Let’s keep this short. I do not enjoy writing about anything involving mass casualties. But the time has come for us to face reality of the cyclical nature of things, including the Sun.
Note that there are LINKS I am including. Please look at it yourself before drawing conclusions.
The Recent Timeline:
Keep in mind, the Sun’s activity had been very active in the weeks leading up to this:
December 23rd, 2024 - M9 Solar Flare (nearly X class). High flare and CME (Coronal mass ejection) watch.
December 25th, 2024 - Khazakstan plane crash, M9 solar flares erupting and CME arriving- expected 12/26 or 12/27, micronova event, etc.
December 29th, 2024 - X Class Solar Flare and CME, and three plane crashes or incidents: Plane crashes in South Korea, killing everyone on board except two people. Plane emergency lands in Canada and catches fire, and Plane slides off runway and nearly crashes in Norway.
December 30th, 2024 - TWO X Class Solar Flares and CMEs approaching, anticipated into first or second day of new year. First appearance of the weird “fog” across the world, including strange physical illness symptoms being reported.
December 31st, 2024 - Double impact arrived from CMEs, a few more M class solar flares, level 2 geomagnetic storms, sunspots, etc.
January 1st, 2025 - Level 4 Solar Storms, above expectations. NOAA was correct in their predictions. Medium shockwaves and geomagnetic storm conditions. Visible auroral displays from Mexico.
January 2nd, 2025 - Plane crashes into a warehouse in Fullerton, California. No “official” explanation available at this time.
You decide.
I recommend following this channel & going through their playlist to learn what this means.
I don’t know how to share the entire channel so just subscribe from this video here. The channel is called Suspicious0bservers.
Why isn’t the conversation about the magnetic pole shift of both Earth and Sun being discussed?
Why aren’t we aware of these natural cycles, including the one we’re in now?
This information doesn’t get out to the public because it would cause mass panic. Why? Because there’s nothing we can do about it, that’s why.
Can you prepare and strategically relocate? Yeah, but with this many people on the planet, if everyone knew that we’re nearing the time of a 90 degree pole shift on Earth, well, we can’t all fit at the top of the Rocky Mountains, nor do most people know how to survive in the aftermath.
Truly, we don’t know exactly when this will happen or exactly what it will look like. It could be three years, it could be 30 years. I don’t know.
There’s other theories (that I have not investigated thoroughly enough) that claim this also has something to do with the evolutionary process of the Soul. I will not comment further because I simply do not know - but if you have something to add, by all means, please do in the comments.
Fear Not.
I remember the teaching Remington Donovan passed down:
When your frequency is attuned to the Divine, you will always be in the right place at the right time.
I’m paraphrasing, but lean into your preparedness in the mundane and in the Spirit.
Memento Mori - of course we’re all gonna die… BUT… we’re still here for a reason.
May we not waste any time.
A few obvious take-aways:
Don’t get on a plane when there’s high levels of solar activity.
Do not fly during multiple incoming CMEs and X class flares.
It does not seem that pilots nor passengers are aware of what’s going on with the Sun. Passengers not knowing is one thing — pilots not knowing is incredibly dangerous.
Are there any pilots here on Substack? I’d love to hear your experience if so.
Understand that not just satellites, navigation systems and the grid itself can get destroyed, but solar storms, flares and CMEs affect our physiology and behavior.
You can observe solar activity or “space weather” through NOAA or you can tap in with Suspicious0bservers. It’s no different than checking the weather outside.
It’s best to understand so one can operate accordingly.
Otherwise, you’ll think you’re losing your mind.
Have compassion, get good rest, make sure you’re sharpening your sword.
Listen for God, go forth and affect the fabric of Reality.
None of us really know shit, but let’s stop with the freaking out about man-made climate change.
Yeah, we fuck shit up here, and geo-engineering/cloud seeding/HAARP and having the whole planet in an EMF radiation grid is the WORST thing we’ve done to the planet IMO.
However, the sun is still going to have a solar maximum and solar minimum cycle. That’s pretty normal though. We’re in a solar maximum phase right now. The rest is much more complicated and above my pay grade.
Here’s a way to get up to speed - all I can tell you is the people who spend time studying this are not freaking out.
The earth is still going to go through pole shifts. The north pole has already been moving.
A lot of this depopulation / smart city / great reset shit makes a lot of sense if those people had this information (they do).
Health body equals clear mind.
A clear mind can decide how they want to navigate the time they have here on Earth.
Of course we will survive, we are deathless souls in the infinite. But in human form, how would you like to spend your time?
Let us just be clear that.. while we don’t know SHIT… because we don’t.. we at least know a little better than to be flying planes and acting like shits business as usual during severe space weather.
I suggest harmonizing with the universe personally, but do what thou wilt.
Discuss as much as you want, just don’t freak out. It doesn’t help anything.
If you feel fear, use it as motivation to waste no time in living the most authentic and brave life you could possibly conceive of - then go beyond even that.
Plane crashes aside, it really would be nice if people paid more attention to space weather and pole shifts. But considering people's inability during COVID to grasp that 100,000 deaths were relatively small compared to the overall population, I doubt the galactic-scale forces behind all this are anywhere within their comprehension.
I do not think the Sun is going to destroy us. Some changes are due which will affect the earth as part of the plans for the New Age.
Control in the Cosmos is part of evolution and can be relied on for the benefit for all.
Release of antigravity would reduce the aircraft accidents.