These are the agorae of the market seeking people we have always been.
I have never owned an iPhone. There is another story about objects like these. Stanley Kubrik and Arthur C. Clarke told it in 1968 in the film "2001: a Space Odyssey." Clarke told a bit more in the 1984 film "2010: the Year We Make Contact." The monolith is 1 by 4 by 9 in size, which are the squares of 1, 2, 3... and some of them continue into the other dimensions indefinitely. Some of our phones are Android and a very few are open source operating systems.
There was a great flood 11,800 years ago. All the ice sheets that were two miles high, the Cordilleran, Laurentide, and European ice sheets melted at the same time, in 40 days and 40 nights. The coastal cities were flooded. What we see as continental shelves were partly above water in the last ice age. Most humans were living in those cities along what were then the coasts and are now 400 feet underwater. When the ice returns those cities and their archives will be above water again.
There is a new beginning that changes everything. God is putting His mark, the symbol A for aleph, on our country. He began in 2017 and the recent annular eclipse was a part of the writing, partly open by the way. The third line is drawn with the total eclipse of the 4th month of 2024 (a year of the 8).
In the book of Micah, chapter 5, verse 5, God sends 7 shepherds and 8 commanders of men who protect the promised land from invaders. They are all here. I have met each one.
FreedomCells is a key to reposition the good people together.
"When bad men combine, the good must associate, else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle." ~ Edmund Burke
oh BTW i grew up in Oregon ;-)
Splendid! I have the ambition to grow up one day. But it is not this day! 🤪😁
YEP right on point with all that. Eclipse the first week of April 2024 is ... going to set some serious shit off, and entering the Year of the 8 is something I've been preparing for as best I can. And if this 90 degree pole shift truly does occur in a cycle of 10K-12K years... well we're due. IDK if you watch any of the content from Suspicious0bservers on YouTube... they follow and study this stuff quite extensively. Main guy over there thinks that this is going to happen in the 2040s. Aleph.. I know that word/symbol. I cannot remember why or what it was referenced as. Thank you so much for this. The eclipse paths I'm going to need to dive into tonight. As far as what happens when the third line is drawn, well I may need to read your article for that as you may have covered it, I just can't where I'm at right now. imma get back to this comment.
Take your time lady. I delved a bit into the eclipses in an earlier essay this year.
Aleph is the Hebrew word for the letter A. Bet is Hebrew for B.
In Greek the words are alpha and beta. So our word "alphabet" is a bit of each.
The pole shift will come after 2040.
The three eclipse paths are shown here
A compelling dystopian tale, and one told very well; love the use of an 'apple' as the apocalyptic metaphor, by-the-way - well played ;-)
i dont know how it came to me other than weird shit does during meditations.. but the apple / iphone logo is everywherreeee so that aint even made up!! Thank you for reading I appreciate you!!!
First we need to get through the year 2030...I fear many will perish before then. Given that it's their big target year. The coming years will be fraught with challenges.
This is true... but I do think everything is tied in with them knowing about the magnetic pole shift, which would explain for literally everything they're doing, including all things pertaining to agenda 2030. reduce gen pop, conserve and control all resources, herd everyone into certain controlled areas, make everyone afraid of the sun but not for the actual reason they should be, have a perfect explanation for why shits changing and blame it on people bc we're so disconnected w cycles of nature no one knows wtf is happening, etc... its fkng nuts tho im with u on that. As far as them wanting to implement x y or z pertaining to agenda 2030, i think they're gonna try that shit much sooner. All of this is connected though, I do not see a difference. Leaving our mark and getting OFF the internet is the ONLY way we can combat that agenda. We're not gonna do it here. It'll be up to us to write our own script and with our own beings in real life NOT consent, and choose another way. Much love to you.
The way I see it, their target year for a bunch of agenda items is 2030. But the coming years will make progress on said items. Maybe they get 80% of their goals completed by then, or 100%, or 20%. Who knows. I hear about this 2047 shift but seems very far away given how 'desperate' they're becoming. Seems to me they're making a major, final push. Or the shift isn't 2047 and is 10+ years sooner.
All we can do is prep the best we can, live as best we can, and forget the rest we can't control.
I agree, prep holistically and still remember to live - as one man put it, “you can prepare for doomsday, but don’t forget to prep for Tuesday” 💎❤️🫡
Yep, about all we can do.
I lived in the years following the world war and met Dr.George King in London1958, who became essential for our survival. The saga of those few years include attempts to take over the Earth, and metaphysical operations on a grand scale with Alien Adepts.
It is all in the Cosmic Voice magazines of "The Aetherius Society", and the biography of George King (1919-1997) for details of his sacrifices in founding The New Age.
I put some of it in my book "Metaphysics and The New Age", and blog on :
This world is in the throes of transmutation and may yet cause a tyranny depending on the proportions of support for freedom.
I do agree we are all in the throws of transmutation, it feels like we're having a collective dark night of the soul - i remember hearing a prophecy for the times, "there will be three types of people: crazy people, angellic people, and dead people" and when i look around that is what I see. I think tyranny has long begun and couldn't be more in our face, that's the trick of whatever this is right now-- its RIGHT in our face and people don't believe it or don't respond do it. So if we have a response to said tyranny... a coup, a revolution, a resistance... maaan i dont know what it'll take to get us to unify and mobilize, but I have a feeling that with what is to come simply from astronomical cues in tthe coming year... we may be entering the beginning of the end of this, but again it will be up to us on how we use our experiences, how we synthesize them.
