Friends, if I could have a moment of your precious time to share a piece of my cousin’s legacy with you, I would be most grateful.
Later today, I will have another email/post going out regarding a memorial foundation set up in his name to help kids that are struggling and need protection, guidance, and support. He was part of a program like this when he was a kid. Please keep an eye out for that, I am just waiting on the final details.
Memento Mori: Anyone reading this is now in the hallway of the hero’s journey, that which we call LIFE:
Between the door of the womb, and the door death.
Know that you are a living legacy in process, right this minute.
I am going to share some of my cousin’s legacy with you here, and in the next post, and likely a few others.
We will be gathering to celebrate his life tomorrow. This moment, I’d like to share a piece of his music. I’ll continue to do so over time.
Corey Meskil, AKA Meskilator, was able to alchemize his pain and trauma, things that normally immobilize people, into his expression as a lyricist, rap artist, and performer.
This is no easy feat. To be able to extract diamonds from the rough of your pain and share them with an often cruel and cold world is an act of valor, and a tremendous testament to the strength of one’s Spirit. In this case, his Spirit.
Fly in Bliss cousin. Your soul is eternal and your music immortalizes you — as do the memories you left behind, and the way you made people feel. You were perhaps too bright for this world, having understood your own sovereignty at such a young age.
Rightfully so, I remember the 9 year old you being bold and proud, and never apologetic for it. This was my first time meeting you, you were 9 and I was 10. I barely remember anything from my early life, but I remember our conversation that day. I was so excited to find out I had a cousin my age. It makes sense why I can still see that moment in my minds eye. You were a Spirit of truth, because you were free, and you shared that with me just by talking to me.
This is why I never forgot. It makes sense now.
Your legacy leaves a lesson we can all learn from:
It is NOT easy to be who you are when your Soul burns as bright as the Sun. Let your rays our regardless.
Let it be known that Corey Meskil, AKA Meskilator, overcame things in this life that most people are too scared to talk about, let alone survive. Salute to a Warrior.
The same spirit I saw in you at the age of 9 still lives. Your spirit is Akaal - Deathless. Nondying. Nonborn. Eternal.
You were bold and proud and full of magical energy — that is why one of my only childhood memories was when I met you. It stuck throughout my life. And though I wouldn’t see you again until we were both in our early 30s, and it was only for a short time… I recognized myself in you, and that made me proud. It was understood.
How fortunate I am to have been related to you, even though we did not grow up together. When I found your music in 2020 and found out that we had been through all the same shit and both found our way to music, I was so proud.
Honored, more like it.
You doing what you did for yourself by choosing the brave path of the artist made me feel connected — it made me feel like maybe I wasn’t so alone, because someone in my family had walked the same path and was doing the same thing. What an incredible thing that was to discover. I’ve struggled with connection my whole life, and not really knowing if who I am is “okay” or not.
Seeing who you had become made me feel connected and validated in who I was.
I never told you that, but I think you know that now.
Thank you.
You’re moving me to tears through your words.. no good thought, no kind word, no tear, no memory will get lost in the Universe. It flows around and reaches those in need.
Even across that invisible barrier separating us.
May your cousin’s legacy, the memory of who he was be a blessing 🙏💙
Thanks for bringing the music, lyrically and rhythmically very good. Unlike the past we can now bring so much media along with the memory of those who have gone, that's a thing about technology I like.