Supernatural Raquel: Florida Artist and Alchemist Releases Her Self Love Spoken Word Album
This is what it means to be an artist. A soul in human form, reporting back from the places most are too afraid to look:
Hello, friends. Please join me for this Sunday interlude to experience what is nothing less than the magnificent resilience and divine creativity of the spirit in human form.
I think you will find yourself here.
Supernatural Raquel, Florida-based spoken word poet, singer and songwriter just released her self-produced Self Love Spoken Word Album on Bandcamp.
I am so proud of her, and honored to share this with you.
Not even halfway through the first track, My Reflection, I was in tears.
She was speaking to a fractured core within me, and in all honestly, within all of us, that has been begging for our attention, healing and integration our whole lives.
Supernatural Raquel starts with the bottom line up front - cutting straight to the heart of the matter. I’ve seen her perform spoken word before, and she has the same effect. She has a way of slashing through delusions with a single sentence.
She does this again with Abuser, and this is one of the spoken word pieces I saw her perform live. I have a video of it in this post here.
Her background vocals (yes, she is an incredible singer and songwriter as well) in Rise of Divine Feminine are the type that trigger your own singing instinct, whether you sing or not.
To have a voice that strong and smooth is a superpower, as it unlocks something primal and universal within all of us.
She really showcases her vocal skill and versatility on This is Love. Incredibly jazzy with ethereal instrumentation, this is a whole song.
I’ve personally never seen an artist release something this unique, an entire body of self-produced work where she didn’t try to fit in any box, it’s completely uniquely her, all the way down to the cover art.
Yes, its spoken word poetry, yes, it’s as relevant as it gets, and it is also music, it is also instrumentals, it is also beautiful vocals - it’s something that, were it sold on cassette tape, even though I don’t have a cassette player, I’d buy it just to have it as the treasure it is.
Speaking of cassette tapes, I remember as a kid when I’d listen to, well maybe not tapes, but CDs. CDs all the time. Those CDs were everything to me. How could you survive the world without music?
I thought to myself, imagine if the 10, 11, 12, 13 year old version of me, of any of us, would have had THIS album at that age?
How seen we would have felt.
How much that would have changed our lives.
The irony and beauty is, I’m sure she could have used this very creation at a young age as well; who wouldn’t benefit from it? So, she fought wars most are too afraid to acknowledge within themselves to one day create it.
Now, young and old alike can have this album, because age has no baring on the fact that she’s talking directly to the soul having a human evolutionary experience, while bravely sharing hers.
The amount of personal excavation, alchemizing, discipline and strength it takes to “go there” in general is staggering - but to create an album from that process? I mean… is there anything more beautiful about being a soul in human form than that?
That is exactly what being an artist is.
And if you look around in “mainstream art/music/etc” - it seems society has, to its detriment, forgotten this. Forgotten the role of the artist. Forgotten the NECESSITY of the artist in any healthy society.
Luckily, some have remembered.
It is to tell the TRUTH of the life you experience. To tell the TRUTH of the times you live in. To be brave and go where most will not, and to uniquely, artistically, report back: What it’s like in the dark night of the soul, and the diamond that lies at the heart of it all.
Infinite salutes and flowers to you, Supernatural Raquel.
May you all be blessed by the tremendous beauty that lies in these lyrics and sounds.
To connect with Supernatural Raquel:
If she joins Substack, which I hope she does, I will ABSOLUTELY be sharing and recommending that publication! Stay tuned. And most of all, enjoy.
P.S. The post where two of Supernatural Raquel’s live spoken word performances can be seen is RIGHT HERE!
She’s awesome! Much like the woman sharing this.
Thank you Tesstamona. 🙏💕