"You don't light a lamp to put a basket over it"
One of the best messages I've heard - passing on to you:
This is one of the best messages I have heard in my life; certainly the best Sunday message. I am going to link the video below, it’s is a personal 10 minute story from TJ Morris, a.k.a. Bear Independent.
This hit me hard, not just because of the themes of forgiveness, no longer hiding, the analogy of the fruit tree & the analogy of the lamp, but also what he said about music.
Last night in Tampa was my first time performing live music since July 2023 - that is 18 months.
That might not sound like a long time to some people, but when your calling is to create and share, it results in an inner atrophy & mayhem I don’t have words for. It’s choking yourself out on a soul level.
To step back into yourself, your body, your life, your calling, whatever that looks like, is to participate in your own Resurrection, for lack of better phrasing.
I have more I could share with you, but I would rather leave you with Bear’s message. May it be a blessing to you.
P.S. Thank you to everyone who has weighed in regarding the Algorithm Ghetto Remix. I have been traveling and haven’t been on Substack much, but I’ll respond when able. I’ll have the video and song out in a few weeks, but I’ll make sure it’s released first here :-)
Amen and thank you for sharing the raw truth!
Amen, and thank you for sharing this! Love the honesty and raw truth.