I have a lot to catch up on with you. I have seen some interesting titles from you, roll across my screen. I am trying to stick with my assignments today rather than catching up on reading. It's HARD! You are a compelling individual and now I know you live sort of close to me :) Haha. Oh, I have a face now. I was previously "thought deleted by user", that was my face. Anyway, I like the idea of doing things in person. I am working on something this month which is a collaboration with someone that is a digital interaction. But I will be looking for ways to meet people with my feet on the earth this year. I know a LOT of people, I have no shortage of people to do things with or for, but I know very few people who are actually WORKING on these issues(of being a natural human with a natural plan.) I look forward to meeting more individuals such as yourself. Who knows? Maybe some day I can back you up on something, musically. Maybe there is some freedom fighter located halfway between us with a recording studio :) I want to record. I don't have the equipment. I will be working on that this year as well. Keep on doing what you are doing! I will be reading some of the stacks I missed from you in the coming week. You have quickly become important to me. PRESTO, just like that. Maybe we should start reminding people that we need a recording studio in the middle of Florida :) I refer to myself now as a legacy builder. The most important thing to me now is to become what I can become to enact change where I am and to create a path for the young people behind me. That does require feet on the earth. That does require real life community. That does require listening for wisdom. Thank you!
Yooo I actually have a home recording studio! It’s not full blown pro but all the music I’ve recorded I’ve always done myself so I’m totally interested in discussing that further!! And I guarantee there’s others too. We shall find them and if we start making stuff too -- that’ll put up the bat signal in the area so to speak! I’m glad you mentioned where u live. I just moved here a few months ago and I love it, when I saw that I had to say something!!
I like.
This is an awesome piece milady! Bravo! To answer your question,
The greatest I can aspire to, is to touch one soul, tend one heart, spark one connection with another.
The butterfly effect ensues.
Love, is the greatest thing I can ever do.
Reporting for duty...from the land of the Aleph and the Omegas.🔥
A very fine tale, as it could be and may have been.
For the present we are developing a new age of freedom and peace. The confusion and threats for a world government, are the signs of transmutation
The point in the "story" was to remind people a simple message of molecules > pixels. No one knows what is going to happen. It really does depend on us. The more we concentrate all our energy onto the talking spaces of the internet, the less energy we have to manifest anything in the physical reality. all that is going on is going on because we allow it with passive consent. Lack of resistance is permission.
Your post in the twelfth month of last year was one of the inspirations for this post of mine earlier this year.
Bout to read it
I joined the network, there are two groups in my area. They aren't too active. I will see if I can kick it up a notch. Thanks for dropping that website!(
Yooo imma check on there too since I just relocated.. did you get in their telegram groups? I also know some people that live in the Orlando area that I have met at Freedom festivals and I’ve been meaning to go visit them, it’s just been hard to find time. But I can tap in with them and see who they know, because with what they’ve going got going on I know they know people out here too. They are likely closer to you than me, but sort of in the midway point? But I’m always up for a drive that’s for sure !! Btw my email is if that’s easier and if ur on telegram lmk ur username there!
I sent you an email a moment ago.
The way I see it is that our owners aren't really happy with the choices of free people so they’re doing their best to run it into the cattle shoot… Doing a fine job of it too I might add. They’ve been working with the advantage of stealth, but now they’re known and anyone can go back and look at the fingerprints. As for the “rectangle of death,” (you do have a way with words:) I think that's probably ceding too much power to that little square. What actually is on the horizon is another first-by my friend Musk. That Nuro Link is no joke. But necessary, if we are to keep up. BTW that magnetic pole shift is no joke either… Its happened before and appears to be in the works in this present solar cycle.
yes, allegedly the cycle is about every 10,000-12,000 years, and allegedly we're coming up on the 12,000 year mark. as far as technology in geneal, this was a vision/story i had come to mind... i dont think iphone versus neuralink makes much of a difference once we've gotten to this point. our hypnosis with technology, exemplified to a staggering degree the younger the generation is when they're exposed (which nowadays is immediately), i think gives way to all this other crazy shit. neuralink included, all things 2030 and anti-human included. it makes people docile and disconnected, and therefore, castrated spiritually. In my opinion... and also experience.
A profound piece, it certainly raised my awareness and now I'm looking around only to realise everything of value is attached to a disk in the box under my desk. Extremely fragile at the best of times.
I must influence far more of those around me. My books won't last and I'm sure they'll burn most of them.
Thanks for the stark reminder.
uhg this comment is powerful. Yes... so much of our everything is... swallowed into digital nothingness, projected seemingly everywhere to give the illusion of everything. Many blessings to you.
Adam and Eve gave up all else for the bite of the Apple. They lacked nothing. My point here is not that knowledge is bad - it’s absolutely critical. But focusing on what we don’t have when we have so much is the point. It can cause great loss when you can’t take stock of what you have, and know what is at risk when you are enticed to desire a promise. Sometimes those promises are empty.
It is a sinister symbol that Apple presents us. You hold in your hand knowledge symbolized by that logo, yet we ignore the irony of the legend of the forbidden fruit. And the price for taking a bite of the fruit. It’s almost a revelation of the method. When you fail to recognized their irony, you have failed their test as you’re not astute enough to see their plan, and that encourages them to take even further steps. Because they think we are to helpless to recognize what they want to do.
When Steve Jobs and other Big Tech heavies do not allow their children to use the devices, it says something.
But perhaps there is another legend of an Apple with a bite mark, the one that is poisoned.
I think about this a lot too. The apple bitten into and everytime we hold the phone we hold that apple in the palm of our hand, literally...and in our palm is where our energy resides, energy that can be used through doing work that produces substance, FRUIT....or that which leaves rotten residue of time wasted staring into black apple a day keeps the Doctor away.....but only if it's organic....real....natural.....and not an illusion etched into reality where the days fade into daze.....